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.His teeth clenched and he rose to hisfeet slowly, hands spread wide.If he didn t care he wouldn t be that upset.That hurt and angry.Right? He kept that thought in his head and stepped out of his boots and jeans.The sound ofhis belt buckle hitting the floor was exceptionally loud and final and he suppressed a shudder.He wore no underwear so his shaft swung when he moved.Castillo s eyes didn t budge from Shane s face.He unbuttoned his blue shirt and pulled it over his head.Once that hit the floor he was asnaked as a jaybird, fighting vulnerability under Castillo s scrutiny.Jaw tight, Shane staredCastillo down. Did I happen to mention my house is soundproof? Castillo was deceptively calm. Had towhen I bought the place because my neighbor back then had kids.Loud fuckers. He leanedforward and Shane caught the aroma of whiskey on his breath. You re drunk.A harsh laugh escaped Castillo. There s no liquor strong enough to numb me tonight.You renot that lucky. He jerked his head in the direction of a door next to the stairs. Move forward,Agent, nice and slow.You and me are about to spend some quality time in my basement.Shane didn t move.Stepping into that basement was giving up.He knew that.Castillo wouldkill him down there.How had they come to this? Yes. He cleared his throat and spoke softly. I have family who would miss me if youdecide to kill me.They ll care and they ll mourn.But I think you ll miss me more and you won tbe able to live with yourself if you do this. His voice cracked a little. If you hurt me. Here s what I think, Shane. Castillo spat out his name. You re stalling and it only makesme want to put down the gun and kill you with my bare hands. He pushed Shane and hestumbled forward. Move.I ve got plans for you.Shane tripped over his feet as Castillo prodded him down the stairs into the dark basement.The air was surprisingly cold on his skin.He hurt where Castillo hit him earlier, but he stayedattuned to the man behind him.To every move Castillo made, every sound.Shane couldn tpredict what he would do, he hadn t prepared for Castillo.Not at all.His target was never LosP, only York and the people he bought drugs for and from.Los P was nowhere on the DEA s radar.Down in the basement he stiffened when Castillo clasped a tight hand on his shoulder andguided him over to the heating pole in the middle of the room. Sit. Castillo  Sit! Castillo slammed into Shane s shoulder and he cried out as pain shot through him and he crashed to the cold concrete floor.Before Shane could right himself, his arms were bound behind his back and attached to thepipe with a thick rope. Jesus.You don t have to do this. He tugged at the tight hold, the harsh rope alreadychafing his wrists. You don t have to do this, Castillo.You re not my target.You re not theDEA s target. He was shaking, unable to stop.Castillo squatted beside him. Yeah? Too bad. Cause now you re my target. His handswiped out.Shane jerked back, but blood sprayed, splattering the white wall in a thin line.Shane s right cheek burned and blood dripped into his mouth as Castillo grinned at him andwiped the blade of a knife on his jeans. Don t do this.It s not who you are. The words were falling from his lips, mixing with theblood, and Shane grimaced.He didn t know who Castillo was, not really.They had good sexand the man shared a little bit of his past.Doesn t mean you know him.He just sliced yourface open with a fucking knife.You don t know him.Castillo laughed in his face. You know what? I love you fucking guys, so soft.You get ataste of my dick game and you figure you know me, you know my Goddamn life story. He gotreal close until their foreheads touched. Here s what you should know, Agent Ruskin, tonight Iown you.Tomorrow is no longer a given. You can t kill a federal agent and get away with it.The cold smile that blossomed was nowhere near sane. There goes your notion that youknow me.You haven t seen me in action, trust when I tell you there won t be anything left ofyou when I m done. Why are you so angry? Shane asked.Behind his back he continued fiddling with theunyielding rope. Is it because I was able to strip you bare, wipe away all those defenses youcould ve sworn you had in place?Castillo s jaw ticked. Could it be you re angry you didn t see me coming from a mile away? Or is it that I had youon your knees, someplace you ve never been? If he wanted Castillo out of control and beyondreason, that should do the trick.Although if the man kneeling in front of him was the calm andin-control Castillo, he wasn t sure he wanted to come face-to-face with the crazy and out-of-control side.Castillo tilted his head to the side, eyes narrowed as he regarded Shane.The air around himstopped and Shane froze as Castillo lunged forward.Both his hands closed around Shane sthroat, squeezing. No.No. Shane kicked out as he wheezed.The man he loved was choking him to death.Hislife in the hands of the man who held his heart.The hands that once teased and caressed himwere ending his life.His vision grayed.He tugged on the ropes harder.No give. Pa-Pablo.Please. The face above him drifted farther and farther away. Lo-love.Love. Darkness roseup and dragged him under.* * * * *There s no love in this business.But this wasn t business.No, it was personal.All personal.Pablo sat on the floor of his bathroom with his back against the locked door.He stared down at his hands.The hands he d used to His throat worked and his stomach rebelled.Again.He d killed before.Of course.It was in the job description.Killing Dev, no matter what hisreal name was, didn t come easy.He couldn t do it.Pablo, please.The first time Pablo heard his name from those lips and it only took squeezing the life out ofhim.A federal agent.DEA.He couldn t believe it.His name was Shane Andrew Ruskin.Born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia.Thirty-four yearsold and he had siblings, a brother and a sister.Nieces and nephews too.Lo-Love.Shane thought Pablo was killing him, there d been no reason to lie.Right? Love.The wordechoed in his head.He knew now he didn t care what Shane felt or thought he felt.There wasno turning back.He crossed a line.He d known.Shane was DEA.Everyone knew Los P wasn t into drugs.If he d been ATF,even FBI or ICE, Pablo would ve been justified.Maybe.He d known Shane was telling the truth,known that York had to be the target and yet&Betrayal.The pain of it drove him out of his mind and controlled his actions.No turning back.In the dark coldness of his basement, a man lay naked and bleeding.Unconscious byPablo s own hands.A man he d allowed into his bed and under his skin.Secrets and lies werenever his thing.Betrayal he could never abide, but he d known and all the things that matteredtwenty-four hours ago no longer did.Shane was right.The fuel for his anger, for the pain in his chest was the fact that he d letdown his guard.He d given in to his baser instincts when his gut had cautioned him to run.Now, anger reigned [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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