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.She had only made this concession after Doc had offered to stay with BlindSeer so that no harm could come to the wolf unwitnessed.Judge Ulia studied Firekeeper for a moment, then said:"All the evidence says that you are innocent of anything but being somewhat beforehand in your self-defense.Since you couldhave disabled the man who threatened you and your pet or even screamed for help, my belief is that you overreacted."Firekeeper said nothing, only held her head high and fixed her gaze on the judge."However, I have spoken to many people and have heard from them the story of your peculiar childhood.Indeed, I had evenheard some tales of you before this meetingùthough I must admit I did not believe them until we met.Given your upbringing, Ican see how it would be natural for you both to kill rather than disable and to value human life rather more lightly than I wouldlike."Because of these circumstances, I am releasing you without penalty into the custody of your older brother, Lord Kestrel.Understand, however, that I will send a letter to be circulated to all those responsible for enforcing the law in this land.Theywill be told that you have been warned that killing when disabling will serve is against our law.Next timeùif there is a nexttimeùyou will not get away so lightly.Do you understand?"Firekeeper tilted her head to one side in consideration."I think so," she replied, "but I will ask Derian and Elise to tell me again so I am sure.""Wise," the judge said with the faintest of smiles."However, I cannot permit your dogùor wolf, as I now realize him to beùtogo free.He has shown himself more restrained than you, but clearly as fearless as any fighting dog when it comes to attackinghumans.As they are to be destroyed, so he will be destroyed.""No," Firekeeper stated."He will not be."Judge Ulia did not look surprised either at the interruption to formal procedure or at Firekeeper's response."I say he will be destroyed," the judge replied coolly."It is only right and harmonious.Moreover, there is none to answer forhim as your brother must answer for you.""I answer for him," Firekeeper growled.Her hand drifted toward the folds of her dress and with a sudden tingle of fear Elise realized why the wolf-woman had been sowilling to wear a dress.She could conceal her Fang in the folds of a skirt as she could not in trousers.Elise bit her lip, willing herself not to scream or give warning, trying to remember if Firekeeper could accurately throw herFang, wondering what she would do if the wolf-woman fled again.Judge Ulia looked at Firekeeper, flat brown eyes meeting those so dark that they seemed almost without color, and found noretreat."You say you will answer for him," the judge said, "but you yourself have already proven to be too dangerous to be trustedwith control of such a deadly beast.There is no other answer.The wolf must be destroyed."aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r rFirekeeper howled, a single long, shrill note that Elise didn't doubt contained a wealth of meaning for the right ears.Then shebared her teeth at the judge."I tell Brotius," Firekeeper said, "what happens if Blind Seer is hurt.You are as warned as he."Shouts came from outside the inn and the whinny of a horse in panic.Elise thought she heard Edlin's "I say!" above the othervoices and wondered just when he'd slipped outside.Doubtless as soon as he recognized the threat to the wolf.If he'd risktrouble for fighting dogs, he'd risk more for a companion."Grab Lady Blysse!" Captain Brotius shouted to his men, even as Wendee and Derian moved toward the wolf-woman,obviously hoping she would not harm them as she would a stranger.Then the door into the inn's common room opened and a man in traveling clothes stepped through.His amiable features wereilluminated by the outside light and Elise thought she saw several people in the roomùCaptain Brotius among themùstiffen."I've been listening from outside," the newcomer said, in New Kelvinese, "and it has been very interesting [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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