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.In the end, I think that the best way to learn about life is by experiencing it firsthand.No one elsecan teach you how to get along with other people, how to realistically judge your own abilities, orhow to understand who you are.You can only learn these things by dealing with situations everyday.Experience is the best teacher.(Essay ID: 199 )Topic: 109Nowadays it is quite common for people to immigrate to ther countries.When they move, some ofthem decide to follow the customs of the new country while others prefer to keep their own.If Iwere forced to agree with one of the two positions, my choice would be the former.To illustrate my point, let us first take a look on why some people dislike the idea of following thecustoms of the new country.For one thing, these people are so accustomed to their own culture,religion and customs, and it is very hard for them to accept the new cultures.For instance, peoplefrom a Islamic country may find a lot of customs in western countries offensive.Although I agree that some customs are hard to change, I insist that the advantages of adapting toa new culture are apparently seen.In the first place, by following the customs of the new country,you can learn about the country and understand the people more easily and become a realmember of the country.People who stick to their way of life may sometimes feel lonely andisolated.To share the same custom means that having more things in common, and it can pullpeople together.Furthermore, you have to adapt to some customs of the new country, if they arewritten into the law.As a result, it is much more sensible to do as the Roman do.In conclusion,I believe that the advantages of following the customs of the new country is obviousbecause you can easily learn about the country and be a real member of it.What is more, you canlive more easily in a foreign country.(Essay ID: 366 )Topic: 109Some people adapt quickly to the customs of a new country while others keep their own customs.How do they decide? It's a difficult choice, and the decision is not always conscious.Manypractical and social factors influence people.Very often it depends on age.Older people have spent a lifetime doing things a certain way.Theirsocial customs are part of who they are as people.It's very hard for them to start doing thingsdifferently.The younger generation finds it easier to leave behind the culture of their nativecountry and adapt to the customs of their new country.They're not as set in their ways as adultsare.Children also feel the pressure to fit in from the other kids in school.A major part of adapting to the customs of a new country is learning that country's language.Children learn the language in school, and use it all day while going to class and playing with otherchildren.But many times adults coming to a new country don't have time for formal languageclasses.Their first priority is getting a job.Sometimes they work with people from their owncountry, and they don't-have to use the new language.Or they may find a job that doesn't requiremuch speaking at all.This means even if they're trying to learn the language, they don't have a lot170 TWE Essays 171/292of opportunities to practice it.Another way of adapting to the customs of a new country has to do with how family membersinteract.Different countries have different ideas about how family members should relate to eachother.Sometimes the adults will oppose changing what was normal in their native country.Thiscan be a difficult adjustment to make, especially if their children are visiting new friends at homeand seeing how different things are in the new country.I believe that people who want to make their home in a new country need to find a balance.Theyshould keep the best of their native culture and adopt the good things they find in their newcountry.(Essay ID: 200 )Topic: 110If I had to choose between spending time alone or spending time with my friends, I'd rather bealone.I need this time alone to "recharge my batteries," to re-energize my mind and spirit.Beingwith friends can be fun and can help you get through the rough spots in life, but it's the time alone,I think, that forms you as a person.When I'm alone, I have time to think about my goals and to develop a strategy to reach them.Ofcourse, lean think about these things when I'm with others, but it's harder to concentrate in acrowd.Being alone gives me the quiet time to really think about my life and what I want to dowith it.Being by myself is also a good way to listen to the silence and relax completely.When I'm alone Ican practice meditation and lower my stress level.That's a very good way to sharpen my powersof concentration.Too much time with friends means filling my mind with a lot of chitchat.That'senjoyable for a moment, but can dull my concentration.Being with other people can also distort my view of things.It's easy sometimes to become tooworried about what other people think of me, or what other people have that I don't.When I'malone I have time to step back.I can see the real value of things, without being influenced by theopinions of my friends.It's natural to want to be with other people, but I find the time I spend alone is more valuable tome in the long run.(Essay ID: 201 )Topic: 111I think I prefer to have many different friends because we can learn more from having manydifferent types of friends.If we have just a few close friends, then we cannot learn as much as wecan if we have many friends.Therefore, I think it is better to have many different friends.First, having many different friends can teach us about life and the world.I think you can learnmany things about many different countries if you know people from all over the world.Forexample, if you have a friend from China and one from Iran, you can learn more about those twocountries.If you just have friends from your country, then you do not learn very much about theworld.171 TWE Essays 172/292We can also have many different kinds of experiences if we have many different kinds of friends.For example, some people like sports, others like music, still others like to study.If we have manydifferent friends with many different interests, then we can never feel bored and we can have ahappy life.Finally, if we have many different friends, then maybe we can have more help from people whenwe need it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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