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.⬠SProtected me from my own fool self.Nameyour price.I⬠"!ll keep you safe.But if you want all the rest to end, just say so.â¬Raising himself on one elbow, Joey contemplated Gabriel silently.Then his mouth closedover Gabriel⬠"!s.Gabriel let himself be kissed, savoring the warmth and wetness, betterthan any narcotic.Even as his wound stabbed and burned, Gabriel kept kissing Joey hungrilyuntil the other man pulled away.⬠SI⬠"!m hurting you.You need to lie quietly.Rest for a while.â¬â¬ SI⬠"!m fine,⬠Gabriel groaned.⬠SOh, yes, I can see that.⬠Joey used his sleeve to mop away the perspiration stand-ing out on Gabriel⬠"!s face.Pushing back a lock of damp hair, Joey kissed Gabriel⬠"!sforehead.⬠SDon⬠"!t worry.The price is set.As soon as you⬠"!re strong enough, I⬠"!llexpect payment.⬠* * *Over the following days Gabriel healed rapidly.Joey attributed this to rest and regularmeals; Gabriel attributed it to unrestricted cigarettes and Joey in his bunk each night.Ofcourse, some care had to be taken.Not every guard was like Buckland, indifferent to catchingtwo inmates beneath one blanket.If seen and put on report, both Gabriel and Joey would getthe lash.But Gabriel was popular and Joey had also started to make friends among theguards.As long as they weren⬠"!t blatant about their activities after lights out, they couldcontinue without fear of reprisal.Every night after reconfinement, after the overheads went dark and the guards⬠"! firstwalk-throughs were done, Joey stuffed two pillows beneath his blanket to simulate a sleepingfigure.Decoy in place, he climbed into Gabriel⬠"!s bunk, remaining there for a few hourseach night.Curling against Gabriel⬠"!s left side, Joey would rest his head against the otherman⬠"!s chest.They talked softly in the darkness, pausing now and then to kiss.For Gabri-el that was the best part, better even than holding Joey close ⬠ kissing him over and overuntil their lips were slick and sore.One night Gabriel was so intent on the feel of Joey⬠"!stongue against his, the warmth of the other man in his arms, he rolled on top of Joey and kepton kissing him until he realized his side barely ached at all.The tightness in his lower belly,the throbbing need in his cock, outweighed any soreness in his healing wound.⬠SName your price,⬠Gabriel whispered, biting the softness of Joey⬠"!s throat andtugging the skin between his teeth.⬠SIt⬠"!s something we⬠"!ve never tried.⬠Sliding his lips along Gabriel⬠"!s barechest, Joey caught a nipple between his lips and twisted until Gabriel gave a stifled moan.⬠SSure you⬠"!re up to it?â¬â¬ SOh, I⬠"!m up.⬠Gabriel pressed Joey⬠"!s hand against his cock.⬠SIs the torchin your bunk?â¬â¬ SIt is.⬠Extricating himself with a kiss, Joey climbed up the steel ladder, peeled up hismattress and felt beneath it.Before Gabriel could work out why the torch would be stashedthere, Joey was back down again, already stripped to his shorts.He tossed the lighted torchonto Gabriel⬠"!s bunk and wriggled beneath Gabriel again, soon nude and hard as rock.⬠SIf you mean for me to suck you,⬠Gabriel said, unable to look away from that lovelycock and almost trembling with readiness, ⬠Syou⬠"!re the first man to ask since CarlWerth.But I promise not to use all my teeth.â¬Joey shook his head, smiling the mischievous, self-possessed smile that made secretparts of Gabriel run wild.⬠SNot yet.⬠Joey revealed what he held in his right hand, a steeltube Gabriel at first mistook for toothpaste or Brylcreem.⬠SLonnie stole this from the infirm-ary.⬠⬠SStole it? What did you promise him in return?â¬â¬ SA kiss.â¬Gabriel frowned.⬠SFrom you.â¬â¬ SOh.Sure and I can manage that, I suppose.⬠Unscrewing the cap, Gabrielsqueezed a bit of clear jelly onto his fingers and understood.Covering Joey⬠"!s body withhis own, Gabriel kissed his lips.⬠SBut you said ⬠ something we haven⬠"!t tried ⬠¦â¬â¬ SWe haven⬠"!t.⬠Reaching up, Joey cupped Gabriel⬠"!s cheek.⬠SWhathappened before was one stranger attacking another.What happens now is between you andme.â¬â¬ SJoey.⬠Gabriel kissed the other man⬠"!s earlobe, his jawline, the hollow of histhroat.⬠SI can⬠"!t hurt you again.I⬠"!ll kill myself first.â¬â¬ SThen go slow.And stop if I tell you.⬠Joey rubbed the cool, light jelly up and downGabriel⬠"!s cock.Then he spread it between his own legs, working so slowly and thor-oughly, Gabriel was transfixed.Lifting himself, Joey took hold of Gabriel and pressed thehead of his cock inside as much as he could bear.⬠SDoes it hurt?â¬â¬ SOh.Give ⬠¦ give me a moment ⬠¦â¬ Joey⬠"!s eyes locked with Gabriel⬠"!s,bright with dawning pleasure as well as pain.⬠SRight.⬠He took a deep breath, smilingagain.⬠SMore, Gabe.More.â¬Biting his lower lip, Gabriel pushed in.It was easier, much easier than he remembered,partly because of the lubricant, partly because Joey wasn⬠"!t fighting with all his strength tokeep him out.Still Joey grunted as Gabriel slid inside.Heart pounding wildly, Gabriel stopped.Two needs tore at him ⬠ desperation to continue and an overriding desire to protect Joeyfrom everything, even himself.⬠SMore,⬠Joey whispered, lifting himself and wrapping his legs around Gabriel⬠"!swaist.Closing his eyes, Gabriel pushed forward, groaning at the hot, tight grasp.Then he wasinside completely, buried to his balls and rocking gently.Even if Joey couldn⬠"!t toleratefirmer strokes, this was perfect.Heaven.The most exquisite pleasure of Gabriel⬠"!s life ⬠¦Joey made a noise, high and agonized.⬠SDo you want me out?â¬â¬ SNo,⬠Joey gasped.⬠SFaster.Much faster.â¬Gabrielâidth¬ "!s hips began to rock [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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