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.We have set one against another the personal andnational reckonings of the GOYIM, religious and race hatreds, which we have fosteredinto a huge growth in the course of the past twenty centuries.This is the reason whythere is not one State which would anywhere receive support if it were to raise itsarm, for every one of them must bear in mind that any agreement against us would beunprofitable to itself.We are too strong - there is no evading our power.THE NATIONSCANNOT COME TO EVEN AN INCONSIDERABLE PRIVATE AGREEMENT WITHOUT OURSECRETLY HAVING A HAND IN IT.6.PER ME REGES REGNANT."It is through me that Kings reign." And it was said bythe prophets that we were chosen by God Himself to rule over the whole earth.Godhas endowed us with genius that we may be equal to our task.Were genius in theopposite camp it would still struggle against us, but even so, a newcomer is no matchfor the old-established settler: the struggle would be merciless between us, such afight as the world has never seen.Aye, and the genius on their side would havearrived too late.All the wheels of the machinery of all States go by the force of theengine, which is in our hands, and that engine of the machinery of States is - Gold.The science of political economy invented by our learned elders has for long past beengiving royal prestige to capital.MONOPOLY CAPITAL7.Capital, if it is to co-operate untrammeled, must be free to establish a monopolyof industry and trade: this is already being put in execution by an unseen hand in allquarters of the world.This freedom will give political force to those engaged inindustry, and that will help to oppress the people.Nowadays it is more important todisarm the peoples than to lead them into war: more important to use for ouradvantage the passions which have burst into flames than to quench their fire: moreimportant to eradicate them.THE PRINCIPLE OBJECT OF OUR DIRECTORATECONSISTS IN THIS: TO DEBILITATE THE PUBLIC MIND BY CRITICISM; TO LEAD ITAWAY FROM SERIOUS REFLECTIONS CALCULATED TO AROUSE RESISTANCE; TODISTRACT THE FORCES OF THE MIND TOWARDS A SHAM FIGHT OF EMPTYELOQUENCE.8.In all ages the people of the world, equally with individuals, have accepted wordsfor deeds, for THEY ARE CONTENT WITH A SHOW and rarely pause to note, in thepublic arena, whether promises are followed by performance.Therefore we shallestablish show institutions which will give eloquent proof of their benefit to progress.9.We shall assume to ourselves the liberal physiognomy of all parties, of alldirections, and we shall give that physiognomy a VOICE IN ORATORS WHO WILLSPEAK SO MUCH THAT THEY WILL EXHAUST THE PATIENCE OF THEIR HEARERS ANDPRODUCE AN ABHORRENCE OF ORATORY.10.IN ORDER TO PUT PUBLIC OPINION INTO OUR HANDS WE MUST BRING ITINTO A STATE OF BEWILDERMENT BY GIVING EXPRESSION FROM ALL SIDES TO SOMANY CONTRADICTORY OPINIONS AND FOR SUCH LENGTH OF TIME AS WILLSUFFICE TO MAKE THE "GOYIM" LOSE THEIR HEADS IN THE LABYRINTH AND COMETO SEE THAT THE BEST THING IS TO HAVE NO OPINION OF ANY KIND IN MATTERSPOLITICAL, which it is not given to the public to understand, because they areunderstood only by him who guides the public.This is the first secret.http://quotes.strongcity.com/protocols_of_zion.html 3/31/01 Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Page 18 of 5411.The second secret requisite for the success of our government is comprised inthe following: To multiply to such an extent national failings, habits, passions,conditions of civil life, that it will be impossible for anyone to know where he is in theresulting chaos, so that the people in consequence will fail to understand one another.This measure will also serve us in another way, namely, to sow discord in all parties,to dislocate all collective forces which are still unwilling to submit to us, and todiscourage any kind of personal initiative which might in any degree hinder our affair.THERE IS NOTHING MORE DANGEROUS THAN PERSONAL INITIATIVE: if it has geniusbehind it, such initiative can do more than can be done by millions of people amongwhom we have sown discord.We must so direct the education of the GOYIMcommunities that whenever they come upon a matter requiring initiative they maydrop their hands in despairing impotence.The strain which results from freedom ofactions saps the forces when it meets with the freedom of another.From this collisionarise grave moral shocks, disenchantments, failures [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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