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.What occupation to choseWhat occupation to chose ? What to do in life ? many young poeple ask themselves such question.We should remember that first of all we should like our job becouse it want be tiring and boring.Many people choose their job acconding to they money they are going to earn but for these people, money isn't more important think.Some people prefer to earn less but have an intesesting job which give possibles to develoup.We usually look for occupation which is connected with education.Choosing a secondary school we decided what we will do in the future.Choosing accademy or uniwercity to study we should know a job market and the prospect or views we will when we finish our studies.I'm going to study engineering of automaties and roboties.I hope to find a job in factory as an engineer dilling with digital programing of machines.If I don't get to this kind of studies I would like to get to the enginering of sound.If I manage to graduate from this academy I will start my own firm dilling with providing sound on concerts of some rock grups or other ocasionall celebrations.What ever like brings it is worth remembering that you choose yours job just once and it is very difficult to change it after all [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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