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.when his daughter by the way, Iapologize to Miss Shirning for being so long in recognizing her when she camerunning in to say that the thing had gone.''You mean stolen?' Dale asked.'No, that would have been fishy enough at the critical moment, but this wasworse.She said it had dissolved itself with chemicals in the lab.Shirningsprinted along with the rest of us behind him.All we saw was a large pool ofmetal all over the floor, and he went nearly frantic.'Well! I mean to say! Can't you imagine the results? It was a gift to thecheap rags.They made whoopee with it, and tore Shirning to bits for a publicholiday.He had to resign his post right off.It was the end of him as far ashis career was concerned.'But, if it was a stunt, the most puzzling thing about it was, why should hedo it? And, even more pertinently where a man of his talent was concerned, whyshould he do it so badly? A man of his standing had no need of even mildstunts for self advertisement, let alone an impossible thing like this.Themost charitable talked darkly of overwork, but he didn't look overworked tome.After that, he and Miss Shirning disappeared, and it all petered out asthese things do.Page 42 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html'That's a straight view of the public side of the affair, isn't it, MissShirning?''That's what happened, Mr.Froud.And considering what most of the otherjournalists there wrote in their papers afterwards, I think you are being veryfair.''Don't be too hard on them.They had to earn their bread.''They earned it by breaking my father.''Sounds like nonsense to me,' Dale put in.'Do you mean to tell me thatShirning actually claimed that this machine was not made on Earth, at all?That it got there from another planet?''To be accurate,' the girl told him, 'it came from Mars.''Oh,' said Dale, and a prolonged silence fell over the living room of theGloria Mundi.'You still stick to it, then, both of you?' Froud said, at last.'We do.''And so I suppose we have found out at last why you are here?''Yes.'`I don't see that that gives you any good reason for stowing away on my ship,'Dale said.`Even if you do stand by such a fantastic yarn, we should find outwhat there is on Mars whether you're with us or not.'`I told you before that I came to help,' said the girl calmly.'I wrote toyou, but you didn't answer my letter, so I came.''You wrote! My God! The moment the news of this flight got out half the worldstarted writing to me.I had to have a batch of secretaries to sort the mail.They put the stuff into piles: would be passengers, mystic warnings, crazyinventors, plain nuts, beggars, miscellaneous.Which was yours? The odds arein the favour of "plain nuts"; it was the biggest class.''I offered my services.''Of course.So did a million or so others.How?''As an interpreter.'Another withering silence fell on the room.Froud was unable to restrain achuckle as he caught sight of Dale's face.'Look here, young woman,' said the latter, when he had recovered his power ofspeech, 'are you trying to have a game with me? If so, I don't think it's veryfunny.'`I'm perfectly serious.'`Evidently it was the "plain nuts" list.However, I can play, too.May I askwhat University is now giving degrees in conversational Martian?'Page 43 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlJoan continued to face him unabashed.She said, slowly`Nor is that very funny, Mr.Curtance.I can't speak it, but I can write it.Ifancy that I am the only person on Earth who can though I may be wrong inthat.'`No,' said Dale, `don't qualify.I'm thoroughly prepared to believe thatyou're unique.'She studied him for a moment.'In this matter, I am.And,' she added, 'I have also had a unique opportunityof studying the particular type of facetiousness to which the subject givesrise.I suggest that as you have now allowed your reflexes to relievethemselves in the conventional style, you might, just for the time being,control your brain after the manner of an intelligent person.''Atta girl!' murmured Froud appreciatively, during the subsequent pause.Dale reddened.He opened his mouth to speak, and then thought better of it.Instead, he relapsed into a condition akin to sulks.'Miss Shirning,' said Froud, 'as you know, I was at that meeting at yourfather's house.I didn't think it funny, as the others mostly did.I knew yourfather's reputation too well to put it down as a hoax.Besides, nobodywatching him closely could have had any doubt that he believed every word hewas saying.But after the anticlimax, of course, he could do nothing, andneither of you would tell us a word more of the story.What was it?''What good would it have been? We'd lost the only true proof the machineitself.Anything we could have said would have been more fuel for thehumorists.' She looked at Dale as she spoke [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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