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.""So that iswhy Murdoc traveled to Stirling," Robina said thoughtfully."He told me he wanted to bring apetition before the court, but I knew not what it was.""Uncle Murdoc is a devious man.I am an English subject, and Scottish laws hold no sway over me.Icannot wed Gunn, nor would I wed him even if 'twas possible.I love my husband."Robina's sharp features softened, and Rose realized her uncle's wife was younger than she looked."Areyou happy with Murdoc, Robina?" she probed."Was your marriage an arranged one?" "My marriage was arranged, but Papa wouldna have agreed to it if he'd known Murdoc wanted naughtbut a brood mare.We have been wed ten years." She sighed."I fear I am barren.""Are you ill treated?"Robina looked away."All was well in the beginning.I was well treated, but as the years went by with nosign of a bairn, Murdoc changed.He made Gunn his319heir and began treating me less kindly.He doesna beat me, but if I displease him he shows me the backof his hand.""You should leave him, Robina.Scottish laws give women more power than English ones.Will yourfather take you in?""Aye, but Murdoc willna let me go.He fears Papa will demand the return of my dowry.But enoughabout me.How can I help ye?""I ask naught of you that would cause you harm, but there is one thing you can do.I am concerned aboutmy vassals.I have no idea what Uncle Murdoc has done with them.I would be grateful if you could findout what has become of them.""Och, lass, I already know.They are confined in the north tower and they are both well."Rose nearly collapsed with relief.According to her uncle, however, their safety depended upon hercompliance.Dare she ask Robina to set them free?"I fear for their lives," Rose confided.Their safety depends upon my willingness to wed Gunn.Oh,Robina, I know not what to do.My husband thinks I went to London.He would never think to look forme here."Robina looked bewildered."I donna understand."Rose explained in a few succinct words why she had been traveling to London and why Dragon hadforbidden her to leave without him."'Tis unfortunate Murdoc came upon ye whilst on one of his raids into English territory.May I ask a boonof ye?" Robina asked timidly."I will free ye and yer vassals if ye take me with ye to Dragonwyck.Thinkye yer husband will protect me from Murdoc and help 320me reach my father's manor? I have six brothers who will protect me from Murdoc, for they like himnot.""Free Piers and Vella and go with them to Dragon-wyck,"Rose said."But forget about me.'Tis toodangerous.When you reach Dragonwyck, tell Dragon of my plight and ask him to provide escort to yourfather's home.""I must go," Robina said, looking nervously toward the door."I will free them tonight, after Murdoc fallsasleep.He doesna know I have spare keys to all the chambers, so I donna wish to be caught where I amnot supposed to be.""Good luck," Rose called softly.Robina let herself out the door and turned the key in the lock. Elated at being offered help from an unlikely ally, Rose felt a glimmer of hope where none had existedscant hours ago.Dragon had no idea she was in Scotland and had probably sent men south to intercepther.It would take at least a sennight for his men to reach London and learn she was not there, andanother sennight to report back to Dragon.By the time he thought to look across the border for her, itwould be too late.In order to save Piers and Vella, she would be forced to enter into a bigamousmarriage.However, if Piers's and Vella's lives did not depend upon her compliance, Rose would happilydefy Murdoc's ultimatum.Rose's stomach growled hungrily as the dinner hour approached.She had almost decided that Murdocplanned to starve her into submission when the door opened, admitting Gunn."What doyou want?"321"Murdoc sent me to fetch ye.He wants ye to sup with us."Rose glared at him."I prefer to eat inmy chamber."Her answer seemed to please rather than anger Gunn."He thought ye might say that and gave mepermission to carry ye down if ye resist.I wouldna mind another feel of yer pert bottom beneath myhand."He reached her in two long strides, placed his meaty hands around her waist and started to lift her overhis shoulder.Rose resisted, to no avail.She pounded her fists against his back as he upended her overhis shoulder.When his hand settled heavily on her bottom, Rose's warrior instincts took hold [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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