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.Good night then, my darlings." She made to shut thedoor."You've got no chance of waking up Robyn.She's quickly falling a victim to the wicked boozelike poor Sharon.At lease she had an excuse.Only, Sharon liked vodka, I think."Jessica took along time over her bath, letting the warm, scented water ease the tiredness and take thechill out of her bones.Afterward she didn't bother getting dressed again.She slipped on a nightdress,then covered it with the silk robe her mother had bought for her on her last trip to Hong Kong.It wasn'tas magnificent as Lavinia's rich brocade coat, but it was very pretty.Pretty enough to wear out,considering some of her friends attended functions in what looked like their underwear.She found Cyrus in the kitchen giving his attention to a meal."Omelets?" His blue gaze enveloped her."Sure you can make them?" She smiled.She went to him and slid her arms around his waist, resting herhead against his broad back."Of course!" He stood perfectly still, in case feeding her didn't get off the ground at all.His heart was onfire."You sure you're okay?""I'm fine.Don't fuss." Even now she was reliving the blissful moment when he had found her, swoopingher into his arms, holding her so close their hearts had thudded as one.That's what a man's arms were for, she thought.To hold a woman.To make her feel cherished.She hadfelt all that and more.She had felt a profound sense of homecoming."So come on," he said lightly, holding himself on a tight rein."I'm going to feed you and then we'regoing to bed together.""Sounds like the most wonderful destination in the world," she murmured.He lifted her hand and pressed it to his lips.He cared not at all if they ate but tried not to show it."Two eggs or three?""Three please.You need three for a good omelet." She sat down at the table, watching Cy with a senseof wonder.There were oranges, lemons, grapefruit in a bowl.She picked up a lemon and put it to hernose savoring the smell."Where's Molly?" she asked belatedly.She had expected Molly to be around.He picked up a handwritten note and passed it to her."She's gone over to stay with Ruth for the night.Ruth is tremendously upset.""I know.She loves your father." She read the note, put it aside.file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/margaret%20w.back/2%20the%20cattleman%20TXT/the%20cattleman.txt (117 of 132)11/05/2010 14:37:51 file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/margaret%20way/men%20of%20the%20outback/2%20the%20cattleman%20TXT/the%20cattleman.txt"Some women love men who treat them badly.Probably some syndrome.She's worked for him fortwenty years, but he's never noticed her as a woman.Poor Ruth, wasting her life like that! She shouldhave gone off, met the right bloke and had a family.""The right bloke isn't easy to find."Their eyes met and clung."Then isn't it nice you've found him?"Arm in arm her head resting lightly on Cy's shoulder, they went around the house turning off theoverhead lights, leaving only a few wall brackets glowing."Thought about what room?" He kissed her light and fast, setting up all sorts of aching expectations."I'm too distracted.""Then mine." He wrapped her closer."I've dreamed about you in my bed.""Have you?" She was fathoms deep in love with him and falling farther."Oh yes.I was drawn to you from that very first moment.Now I'm absolutely sure you're the woman Iwant to share my life with."Outside the open frnech doors , millions of stars patterned the sky.He carried her to his bed, her hairspread over his shoulder, his head bent, his lips kissing and tasting her lovely soft skin.Cy lay on the midnight-blue quilted silk, poised over her, an arm to either side.She was so beautiful.The most beautiful thing in his loveless life.He could never let her go.He could never allow anyone tohurt her.A combination of soap and body lotion wafted up to him, deliciously citrusy and fresh.There was atrifle of lace showing at the neck of her robe.Slowly, he pulled the silk sash and the robe parted."Jessica." He was trying to steady himself, not give in too soon to the tremendous weight of desire."I'mgoing to undress you, okay?"She looked up at him with tender, trusting eyes."You'll have to.I don't think I could get my fingers towork.""Allow me."The robe came off first, falling from her shoulders.Ever so gently, he turned her, tugging a little sQ itslithered out from under her.His breath was coming shorter and deeper.Hunger for a woman could bean agony.He had to hold her up so he could pull her nightdress over her head like a child.A groan camefrom the back of his throat as he saw her for the first time naked.Her skin seemed to radiate light, and blood shot to his head.He had to regain his composure just to goon.His hands caressed her shoulders, silky skin and delicate bone, moving slowly over her, deepeninghis sense of touch and heightening his pleasure.His hands moved back up to her breasts, so beautiful, soperfectly formed, dusky-pinktipped.It was a kind of agony just to look at them, hold them, take theirtender supple weight.Jessica let herself go with it, excitement roaring through her bloodstream like the most potent drug.Themore he caressed her, the more she needed.Sensation ran so high she had to press back against thepillows, her eyes closed against the galvanic surges, like sails caught in a high wind.Didn't he know hetore the heart from her? His ministrations continued, unhurried but intense.She had to clamp her lipsshut so her little rasping breaths wouldn't escape her and turn into moans.Cyrus understood perfectly the feelings that racked her.He was astonished at the depth of passionbetween them, long imagined, now finally being delivered.He was entranced by the slender perfectionfile:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/margaret%20w.back/2%20the%20cattleman%20TXT/the%20cattleman.txt (118 of 132)11/05/2010 14:37:51 file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/margaret%20way/men%20of%20the%20outback/2%20the%20cattleman%20TXT/the%20cattleman.txtof her body, the curves, the long lines, the creamy whiteness of her skin.He let his mouth travel herbody as though following a map that utterly absorbed him.Her little moans were both agonized andjoyous, urging him on.Once, in a bout of intensity, her whole body bucked, then fell back onto thesoftness of the bed.She was reaching for him, inflamed into taking action.She tugged at his shirt.Tore it loose.Next the waistband of his jeans, thrusting her hand inside, givinghim so much pleasure he cried out."I want you right next to me," she commanded."Your skin touching mine."He stood up, stripping off his clothes, a lean, powerful living sculpture of a man, his skin in the glow ofthe lamps a dense gold.The sleekness and strength of him! Jessica sat up in the bed reveling in his manhood.She thought shemight catch fire when he touched her.She threw out an imploring arm, secure in the knowledge she hadmade it her business to start on the pill for protection."What's keeping you? I want you.""How much?" He approached the bed, the planes of his face taut with passion."Let me show you." She was maddened by even the smallest distance between them."I never knew itwas possible to feel like this."He wanted to cover her right then and there.Bear down on her.Make her his.Instead, he rose above herbracing his weight on his arms."Then we have to do something about it.""Let me start." This time she did the seducing.Her hands took hold of his fully erect shaft, scorchinghim with pleasure [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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