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Jour-nal of Criminology and Criminal Law (Spring) 91 (3), 653 698; Nieberg, H.1972.AgonisticRituals of Conflict.In J.Short and M.Wolfgang (eds.), Collective Violence, pp.82 99.Chicago:Aldine; Schafer, John R.and Navarro, Joe.2003.The Seven-Stage Hate Model: The Psycho-pathology of Hate Groups.FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin (March); Sterba, R.1969.SomePsychological Factors in Anti-Negro Race Hatred.In A.Grimshaw (ed.), Racial Violence inthe United States, pp.408 413.Chicago: Aldine.YOLANDA MARTINHELL S ANGELS IN CANADA.The Hell s Angels motorcycle club gained its nameafter a B-17 bomber group referred to one of their fighter planes as Hell s Angelsduring World War II.As a result, the nickname grew in popularity by the time thewar ended in 1945.An American pilot returning to California mentioned the nameto his biker friends who adopted it as a moniker.The offi cial symbol of the HellsAngels is known as the  Death Head  a screaming skeleton with a helmet andfeathers.The official colors of the club are red and white.Members reach a mile-stone when they are granted a  full patch.BackgroundThe first official chapter of the Hell s Angels motorcycle club was created in SanBernardino, California, in 1948.By this time, the American Motorcycle Association(AMA) had officially distanced themselves from the bikers, referring to them as hoodlums and troublemakers (from the Hell s Angels Website: www.hells-angels.com).The AMA also stated that 99 percent of bikers were law-abiding citizens,which led Hell s Angels members to refer to themselves as the  one-percenters.The club gained notoriety in 1969 after being hired to work as security for anoutdoor concert featuring The Rolling Stones and Jefferson Airplane in Altamont,California.During the performance of the song  Under My Thumb by The RollingStones, a man named Meredith Hunter was stabbed to death by Angels memberAlan Passaro.In court, Passaro claimed that he had simply been defending himself.He was eventually acquitted on the grounds of self-defense.However, after this inci-dent the Hell s Angels received a tremendous amount of negative publicity.This ledRalph  Sonny Barger, who began the club s Oakland chapter in 1957, to appear ona radio station in defense of the club s conduct during the concert.The organizationnow had a public profile. HELL S ANGELS IN CANADA 127Into CanadaIn 1977, the Hell s Angels finally made their way into Canada through the prov-ince of Quebec.A chapter was established in the small town of Sorel, which is lo-cated just outside of Montreal.The Quebec Nomads chapter was run by Maurice Mom Boucher, who is currently in prison and appealing a life sentence.By 1984,the Angels had added another chapter in Sherbrooke, Quebec, as well as one inHalifax, Nova Scotia, and four in British Columbia.It is now generally acknowledged that the response of Canadian authorities to theclub s expansion was poor.While the club s presence in Canada was growing duringthe late 1970s and throughout the 1980s, politicians and law enforcement agencieswere slow to respond. No one was targeting them from a law enforcement perspec-tive, stated Andy Richards, an inspector with British Columbia s Organized CrimeAgency. By the time we all collectively woke up in the early nineties, we re going, Holy Shit, we have a problem here  (Sher and Marsden, 2003).One of the first seri-ous attempts to crack down on the Angels occurred in 1995 when the Quebec pro-vincial government announced the creation of a special task force called  Wolverineto go after the bikers alleged illegal activities.Wolverine was established followingthe tragic death of an eleven-year-old boy named Daniel Desrochers, who died as aresult of injuries sustained from a car bomb that was planted during the biker warbetween the Hell s Angels and enemy biker group Rock Machine.In the end, Wol-verine failed due to corruption and infighting among the officers who were assignedto the operation.Following the failure of Wolverine, a royal commission, headed byformer Quebec Superior Court Chief Justice Lawrence Poitras, was created to inves-tigate what went wrong.In 1998, the Poitras Commission issued a 1,700-page re-port which described incompetent, corrupt, and unprofessional conduct on the partof police offi cers.One example involved interrogating sources at expensive hotelswhile ordering extravagant food and then billing it as an expense.Another moreserious example involved allegations of planting incriminating documents on Hell sAngels members in an effort to prosecute them.The man considered widely responsible for expanding the Angels across Canadais Walter  Nurget Stadnik, who was born and raised in Hamilton, Ontario.Al-though he always maintained a residence in Hamilton, Stadnik spent much of histime in Quebec and became a Nomad.He paid frequent visits to Winnipeg, Mani-toba, in the early 1990s and created small  puppet motorcycle clubs with a visionof eventually flipping them over as official chapters of Hell s Angels.By 1997, Stad-nik had convinced one of the main motorcycle clubs in Manitoba, called Los Brovos,to flip over to the Hell s Angels.Earlier that same year, the Hell s Angels welcomedthe Grim Reapers biker club in Alberta.By this time, the Angels were said to be in-volved in a variety of illegal activities in Canada, all of which generated money forthe organization.This included a near monopoly on the cocaine trade in the prov-ince of Nova Scotia and control of smuggling through Vancouver-area ports in Brit-ish Columbia.The club was also linked to various types of money laundering opera-tions with the apparent assistance of unethical bankers, stockbrokers, and lawyers.Moreover, the Hell s Angels were also linked to narcotics trafficking, prostitutionrings, protection rackets, and loan sharking.The breakthrough in Ontario that the Hell s Angels were looking for came in 2000primarily through signing up members of the biker club Satan s Choice.Simply bytaking over chapters that had been established by Satan s Choice, the Hell s Angels 128 HELL S ANGELS IN CANADAgained immediate access to communities all over Ontario, including Thunder Bay,Sudbury, Simcoe County, Keswick, Kitchener, Oshawa, and the eastern part ofToronto.The club also gained locations in central Toronto and Woodbridge.OnJanuary 12, 2002, Hell s Angels members booked a weekend in a downtown Torontohotel to celebrate their anniversary in the province.Former Toronto Mayor MelLastman was approached by Hell s Angels member Tony Biancaflora.As Lastmanshook Biancafl ora s hand, the news media took photographs which were widelypublished across Canada the next day and generated a hostile reaction toward theToronto mayor.Lastman added fuel to the fire by appearing on national televisionafterward and stating,  You know, they really are just a nice bunch of guys. Afterconsiderable pressure from the public and the media, Lastman later admitted thatshaking Biancaflora s hand was probably a mistake.Regardless, there were 260 esti-mated Hell s Angels members in Ontario by the end of 2003 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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