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.All she had to do to get ready was take a quick showerand put on her dress."Another time," Lowell said.He wasn't sure if he was disappointed orrelieved."I'll go," Jane said, suddenly."Fine," Lowell said.Florence Ward had commandeered Colonel Roberts's staff car for thethousand-yard ride from the Board building to the hangar, and then for thesecond thousand-yard leg from the hangar to Base Operations.Although Lowell moved as far as he could to the left, there was not roomenough in the back of the Chevrolet for the three of them.His hip and ujiperPage 42 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlleg were pressed against Jane Cassidy.At Base Ops, Sergeant Kowalski, the noncom in charge of the Aviation Board'sflight line, was standing, beneath a bad oil portrait of Major General"Scotty" Laird, Jr." which was next to the double glass doors to the transientaircraft parking area.Shortly after they had given Scotty Laird his second star, the week before the$97 million main airfield complex had been completed, Laird had picked up anH- 13 in front of post headquarters.Climbing quickly, his mind apparently onother things, he had forgotten to turn on the caburetor heat.His H-13 wentdown in the woods just the other side of the golf course, within sight of hisbrand-new two-starred flag flapping from the Rucker flagpole.The airfield had been named for him: Laird Army Airfield.But the Morse codefrom the Omni identifying the field had remained what it had been, OZR.Everytime Lowell heard OZR on his earphones, he thought of Scotty Laird, apassenger in Lowell's H-13 on the way to Bad Godesburg, Germany, immediatelyafter Laird had turned down an assignment as deputy commander of the 2ndArmored Division to become, at forty, an aviator."She's all ready to go, Major," Kowalski said."You want to load the ladies aboard while I check the weather and file theflight plan?" Lowell replied."I want to watch that, too," Florence Ward said firmly, and marched after himinto the plotting room.Jane Cassidy, after hesitating, walked after them.Both women bent over the map as Lowell showed them how he plotted the flight.Over the years Lowell had flown back and forth between Atlanta and Fort Ruckerso often he could do the flight planning from memory; but,.rather enjoyinghis role of high priest explaining the mysteries to the novices, he wentthrough it step by step for them to watch.Once, in bending over to see what Lowell was writing, Jane Cassidy's breastbrushed his arm.He looked at her, more in annoyance than anything else, andsaw her face flushing.It's all right, Madame.I not only understand that that was quite accidental,but I have personally given my word of honor as an officer and a gentleman tothe post commander that I will uot go within ten feet.sexually speaking, of amarried woman."I'm not going in there," Florence Ward laughed, when Tiiu COLONELS Lowellinvited her to sit in the cockpit."As fat as I am, I'd bump into somethingimportant."Afer she settled herself in one of the chairs in the cabin, Lowell thoughtthat Jane Cassidy would sit In the one opposite her.She did not.She electedto ride in the copilot's seat and that pleased him, somewhat to his dismay.There were airline-type lap belts in the seats in the back; and Lowell sawthat Florence had figured out how they worked.But the pilot's and copilot'sseats had over-the-shoulder harnesses, which Jane Cassidy had to be shown howto fasten.In the process, his arm brushed against her breast; and his hand,more-or less, had to be placed in her crotch when he snapped it all together.Close enough to be aware of the softness of her thighs.Down, boy! Don't you dare forget that you are now Sir Pure of Heart, who tookthe vow.of not quite of chastity, of nonadzdtery.Page 43 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlHe adjusted his own harness, saw that Kowalski was standing by with a fireextinguisher, yelled "contact" at him and hit the switches.The left of theAero Commander's engines coughed into life, smoothed out; and in a moment, theright engine too belched blue smoke and caught.Lowell put on his earphones and pressed the mike switch."Laird, Commander One Five in the transient area for taxi and takeoff, VFR,direct Atlanta Fulton County."Jane Cassidy looked around the cockpit and located a set of headphones on ahook over her head.She had ridden in private planes before though none asplush as this but Tom had always managed to sit beside the pilot.It was nowher turn, she thought.She put the earphones on in time for her to hear thetower giving Lowell taxi instructions to the active runway.This is exciting, she thought.Going to Atlanta after lnnch and still gettingback before supper.And the airplane itself was impressive.Her previous experience had been in single-engined airplanes upholstered inplastic.This was something like a miniature airliner; it had a separatecockpit, airline-type seats upholstered in leather, and even a row ofstainless steel thermos bottles, one of which Sergeant Kowalski said he hadfilled with coffee [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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