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.Roger, you may wonder what's hap-pened to me, but I rangup our old friend Chief Inspector Teal and told him all about Saltham, and hePage 134 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlwent off as fast as a police car could take him.It remains to be seen whetherhe arrived in time.The crown prince left England last night, but they'vecollected Heinrich.I'm afraid Ike will have to get a new staff of servants,though.His old ones are dead beyond repair.I think that's all the dope,""It doesn't seem to worry you," said Roger."Why should it?" said the Saint a little tiredly."We've done our job.AngelFace is smashed, whatever happens.He'll never be a danger to the world again.And if he's caught he'll be hanged, which will do him a lot of good.On theother hand, if he gets away, and we're destined to have another round-that isas the Lord may provide.""And Norman?"The Saint smiled, a quiet little smile."There was a letter from Pat this morning," he said."Posted at Suez.They'regoing on down the east coast of Africa, and they expect to get around toMadeira in the spring.And I'm going to do something that I think Norman wouldhave wanted far more than vengeance.I'm going ad-venturing across Europe; andat the end of it I shall find my lady."Roger moved away and glanced at the tele-phone."Have you heard from Sonia?" he asked."She called up," said the Saint."I told her to come right round and bringpapa.They should be here any minute now."Conway picked up the Bystander and put it down again.He said: "Did you mean everything you said last night-this morning?"Simon stared out of the window."Every word," he said.He said: "You see, old Roger, some queer things happen in this life of ours.You cut adrift from all ordinary rules; and then, sometimes, when you'd sellyour soul for a rule, you're all at sea.And when that happens to a man he'ssurely damned, bar the grace of Heaven; because I only know one thing worsethan swallowing every commandment that other people lay down for you, andthat's having no commandments but those you lay down for yourself.None ofwhich abstruse philosophy you will understand.But I'll tell you, Roger, byway of a fact, that everything life gives you has to be paid for; also thatwhere your life leads you, there will your heart be also.Selah.Autographedcopies of that speech, on vellum, may be obtained on the instal-ment plan atall public houses and speakeasies- one pound down, and the rest up a gumtree."A car drove down the mews and stopped by the door.But Roger Conway was stilllooking at the Saint; and Roger was understanding, with a strange wildcertainty, that perhaps after all he had never known the Saint, and perhaps hewould never know him.The Saint closed his book.He laid it down on the table beside him, and turnedto meet Roger's eyes." 'For all the Saints who from their labours rest,' " he said."Sonia hasPage 135 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlarrived, my Roger."And he stood up, with the swift careless laugh that Roger knew, an his handfell on Roger's shoulder, and so they went out together into the sunlight.The EndAbout this TitleThis eBook was created using ReaderWorks®Publisher 2.0, produced byOverDrive, Inc.For more information about ReaderWorks, please visit us on the Webatwww.overdrive.com/readerworksPage 136 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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