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.As awarrior, Tirian knew strategies, the need for actionand the time for patience.So it would be with thisman, his mate.Patience and persistence and a littleteasing of his own—this would bring Adam to hisside.Tirian turned back to the building and paced itsboundaries.It was a work in progress, its insidesraw.An ancient stone chimney stood in the centre.Nearby was a ladder, bags of cement, tools, andstacks of timber.Underfoot was bare compactedearth.Only one wall had been erected, and thiswas made up of floor to ceiling glass, some of itdoors, the other, a larger expanse of plate glassthat overlooked a forest of straggly eucalypts.Beyond the canopy, he saw a shadowed gorge.This was an ancient land, stark and beautiful.Adam’s isolated property took his breath away.Itwould be a fitting home for them.They bothrequired privacy.Tirian needed to run free and wild, because his38Adam’s Unicornnature, his life demanded it.But for now, he mustbe patient.Adam needed to be gentled, tounderstand his own nature before he learned thenature of the man who was his soul mate.Thatwas the plan.But now Tirian would have to beginanew, to forge the intimacy between them that hehad so nearly shattered when Adam had kissedhim.Stars-afire.He’d wanted to bed his mate now.His body still trembled with the thrill of Adam…How to endure the wait until he could, again, feelthose lips and taste the tongue twined with his? Tofeel the man beneath him, to take Adam, brandhim, love him with every part of his body.Tirian paced the building, until he saw the lightinside the caravan go out.He strode into the nightand walked down into the forest.He cast off hisjeans and t-shirt and let the starlight wash over hisbody.There was a moment of disconnection, beforehis consciousness returned.I am unicorn.He shookhis head, allowing his magic-self to adjust.Withsenses keener than human, the world wasbrighter, more textured and in the first momentsof change it was disorientating.He gouged thedirt with his front hoof and dipped his horn to theground, forgetting his inadequacy, until he sawthe broken tip.His horn, symbol of all he was—and could have been—was broken.All that wasleft was twelve inches of horn, the jagged end39Astrid Cooperblood-stained.Tirian lifted his head, his horn acknowledgingthe stars and moon.He reared and then droppedto his hooves and cantered into the forest.Hecouldn’t outrun the betrayal, but he could outrunthe memory—at least for a few minutes.40Adam’s UnicornChapter Fivedam walked slowly across the rain soakedA ground, using the narrow, makeshift path ofwood off-cuts to avoid the squishy red clay.Hecarried a mug of coffee in one hand and a bowl offruit and muesli in the other.He paused at the open door.Tirian was lyingon his swag in front of a dying fire, embers withina ring of stones.The roof had kept out the rain, butthe wind had whipped the water inside, throughthe open sides of the structure.One glass wall anda roof did not make for any kind of protection.He’d been an utter prick to send the man intoexile, just for coming on to him—when he’d giventhe guy signals.And he’d let Tirian kiss him.Crap.Not a kiss, but a tongue-fuck.So, Tirian hadto be confused.Adam sure as hell was.Adam stepped into the building and paused.Tirian’s naked torso greeted him.The swagcoverlet draping around Tirian’s hips revealed ahint of arse.The silver hair lay twisted round his41Astrid Cooperneck and shoulders.His right arm under his headacted as a pillow, the other arm curled around hischest.Tirian sighed and rolled over onto his back,kicking off the cover.Adam retreated, mouth dryand heart beating a furious tattoo against his ribs.Tirian opened his eyes and lifted to an elbow.Hesmiled [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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