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.""That's goddamn fascinating.Is this marketable? Can it smell drugs or bombs accurately?"Mr.Host simply looked at Alec in response.He was devoid of emotion or decision on the question, and Alec let his question die in the air."The sniffer confirmed that Tesser, who is the man in the security camera footage you just watched, as well as the father of Miss Rindahl's baby, is indeed a dragon.He appears to have shifted into the form of a human being.We believe he has done this to blend in.To learn.""Holy shit.A shape-shifting dragon? The applications are endless.His cellular makeup and DNA must be absolutely off the charts.Can the purple dragon change shape? We never saw her do it.""The purple dragon is likely able to as well, though our sedation techniques are powerful enough to prevent any changes.""Thank God for that.So what now? You go and grab him? Is that even possible? Can you do to him what you did to Purple downstairs? Are we going to need another facility for him?""Apprehension and containment of the Tesser is possible, though it might be a destructive event.He is a different animal than the purple dragon.More aggressive, if push came to shove.More importantly, although certainly less dangerously, is the unborn child your employee carries."Alec rolled his eyes in amazement."Dear me, yes.When Matty comes into work, we need to put her under quarantine.That's not in the employee contract, but she'll understand.For the sake of the baby and all that.""We feel that her retrieval cannot wait," Mr.Host said with finality.Alec swallowed nervously.Mr.Host's feelings weren't shared with the intention of seeming like advice or of asking permission."Okay.I'll send a car to go get her.""I've already sent a team.They should be there momentarily.""A team? Is it just me or are we at that point of no return here Mr.Host? We're about to kidnap a pregnant woman because she's carrying the baby of a rogue dragon.If this gets out, Fitzgerald Industries is done.You realize that, right?""Your father did things far more risqué than this, Mr.Fitzgerald.The bold control the future.The bold change the world.Are you bold, Mr.Fitzgerald?"Alec thought of his father.He wanted to build the company to be ten times what his father had left him.His unending ambition constantly burned in his chest.Never satisfied.It was the curse of being a Fitzgerald.A Fitzgerald could never be satisfied, not fully."Grab her.Please be careful though.We can figure it out later, I suppose.""Agreed.Once the woman is safely in a secure room, we will consider going after Tesser.""You know where he lives?""My associate Mr.Follower was able to… follow Tesser to a home in the Back Bay.He's currently under observation.""Mr.Tracker? Mr.Follower? Names regardless, you really have your shit together, Mr.Host.I'm halfway between horrified and impressed.""An accurate assessment of the impact we frequently inspire, Mr.Fitzgerald," Mr.Host said as Mr.Tracker shut the briefcase and removed it from the desk.The strange younger man had still not said a word."We?""‘We,’ indeed.I will advise you when Miss Rindahl is in our custody.We will then move on the Tesser.Get some rest in the meantime.You will be very busy once we have her and the dragon in our possession.The leaps in science that will be at your fingertips will make all this unpleasantness seem idle.I would contact your human resources department and tell them to begin interviewing for more staff." Mr.Host and Mr.Tracker didn't wait for Alec's response.They simply walked away and left the office with a quiet click of the door lock.What am I doing? Alec turned and grabbed a crystal decanter filled with very expensive scotch and poured a tall drink.Mr.Host and his men aren't covered by my human resources department.Weird that they are all contractors.Why does that thought frighten me so goddamn much?His hand shook as he drank.Chapter Thirty-OneMattyMatty sat alone in her apartment at the kitchen table.It was late in the evening after her tragic meeting at the coffee shop with Tesser, the father of her freshly conceived child.Her chair was pulled out on nearly the very spot where her underwear had hit the floor the night she'd conceived the tiny baby growing inside her.One of Matty's hands drifted down into her lap to press against her still flat belly.There was no movement to feel yet.No evidence of the wondrous and unexpected life inside her.The impossible life.An open bottle of vodka sat on the table in front of her.Next to it, a glass of tap water beside a bottle of prenatal vitamins.The items represented the ultimate choice, placed directly in her path by her own volition.Drink the vodka and commit to visiting the abortion clinic as soon as she possibly could.She would leave behind the risk of abandonment by Tesser and the enormous mountain of responsibility of not only being a mother, but also potentially being a single mother.Years of soccer practice, PTA meetings, dance recitals, Christmas concerts, wrapping unending amounts of thankless birthday presents, scraped knees, bad first dates, and broken hearts would all be avoided.It was in truth, the bottle of vodka, the easier way out.The great goodbye.The glass of water and the taking of a single pink pill filled with precious nutrients meant instead of turning away from the storm of all those scary thoughts, she would turn into it.It meant potentially being a mother without support.It meant years of basketball practice, a first step, a first word, the wonder of whether or not the baby's eyes would be green like hers or gold like Tesser's.It meant buying fun wrapping paper, going to the park, and sitting in the front row at a wedding she couldn't stop crying at.It was the ultimate hello.Both decisions were horrifying.Should she decide to walk away from the baby, she'd be abandoning a second chance to be a mother.Her first chance at creating life with Max had failed so miserably, so painfully.Poor, little Aiden.He never had a birthday.This could be her opportunity to make things right.Give someone to the world [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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