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.It was yet another wound inflicted upon him.She had believed him dead these long years and had been a faithful daughter to herfather s wishes to depose a foul son to whom he was honor-bound to pass the crown.As she had her entire life, she had been true to herself, doing what she thought best forher people she was destined to never rule.In his absence, she had lived as she knewbest, for her land and king, and had moved on as Arrin had never been able to.He turned away as the tears leaked bold down his cheeks.The strands of his worldunraveled in the span of moments, there was but one thing left between them. What ofour child?Malya sighed.Arrin saw her shoulders slump from out of the corner of his eye.Heturned to stare at her, his heart slow in his chest, fearful of the worst. That is a secret my father guards well within the shrouded depths of his addledmind. Anger and sadness, in equal parts, seemed to glitter in her eyes. He aloneknows to whom our child went, but even burdened beneath the full weight ofdementia, his mind unclear for many years, he has spoken no names.I have doneeverything in my power since that day to find our baby.My threats and bribes haveturned up nothing, my father s willful command of secrecy overruling my attempts.124 Tim MarquitzArrin turned to face her. And your brother? Does he know? My father kept it a secret from him as well, trusting the less Olenn knew, the saferour child was.He has.had, she corrected,  No faith in my brother s sense of justice.Of that, at least, I concur.A sour grin crept to Arrin s lips. To which I too agree.Their eyes met once more and she gave him a somber smile.He felt a pang ofjealousy stab at his heart as he longed to embrace her, but knew it was no longer hisplace to do so.Though her explanation stung his pride and thrust hardened steel deepinside the very essence of his being, they had brought back his purpose. You must leave Lathah, he told her, hoping she would hear the seriousness in histone. I cannot.These are my people.Arrin had expected no less, an argument to challenge her unflinching loyaltyprepared during his long walk from Fhen. Then rally them to you and warn themdisaster comes at the hands of the Grol. He could see the doubt, even in her eyes. We have battled the Grol for centuries Arrin cut her off.Heat colored his voice. Do you not think I know this? Maltis andseveral of Malya s guard inched closer. I would not have come, would not have daredto put you or our child at risk of Olenn s wrath for such a lowly menace as the Grolwere it not a true threat.The beasts have come unto magic. He leaned close andwhispered,  They are armed with the same magic as the gift you gave me on the day ofmy exile.Her eyes went to his throat, growing wide. You speak true? Aye.As ever so true as when I fell to my knees and told you of my love for you.Her tears spilled free.She placed her hand beneath his wild hair and set it upon thecollar.He could feel the warmth of her fingers pulsing against his throat. It was meantto be my brother s, but my father could never bring himself to pass on such a powerfulrelic to a man like Olenn.He feared what he might do with it so instead, he gave it tome in hopes I would bear the land a legitimate heir one day. She gave Arrin an125 Tim Marquitzapologetic look. My father believed a man might need its power to unseat Olenn oncehe had become comfortable upon the throne.I passed it to you, for I believed youneeded it more than any speculative unborn heir.Arrin could hardly catch his breath. For that, I am forever grateful. He bit back thesatisfaction that Olenn had been robbed of the gift and stared deep into the emeralds ofher eyes. But I know its true power, am fearful of it even.I am doubly so for that whichthe Grol now wield.There is conquest in their heart; murder, revenge.He waved her to silence as she began to speak. They do not possess but one or twoof such relics, which would be terror enough, but hundreds.I watched as they rainedfire down over Fhenahr, blasting the walls to rubble and burning their people alive in afiery conflagration from which there was no escape; not alive, least ways. Thememories flickered to the fore in shades of blood and ash. And when the walls fell, thebeasts stormed into Fhen and murdered all without mercy. His voice grew low. Theycome next to Lathah.They will not be satisfied with simple victory.Malya let her trembling hand slip from his neck. What would you have me do,Arrin? If your brother will not listen to reason, as we know is his wont, then come awaywith me.If I cannot save everyone, I would save you.and your family. He added thelast with effort, the words reluctant to form upon his tongue. The great walls will beno protection when they come this time.They will only trap the people inside, asarcophagus of stone made for all of Lathah.Our beloved homeland will be acemetery. I cannot leave my people behind [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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