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.They promised me a million green ones if I brought youin alive.”“That all?”Tool grinned.“You think mighty highly of yourself and that woman in there.I mustadmit she’s quite a good-looking woman.She the one who’s been on your mind allthese years?”Jacob had confided in Tool about Hannah but never by name.Tool had told him hewas a hopeless romantic and thankfully hadn’t kidded him about it any more than that,instead telling him he’d be better off dating free women.“She’s the one.”Tool’s grin widened.“Yep, still the hopeless romantic.”Jacob allowed himself to relax a bit.“Why did you turn me in, Tool?”Raw pain sheared through his friend’s eyes and instantly Jacob realized he’d beenwrong about him.Guilt ripped through his guts like a lancing sword.“I didn’t.”“Sawblade showed up—”“I heard.”“So? What happened? How did they know where to find me if you shut off thetracker on my car?”“Near as I can figure, when I diverted the tracker system from your car to shadowanother Hitman working in the area, I triggered some internal alarm that no onebothered to tell me about.The alarm got picked up.Within minutes of the divert all hell134Claiming Hannahbroke loose and I had them up my ass.No time to warn you.They stashed me inisolation.Interrogated me.I told them you’d requested some down time because you’dhooked up with some married woman who wanted to keep a low profile.Anyway, theydiverted the tracker back onto your car and sent Sawblade over to the motel to help youwith the hit that got away.”“He found us.”“Obviously.”Tool’s gaze slid to the bandage peeking out from beneath Jacob’s tattered greenshorts.“War wound on your leg.” His eyes traveled to Jacob’s wrists.To the scratchesHannah had branded him with when she’d dug her nails into his flesh while he’dpounded his aching shaft into her.“More injuries on your wrists, shoulders and back.Looks like you’ve had a toughtime of it.” Tool grinned knowingly.Jacob flushed with embarrassment.“The entire Hit Association is turning over every stone trying to find you.Doesn’tlook good for them that a Hitman and a Breeding Slave hooked up together.I guess yourealize what you’re doing is a big no-no and that even if you are caught alive and putinto prison, someone will get you inside.”Jacob nodded.“What I want to know is who tipped you off we might be here.”“Apparently one of your brothers—Jeremy—is quite cushy with Lara, Hannah’sfriend.Don’t tell anyone I told you that, it’s supposed to be a big secret.This infatuationwith Breeding Slaves seems to run in your family.Anyway, after she heard you werewounded and you two were together and in serious trouble, she eventually confided inJeremy that she told you Hannah might be here.At least he trusted me enough to knowI wouldn’t fuck you over.I would have come sooner but I was being watched like ahawk.I slipped away as soon as I thought it was safe.”135Jan SpringerThe look of hurt on Tool’s face when he mentioned his brother Jeremy trusting Tooland not Jacob prompted him to feel even worse about not trusting his friend.But hell,he’d had no other choice.What else could he have thought when Sawblade showed upat the motel.“I’m glad I finally found you.I’ve got a plan.You want to hear it?”His words were spoken so casually it took Jacob a few seconds before it fully sankin that Tool was offering to help them.Jacob nodded and lowered his weapon.* * * * *Hannah clutched the gun tighter as she watched Tool get into his car.Although she wasn’t familiar with weapons, she felt reasonably sure she wouldhave shot Tool had he made the slightest suspicious move.There was no way in theworld she would ever let anyone hurt her man.Poking the gun out a crack in the glass of a dirty window, she’d aimed directly atthe man, her finger lodged on the firing button just as Jacob instructed.The two men had talked for a good twenty minutes.For the first few minutesthey’d been very serious.Then Jacob lowered the weapon and Hannah had been tenserthan a cat on a hot tin roof as she’d wondered what they were discussing.The front door creaked open and broke Hannah from her thoughts.She hurried over to meet Jacob.“What did he want?” she asked when he stepped into the living room.To her surprise he grinned [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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