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.He jammed his hips up, fucking into the tightfist he d made.On the bed, Derek crawled onto his knees and Casper lined up behind him, drizzling lube down hiscrack.Syren shuddered and closed his eyes.That position wasn t one he liked and usually when the two menwent at it like that his arousal lagged, but he tuned out the room and the sounds Derek made as Casperthrust into him and drifted.Kane was in his head and with him, touching him where no other personhad touched him in years, licking him, sucking him.Even in his fantasy he felt the wet heat as Kane sucked him deep, took him to the back of his throatand hummed.Syren gasped and twitched.He lifted his hips and thrust up, trusting Kane to take care ofhim.Rough fingers cupped his balls and tugged while even more fingers tested his hole, circled, pushed in. Fuck! Syren jerked and came in his fist, releasing hard, the orgasm pulling all he had from him.Hishead spun and breath rattled around in his chest as his hips worked furiously.He opened his eyes andstared down at himself, at his hand covered in his seed, then at the couple watching him with half-smiles from the bed. That was a good one, man. Derek winked. Seemed like you went somewhere else there for a bit.He slid a palm down Casper s chest. Something s different with you, I can feel it.Casper nodded. Definitely.Syren wiped his hands with a nearby towel then shook his head and pulled a cigarette and lighterfrom his pocket. No.Nothing s different. He lit the cigarette and took a deep drag.His limbs feltlike wet noodles and his heart clamored inside his chest. All s good. Uh-huh. Casper jerked his chin. Thought you quit?Syren blew out a smoke ring. Tomorrow.Derek snickered and Casper pulled him close for a kiss.Syren watched them, the way they touchedeach other, so familiar and organic, as if it came so naturally.He d seen them do that more than adozen times and yet, today felt different, because now he wondered at it.He wondered what it wouldfeel like to have that always.He wanted their closeness.Their bond.Their love and their sex.For him those things went hand inhand.Getting naked with someone would take all of him, for so many different reasons.All of themtoo fucking heavy to be thinking about at a time like this. How long you here for? Derek asked.Syren shrugged. Just got in, so likely the weekend. That was usually the length of his trips to CostaRica.  Was she happy to see you? Casper asked. Not at first. Syren grinned. There was a whole lot of pouting.Casper laughed. She s rather good at that. Too good. But she loved him and he loved her so nothing else mattered.He rose to his feet, tuckedhimself back in then zipped up. Thank you for the festivities, gentlemen. He waggled his fingers atthem and Casper chuckled when the cigarette s ashes floated to the floor. I ll see you both tomorrowwhen I take the madam out on the water.The men waved as he walked to the door. Bright and early.That wouldn t be a problem since he never slept anyway.* * * * *The rest and relaxation of his weekend in Costa Rica was done and now Syren sat in the livingroom of a mansion on steroids in the hills of Culiacán, Mexico, with his boss, waiting on AntonioNieto to put in an appearance.The man was notoriously late, always making people wait.Syren tugged the coral-colored shirt he wore from his skin.The heat had him melting and hisclothes sticking to his skin.He wasn t a fan of all that heat, too stifling.A pitcher of what looked likelemonade sat atop a small table in the far corner of the room and damn if Syren was going to walk allthe way over there.The Nietos were getting on his nerves and Syren decided this was the last nail in their coffin.He d had enough.Those young bucks were going down along with Delatorre.This was a courtesy visit, set up last minute when Delatorre s weapons shipment disappeared enroute to buyers.They had no proof, at least none concrete, that the Nietos were responsible, butDelatorre had no doubts they were behind it.And Syren didn t feel like voicing objections whenRicardo insisted on stopping in Mexico before continuing on to Los Angeles [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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