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.Duchaunak turned and looked at him.‘Your weapon sir.I need your weapon.’‘The fuck you do—’ Duchaunak started, and then another man came hurrying towards him, an older man, dressed immaculately.‘Detective Duchaunak,’ the second man said.‘My name is Robert Hennessy.I am responsible for co-ordination between the Federal presence here and the local police.I have spoken with Captain McLuhan—’‘He’s here?’ Duchaunak asked.The first agent stepped back, the weapon forgotten.Hennessy shook his head and smiled.‘No Detective, he’s not here.’‘What happened to the girl?’ Duchaunak asked.‘I heard that the girl had been taken out.’Hennessy frowned.‘Girl?’‘Hollander.Cathy Hollander.the girl who was with Freiberg—’‘Right, right, yes of course.Cathy Hollander.’‘She’s dead? And Freiberg? Is he dead too?’‘Freiberg.no Detective, he’s not dead.Right now we are still pursuing seven of the original felons.’‘But the girl.you got the girl?’‘Calm down, Detective.The girl is quite alright.She’s being taken care of as we speak.’‘Alright?’ Duchaunak shook his head.He was still looking down the street, over his shoulder, every once in a while upwards as the sound of a helicopter caught his attention.‘What d’you mean, she’s alright? Someone shot her.One of your people took her out, didn’t they?’‘Cathy Hollander is one of us, Detective.Her name isn’t Cathy Hollander, never has been.She is a Federal Agent.It was she who provided all the information regarding the robberies that were planned today.she is the reason we were here, Detective—’‘What?’ Duchaunak asked.‘She’s what? What the fuck are you talking about? The girl has a police record going back fifteen years.She has aliases, names she’s used in other states—’Hennessy was smiling.‘She has a fabricated police record Detective.She has a fictional history.Cathy Holl— her name is actually Ruth Delaney, but as Cathy Hollander she was put inside the Marcus camp a long time ago to break the back of this New York situation.’‘But she was shot.One of your people told me she’d been shot.’‘She was shot intentionally, Detective.She made herself visible to one of our sharpshooters on purpose.She wore a bulletproof vest and she was shot with a rubber bullet.It was a simple procedure to have the remainder of her crew leave her behind.These people do not take their dead along with them, not when they could be carrying money instead.’‘I don’t understand—’‘It’s okay, Detective.Come with me.We’re going back to see Captain McLuhan and there we can get you updated on what is happening with the remainder of the people involved.’ Hennessy reached out his hand to guide Duchaunak away from the sidewalk and towards a waiting vehicle.‘And Freiberg?’ Duchaunak asked as he walked.‘Who knows?’ Hennessy said.‘He’s out there somewhere, doing his very best to evade capture.I’m sure we will have him in custody within the hour.’Duchaunak stopped suddenly.‘And you know about John Harper?’Hennessy smiled once more, an expression that made Duchaunak feel small and insignificant.‘Of course we know about John Harper.We’ve been keeping a very close eye on Mr Harper to ensure that he doesn’t get himself into any serious difficulties.We even had people in Miami telling Marcus’s people just enough to keep them wondering about him.We wanted to ensure that he did not become involved in what was happening today, at least not directly.’‘And now?’ Duchaunak asked.‘Where is he now?’Hennessy shook his head.‘He was last seen leaving the vicinity of West Twelfth.I would’ve had someone go after him but he was safe and we have no reason to upset him further.I’m sure he will make his way back to his hotel and we will speak with him later.’‘I need to see him,’ Duchaunak said.‘I need to see John Harper.’‘Later,’ Hennessy said.‘First we’ll speak with Captain McLuhan, and then you can see Mr Harper.’Duchaunak shook his head.‘No,’ he said.‘I want to see him now.I’m going over to the hotel.I want to speak with him, and then I’ll go and see McLuhan.’Hennessy shook his head.‘I cannot force you, Detective.I would much prefer it if you would come with me and see Captain McLuhan—’Duchaunak smiled at Hennessy.‘Look,’ he said.‘The kid must be scared out of his fucking wits.He helped us, you know? He was the one who met with Ben Marcus.He told me about West Twelfth.That’s the only reason I knew to come here.Let me go speak with him.Let me go give him some kind of an idea of what’s happening here.Tell McLuhan I’ll be at the precinct no later than noon.’Hennessy hesitated.‘Am I under arrest for something?’ Duchaunak asked.‘Jesus, I just want to go see the guy and make sure he’s okay.’‘Okay,’ Hennessy said.‘But go see your precinct Captain at noon like you said, okay?’‘I will, I will.don’t worry.’‘And I’ll have one of my people drive you over to see Harper [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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