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.But he preferred to inspire that kind of mindless urgencyduring a slightly different activity.He settled a hand over hers and gave a squeeze.Itseemed to help, a little.Not that he didn t get the reason for her anxiety.He did.Neither of them had beenraised to trust easily, and hurtling down the open road with nothing but his skill standingbetween her and an up-close, personal encounter with the asphalt required a fair amountof trust.That understanding made it all the sweeter when, after a mile or so, her griploosened infinitesimally and her body relaxed against his.Some natural instinct kicked inand she started to flow with the movement of the bike, and him.Tension he d barelyregistered drained out of his neck and shoulders.Better.Much better.Now they couldboth sit back and enjoy the ride the warm wind, the smell of honeysuckle in the air, thesinking sun bathing everything in orange and gold.Those relatively innocent pleasures weren t the only ones to enjoy.Every time heleaned into one of the meandering turns, she leaned into him.Her arms tightened aroundhis waist and the hard, hot points of her nipples drilled into his back.The way shesquirmed and clenched her thighs when he accelerated told him she felt the vibrations ofthe bike s powerful engine in all the right places.By the time the tin roof and weathered planks of The Catch came into view, she dmelted against him like a cheddar square on a hot slice of pie.He pulled into therestaurant s busy parking lot, cut the engine, and heard her small, breathy sigh.Oh yeah,she liked the ride.Bracing the bike with one leg, he slid his hand along her thigh. You good with this,Doc?She pulled the helmet off.In his side mirror, he watched her give him a long, wary look,as if she might not be so sure about their bargain.He found himself holding his breath.Then she nodded. Absolutely, I m good with this. Chin raised, she smiled at him. Great.Better grab on. Wha ? The word ended in a high note as he hefted the bike onto its kickstand.Herhands clutched his shoulders.He waited while she got off the bike.As far as he could judge from his limited perspective, her underwear didn t make an encore appearance during her dismount, butletting her use his body like a ladder to climb down stirred up his imagination almost aswell.She wobbled a little when she stepped back to give him room.He pushed off thebike, closed the distance, and wrapped his arm around her waist. That wasn t so bad,was it? No, she said, sounding a bit startled by the admission.More pleased than heexpected to be by one little word, he steered her along the short pier to the restaurant sentrance.He opened the door for her and followed her through, accidentally bumping into herwhen she stopped abruptly.He caught her arms to steady her when the impact knockedher off-balance, and then, for no reason except she smelled incredible and felt so damngood, he turned her to face him and very slowly, very deliberately pulled her in close untilhis chest brushed her breasts.She looked up at him with an expression somewherebetween flustered and exasperated.He flashed his best innocent smile, not missing thepulse pounding away at the base of her throat.Ride s not over yet, Sparky. Hungry? Yes. The word came out like a confession and he suspected she wasn t referring tofood. But this place is pretty crowded.We might have a long wait. They ll have a table for us. Taking her hand, he led her through the press of bodies.Diane, the manager, spotted him before they made it to the hostess desk and wrappedhim in a big hug. Hey, sugar! I didn t know you were coming in tonight. She eased back,slid a curious glance toward Ellie, and raised a brow at him. Table for two? Can you squeeze us in?She laughed and smoothed a hand over her strawberry-blond hair. Oh, sugar, I canalways squeeze you in.And your friend. Ellie, he added, sliding his arm around her. Ellie, Diane. Nice to meet you, Ellie said. Always nice to meet one of Tyler s friends, Diane returned. We just love him aroundhere.C mon. Taking a couple menus from the hostess station, she led them to a quietcorner table on the outdoor dining deck floating above the Ohio River.Once they were seated, Diane wished them a  memorable evening, winked at Ellieand departed.The steady slap of water against the deck pilings filled the silence. She seems nice, Ellie finally said, absently pushing the small votive candle around onthe white linen tablecloth.The low light on the deck turned her brown eyes into deeppools he could get lost in. Diane? She is nice.I ve known her a long time. He could spend some serious time onEllie s mouth, too. Is  known her a long time a euphemism for  dated her ? The question startled him out of his distraction with Ellie s lips.Before he could answer, she winced. Sorry, erase thequestion.Who you ve dated is none of my business.New topic  She s a friend.I got to know her when I remodeled the first restaurant she managed.He couldn t say why her question and her obvious discomfort about asking stirred himup, but it did.It also renewed his curiosity about her underlying reason for the whole  sextutor deal. Anything else you want to know?She shook her head and opened her menu. Nope.I m good. Because unlike some people, I m an open book.She shut the menu. And I m not?Just then a waiter appeared and took their drink orders.When he left, Ellie crossed herarms, leaned back in her chair, and stared at him.He stared right back, issuing a not-so-subtle challenge.She blinked first and lowered her eyes. How long have you had the bike? Now we re really getting personal.A long time. Shrugging off a vaguedisappointment, he added. Maybe too long. Is there a statute of limitations on riding a motorcycle? I m learning yes, to some folks.But that s a story for another time.Ever been herebefore? No, never, but this is nice. She stared out at the lights twinkling along the oppositebank of the river and breathed deeply [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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