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.No adversay is too formidable - evengovernments or religious institutions.You are an extremist, however, and canbecome obsessive in your quests, losing sight of reaon or practicality and refusing tocompromise or change once you've set your course of action.Your all-or-nothingattitude can cause you to triumph or lose spectacularly.You may have the ability to transform others or situations in some way.Sometimesyou accomplish this by manipulating their unconscious desires; sometimes youinspire the masses with your fearlessness and passion.However, the transformationsyou effect need not take the form of confrontation with the powers that be.You mightinfluence others to kick drugs, change careers or take up occult studies, and thustransform their lives and outlooks in some important way.Or, you may develop yourpotential for psychic healing and use this power to benefit humanity.Intensely passionate and sensual, you are likely to put a great deal of your energyinto sex.You exude an almost animal magnetism that makes you extremely attractiveto the opposite sex, regardless of how good-looking you are.You have an active andpowerful libido, and are fascinated with sexuality in all its expressions.For you, thesex act is a way to merge with your partner, emotionally as well as physically.Youmay be a consummate lover with an uncanny understanding of your own and yourpartner's deepest desires.Or, you might be afraid of the strength of your own passionand attempt to repress it, lest it take control of you.Power struggles and issues ofdomination could play a part in your sexual expression, and you might use yoursexuality to manipulate others.You are jealous and possessive of your sexualpartners; and, if betrayed, are likely to become vengeful, perhaps even violent.In theextreme, you might be cruel or perverse, obsessed with the dark side of sexuality.Men with Mars in Scorpio like to think of themselves as being 'forces to reckon with'.Though you might not be the type to start fights in bars, you are like a poisonoussnake coiled and ready to strike, and can be ominous if provoked.You certainly won'trun away from a confrontation, and seem to be fearless in the face of danger.Poweris important to you, but you probably prefer to wield it from behind the scenes, andyou want to be in control of everyone and everything in your environment.As aresult, you tend to be domineering, unwilling to trust others or delegate authority tothem.Proud of your prowess, you might emphasize your sexuality or use it to getwhat you want.Women with Mars in Scorpio are often attracted to men who project an image ofpower.This could mean take-control types, authority figures or those who are inimportant business / government positions.Or, you might be fascinated by men whoattempt to appear tough or mean, such as 'biker' types or petty criminals and thugs.You like your men to be overtly sexual, but you're looking for someone who isstrongly emotional and passionate as well.Dark, smouldering, intense men of fewwords probably interest you most.Because this planetary combination sometimessignifies sexual frustration, you might find yourself continually involved with menwho aren't good for you or who don't give you what you want.In the extreme, youcould be attracted to men who are cruel or abusive toward you.And, because Scorpiois the sign of transformation, it's quite likely that you will be transformed in someway by the men in your life.(Frances Sakoian and Louis Acker)Mars in the sign Scorpio indicates powerful emotions and desires.This tremendousemotional intensity gives the natives relentless courage and thoroughness inexecuting their intentions.It can lead to the greatest heights of spiritual achievementor to the lowest depths of moral degradation, depending on the amount of wisdom and type of motivation by which the energy is guided.These people have resourcefulness, courage, and energy, especially in meetingdifficult situations [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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