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. Right.We can t do it again,but that doesn t mean I regret you, or what we did.Or that I don t want to see you again.I ve neverreally been friends with girls, but I want to be yours. I see. She gave him a tight smile. All right, then. Good. He stared at her some more before clearing his throat. The wounds on my chest? Theycame from war.I was injured in battle, right before I came home.She blinked at him.She d asked him about them the night they d first met, and he d blown her off.She knew telling her now was a way of showing her he was serious.That he wanted them to share.That he actually wanted to be friends. I m so sorry for that.He nodded. We re good? We re good, she said softly.He glanced over his shoulder, tugging on the hair at the back of his head. All right.I better go towork, then. Yeah, or you ll be late. She forced a smile and stepped back into her apartment, the flowers stillin her hands. Thanks for stopping by, and for the flowers. Anytime.He stared at her for another second, his silence saying so much and yet not enough, then turned andleft.She watched him go, her heart pumping loudly.He d brought her flowers.So they could be friends.Unfortunately for him, that only made her want him more. Sighing, she closed her door and walked into her apartment, the flowers pressed to her nose as sheinhaled their scent.Another knock sounded, and she started for the door.Without looking through thepeephole, she set the bouquet down and opened the door. Did you forget ?She broke off, because it wasn t Holt.It was Sam, her cheating ex. Hey, babe. Uh& hi. She tightened her grip on the doorknob. What are you doing here? I forgot some things and wanted to grab them. Okay&  She stepped back and let him inside. What did you forget? You.She blinked. What do ? I m sorry.I never should have slept with Joan. Yeah, well, you did. She stepped aside, motioning out to the hallway. Now get out before I  I miss you, babe.He wrapped a hand around her waist and pulled her into his arms.She barely had time to registerwhat was happening before his mouth was on hers.Unlike last night, when Holt had done the samething, her reaction was nonexistent unless you counted repulsion.Slipping her hands in betweenthem, she shoved him back, but he didn t budge.Twisting, she managed to free her mouth from his. Sam, stop it. Why? He backed her against the wall, not letting go.He crushed her between the wall and hischest, and instead of fearing him, she wanted to scratch his eyes out. I saw that asshole leave yourbuilding just now.And then I figured out why we didn t work.I wasn t enough of a jerk for you.Ididn t press you for sex, or anything.She shoved at his shoulders again. Neither did he, dumbass.I just gave it to him willingly. Well, now you can give it to me, too, he said angrily.Her stomach turned. Over my dead body. So melodramatic. He laughed cruelly. Then again, you always were.I don t know how I didn tnotice it before.But before I go, let me show you how a real man One second he was there.The next, he was gone.She blinked and then tugged her shirt down.It hadridden up in her struggle.But who had ?Holt slammed Sam against the door, his face red.Sam held his hands up, looking like the scaredlittle boy he was. Look, man, I wasn t  Yes, you were, man, Holt growled, his grip on Sam s throat flexing. Give me one fucking reasonnot to kill you right here, right now.Sam paled even more. Dude, I-I-I didn t  Not good enough. You can t kill me over a kiss, Sam cried. It was just a kiss! Again, not enough. Holt twisted his mouth. I ve killed for a hell of a lot less.Believe me, I won t give a damn when I do it to you.Holy crap.He hauled his fist back, seeming fully intent on punching Sam in the face.He d been ajerk, yes, but she wasn t about to watch Holt beat the life out of him for it, thank you very much. Holt.One word.One simple word.But it seemed to stop him in his tracks. Lydia, he replied, his fingers flexing. Don t hit him. She walked up, heart racing, and rested a hand on his back. He s not worth it.Trust me on this.His fingers flexed. You re right.He s not.But you are. Holt&  She wasn t sure what to say to that.He said so many sweet things, but then he pushed heraway every time she got too close. Let him go.Holt stared at him, looking deadly and dangerous. No. Look, man, I m sorry. Sam licked his lips, not daring to so much as blink. I m sorry. Say it to her, not me.Sam glanced at Lydia for all of two seconds before slamming his attention back to Holt.She didn tblame him.Holt pissed off was a sight to behold. Sorry, Lydia.Lydia crossed her arms. Just go  Now tell her it won t happen again, and that you ll never come near her. Holt pressed on histhroat and grinned. Because if you do, I ll kill you.I swear I won t let her stop me next time.Sam nodded frantically. I ll stay away. Good. Holt shoved him one last time, then stepped back. Now get the fuck out of here before Ichange my mind.Sam ran.Legit ran.She didn t blame him one little bit.As soon as he was gone, Holt slammed the door shut behind him and locked it.He ran his handthrough his hair, his back still to Lydia, and let out a long breath.When he turned, the murderous glowwas gone.But he still looked ready to pounce. Are you okay?She nodded. I m f-fine. I saw him come in as I left, but it took me a second to recognize him.Once I did, I came back up tomake sure you were okay. He swallowed. I m sorry I wasn t faster.She licked her lips. But& Thank you. Why did you ? He broke off, squaring his jaw.Lydia gave him time to think. Why did you lethim in? He said he needed to pick up some stuff here.I hadn t seen anything of his, but I figured maybe I d missed it. She shrugged, swallowing hard [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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