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.Behind her, clad in a cloak that looked cut fromno earthly sort of cloth, a tiny woman stood with the wind blowing through her dark hair.Reproach in her eyes as biting as frost, she spoke before grief could unhinge him.'Go.Take your trophy, and upon235aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r ryour heart's blood, may you never kill again for your van~ty.'Weeping with fear, shaking and weak at the knees, Bill scrambled out of his sleepingbag.'I can't do this,' he gasped.But the woman's eyes gave him no quarter.Morefrightened of her than of losing his last hold on sanity, he rummaged underneath hisjacket, found the knife he'd stripped off the night before.Half blind with tears of remorse,he reached up and cut his daughter down.Sobbing deep in his throat, he wrapped herslack body in his sleeping bag, then clumsily smoothed her blonde hair.His hand brushed fur, cold gray fur, then the unyielding tines of an antler.In his arms,cradled against his bare chest, lay the blood-rank carcass of a buck.Bill looked up, too shocked to be angry, but the woman who had threatened him wasgone.Unsettled by feelings that every move he made was being watched, he spilled thewretched carcass upon the ground, packed up his gear, and fled without a backwardthought for his forsaken companions.Left alone at the campsite, Rafe roused to a spill of winter sunlight and the rustle offoraging birds.No apartment, no office, no report due, he understood in a flood of risingspirits.He thrust his arms from his sleeping bag to stretch.and froze, half crippled bychills.His hands were running with red blood.He started up in panic, then all but retched ashe blundered across the stiff, feathered corpse of an owl that someone had left dumped onhis chest.His scream tore apart the forest silence.The small woman who watched him went unnoticed until he ran out of breath.She stoodover him, uncanny and bitterly accusing.'You will go,' she said clearly.'Kill no more foryour ego, and the death of the owl will be forgiven.''Who are you?' gasped Rafe.But he didn't want an answer, not really.He just needed outof here, as fast as he could throw on clothes and jacket.Afraid for his sanity and survival, he abandoned his expensive gear and fancy rifle wherethey lay.Without pause to look for Bill or Alan, he raced headlong to his car.Sweaty,panting, and shaky,236aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r rhe waited until he had the engine running before he dared to check whether the blood wasgone from his hands.Under the Eld Tree, in a morning wood emptied of reavers, Kirelle regarded rank afterrank of sunlit, sleeping trees.Amid a litter of meaningless camping gear, she sensed thesoil beneath her feet and listened to winds that had long ago forgotten speech.She foundno regret in her heart, but a strange, eager joy for the task that lay ahead of her.Rapt as she was, intent upon the needs of the forest she had adopted for her own, shedid not hear the silent beat of wings.The owls that flew widdershins around the Eld Treewent unnoticed as they flocked and finally settled to roost in the branches over her head.The first she knew of the Wizard's presence was the merry chime of brass bells.Shespun, surprised, as he reined his gray horse to a stop and regarded the oddments of gearthe rearers had abandoned when they fled.A smile carved his face.'Did you think to bring back the mysteries to mortal earth onyour own?'Kirelle laughed.'I didn't think at all, but only chose as I must.' She moved to the Wizard'sside, pleased that they would waken the wood together, and knowing that borderlandsmagic would one day come to bridge the veil and restore the lost link between worlds.'Alan is with Meara, and safe,' said the Wizard.'Anyone lacking a healer's compassioncould have left him unjustly condemned as a reaver.' The secretive smile behind his silverbeard turned ruefully reminiscent.'You may not have known, but my guardianship beganwith an inadvertent slight to an Eld Tree.When our labor is complete, and the wild huntreturns to ride these earthly fields, I much doubt your exile will be permanent.'237aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r rSong's EndThe wolf's jaws snapped shut with a sound like the crack of new ice.Deadly teeth slashednothing but empty air, and the beast's frustration could be felt, hot as the spurt of freshblood.On damp earth barely one stride distant, Huntress Skyfire rolled and evaded theedge of the stone knife which stabbed down to kill her.Breathless, sweating, bleeding fromthree previous challenges, she scrambled into a crouch and leapt while her opponentrecoiled from his lunge.On the sidelines the wolf whined.Its lips lifted into a snarl, and its haunches bunched,quivering.But this combat was a thing between elves.The pack was forbidden tointervene.Skyfire struck her attacker solidly in the chest.He overbalanced, and both of them rolledwith the throw.The knife grated against dirt.Skyfire took a knee in the ribs; air left herlungs with a grunt.The scent of her opponent filled her nostrils as she gasped a freshbreath.His odor carried a tang of fear.This, because she had bested two strongerchallengers before him; those defeated had not lingered to watch her fight again.Both hadretreated to the wolf lairs to lick wounds and nurse resentment.Skyfire caught the new challenger's knife-hand and bore him down in swift andmerciless attack.Fright made him dangerous, even desperate.The chieftess clung grimlyas the Wolfrider thrashed beneath her.Anger lent her tenacity to match his fear.Shebarely felt the blows as he kicked and punched to win free.She twisted the wrist in hergrip, felt the sinews tighten.Bone grated beneath the pressure of her hand.While paindistracted her opponent, she kicked away the knife, and sought his throat.Abruptly the Wolfrider went limp under her hands, chin lifted in submission.Skyfirereleased his wrist and neck.Wearily she238aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r rgathered herself to rise, to turn, to face the next of the challenges that had inevitablyfollowed her return with the Dreamsinger to the holt.Only that morning, she had shouted to the first dissenters who crowded round.'He is anelf, and a Wolfrider, and by the Way, I say that he stays in this tribe by right!' Now, in herexhaustion, the words seemed still to ring in her ears.At some point during the second fight the Dreamsinger had faded into the forest.Withhim had gone the scent of dreamberry blossoms, and soft south winds of spring.Hisleaving changed nothing.Wolfsong gripped the tribe like lust, and the open outbreak ofrivalties had upset order within the pack.Skyfire barely noticed Rellah's hostile glare.These fights made distasteful work, since the challenges themselves were an indulgence ofwolfish instincts.That Skyfire did battle to temper those same instincts mattered little.Bites and wrenched joints and knife wounds demanded exhaustive concentration andenergy drain, and Rellah had none of Willowgreen's natural gift [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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