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.Power stabbed Taen's defences.She countered, barely intime.Her bond-crystal quivered, half-wakened to rebellion, as backlash deflected likesparks.aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r rDisaster awaited if she lingered through a second such shock.No choice remained exceptto release contact with Jaric, cleanly and at once.But the cruelty of that expedient marredjudgement.Taen hesitated, and the untamed Sathid struck again.Energy whirled her off centre.Flayed by a vortexintense as a cyclone, the Dreamweaver screamed.In desperation she collapsed the wardsprotecting Jaric.Fire tore him awake with a heartrending cry of agony.He all but lost hisgrip upon life as mingled awareness revealed the extent of Taen's peril.Overwhelmed byfear for her, he reached for the only available recourse.Only the madness of Ivain wouldenable him to bridle his Sathid before the Dreamweaver he loved suffered harm.'Jaric, no!' Taen's cry crackled across widening veils of distance.'Jaric, hold firm.I willdisengage.If I journey to the Isle of the Vaere, I believe I can help you with safety.Wait forme.fish-brains, please wait.'DeliveranceThe contact dimmed and snapped.Taen roused, shuddering, and broke into stormy tears.Returned to darkness and her blankets in northern Hallowild, she blinked eyes stingingyet with the light-falcon's afterimage.No means existed to determine whether Jaric hadheeded her plea.Her dream-sense roiled like current disturbed by tide, and she neededevery shred of concentration to settle her half-roused Sathid.The upheaval slowlysubsided.Restored to emotional balance, Taen started as mail jangled suddenly beyondthe tent flap.A swordblade slashed the ties.Canvas gaped open to reveal a flood oftorchlight and men at arms, with Corley in the lead in his steel cap and armour.'What's happened?' The captain's tone held no inflection, as if he anticipated killing.Witha shock Taen realized the sentry on duty had heard her outcry and gone on to muster campin expectation of attack.She answered quickly to disarm the tension.'I had a vision, but not from Shadowfane.Jaric struggles to master the Cycle of Fire.If I journey at once to the Isle of the Vaere, quitepossibly I can spare him the madness that destroyed Ivain.'Corley passed his lantern to the nearest man at arms.His eyes gleamed hard and dark asshield studs as he sheathed his sword.'If we go, the north will be left defenceless againstthe Dark-dreamer.'Taen met his expression, her features white with empathy.She well understood theconsequences of hersuggestion, and her honesty was painful to observe.'I cannot stay Maelgrim once hiscommand of Thienz-linked power matures.'The tent flickered into shadow as wind winnowed the lantern flame.The man holding thelight shifted uneasily.Only Corley stood like a rock, the beads of reflection on his helm so still they might havebeen nailed in place.'I think no option exists.Whether you misjudge or not, we riskMorbrith.But if Jaric fails, all hope is lost for Keithland.'Relief broke Taen's composure; seeming suddenly, poignantly frail, she bent and buriedher face in her hands.Jolted by recollection that her chronological age did not match hermaturity, Corley disbanded his swordsmen with curt orders to break camp.Speed andprotection were the only comforts he could offer the Dreamweaver under his care; but forbeleaguered Morbrith, dependent on priesthood and prayers, he intended a last bravegesture.aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r rCorley stooped and gently raised Taen's chin.Tears dampened his knuckles, twisting at hisheart, but still he managed a lopsided grin.'Dress for the saddle, little witch.We've a taskto finish before Moonless strains her stays for the sake of Ivainson Firelord.'Bits chinked in the darkness, counterpointed by the grimmer chime of mail and weaponry.The Kielmark's sailhands turned soldier mounted with none of their usual cursing as theybegan their southward march through Morbrith.To Taen, riding behind Corley's grey, thefreshening beauty of spring seemed displaced by wrongness sensed elsewhere [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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