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.And every individual request means, in most cases, aface-to-face interaction with another human being, which, of course, is an opportunity to use thetools of Covert Hypnosis.With every door you knock on, or every telephone call you make, consciously strive toget in tune with the human being you are communicating with.Speak in the same tone andtempo as they do.Mirror their body language.Smile with the same frequency they do.Becomelike them, if just for a few minutes.Before you ask for their support, think to yourself,  based on what this person showsoutwardly, what type of interests, beliefs and values might they espouse? What is reallyimportant to them? What questions could I ask them that may elicit these values? How could Itie their values and beliefs into an Organized Multiple Story, Encrypted Instruction, or Post-Hypnotic Instruction?Everyone has  hot buttons  issues, causes, and ideals that are near and dear to theirheart.These are generally highly emotional and serve as well-habituated, ready-made Post-Hypnotic Instructions waiting to be triggered.The key is to link these PHIs to the cause you areworking for and then fire them off.There is no need to complicate matters.One or two carefully designed questions are allyou need to extract the hot buttons of others.Then artfully entwine them with your cause.SALESIt does not matter what you sell insurance, cars, candles at parties, vitamins throughmulti-level marketing, retail cosmetics, million dollar computer networks, or hundred milliondollar airplanes, most sales involve persuading other human beings face-to-face or over thephone.Usually both.Covert Hypnosis can be used in either environment to induce powerfulharmony with your prospects.If you are currently in sales, and earn most of your income throughcommission, it is no secret to you that you aren t going to sell much to anyone if they do not likeyou.79_______________________________________________________________Bill O Connell COVERT HYPNOSIS________________________________________________________________The best sales people I have ever known had the inherent inclination of becoming like thepeople they were selling.They naturally gravitated towards shaping their outward behavior to besimilar to their prospects.Once again, people do tend to like people who are like them.But the top performers are generally complicated people who have a talent for reallyzeroing in on the  hidden motivation that most buyers have.If you are in sales, the absolutebest thing you can do, in my opinion, is to seek out the top performer in your company (assumingtheir is a top performer) and persuade them to let you spend a couple of weeks with them.Not acouple of hours two solid weeks of immersion in their daily routine.You need to pick up thesubtleties the nuances of how they really act, not how they say they act.The two are almostalways like night and day.If the person you find makes over $100,000 a year (in 1998 dollars) there is a very highprobability that they use many of the skills of Covert Hypnosis and have absolutely no idea thatthey are expert hypnotists! Most top-notch communicators naturally use many, but not all, of thetools taught in this book.After all, that s where the tools came from the study of highlypersuasive people.One word of caution when you find a top performing salesperson to emulate: be verycautious about what you tell them regarding books you have read or seminars and tapes you havepurchased.Most high income salespeople balk at formal sales training claiming that  you can tlearn what I do from a book or seminar.Top salespeople are very often mavericks who don tapprove of the book learning approach.Don t let their sneers affect you.As good as the top producers are at selling, they arenotoriously bad at teaching what they do.That s why you can listen to them they cannot tellyou how to do what they do.You have to observe them in action [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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