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.We re on The Marchioness.It wasn t a question, but Trouble nodded anyway, then went back totyping. I m going to download everything I can and then we re going toget out of here.I ve already disabled the computer s notifications and Isent a distress signal. He reached down and did something with the heelof his ankle boots.The wedge swiveled and he got a small rounded disk-shaped object out before pushing the heel back in.He held it up to Aidenand grinned. A multifunction drive and holographic camera.-217- J.L.LangleyDamn, the kid was good.Aiden s unease let up a little.He wondered ifNate had any idea his son was this prepared for such events.While Trouble typed, Aiden listened. Tell me again why you felt it was necessary to kidnap the prince?Chapman sounded exasperated.He and Trouble looked at one another. For money.We re going to ransom him. I told you I had a buyer already for the schematics we will beobtaining from the deal.That was to help you get away.Why do we needransom money? Caldwell said. I changed my mind.There is no way they haven t found me out.Weleft this ship in my name and that little shit has sketches of the weaponson it because you failed to erase them from their damned castlecomputer.I m not being hanged as a traitor.We are keeping the moneywe got from selling the weapons, the schematics and now the ransom forthe prince, then I m taking my share and I m done.I m tired of thatbackward-ass planet and their fucked-up morality anyway.Have you anyidea how hard it is to find a decent piece of ass on Regelence? All thewomen are so inelegant and lower class.Although it is amusing to watchthem come crawling back groveling at my feet for a chance at aristocracyeven when they know I will leave them bruised, broken and bleeding.Braxton chuckled. Are you getting this? Aiden motioned to the wireless device Troublehad set on the keyboard that now had a steady blue light on the top of it.Trouble hit a few more buttons. Yeah.Got it, the ship s log and abuttload of encrypted messages. They probably would have never noticed the sketches if that idiotBenson had stopped taking the screens.I told him not too, but he did itanyway. And where is this Benson now? Caldwell asked. Dead.-218- My Fair CaptainAt the reminder of the dead valet, Aiden and Trouble looked at eachother again.Finally Trouble stopped typing. We have to go.We ve wasted enoughtime. The blue light on the drive went off.Picking it up and fumblingwith his heel, Trouble put the drive back. What now?Trouble typed a few more things on the keyboard, grabbed Aiden sarm and took off. Now we haul ass to the emergency shuttle.Give me aboost.Aiden put his hands together, letting Trouble step into them andhoist himself back into the tunnel.Poking his head back out, he held down his hand. Here. Move out of the way. Aiden jumped, caught the edge and pulledhimself inside.After replacing the panel, he crawled back through the maintenanceshaft, following Trouble. Look for a ladder along the bulkhead.Aiden began looking ahead for a spot with no pipes. Where are wegoing? There is a hatch leading right outside the communications room.If Iread it correctly, a few feet from that hatch to the left is the emergencyshuttle.If he read it right? Great.If he read it wrong didn t bare thinking on.They would be standing around right outside an occupied room. There.There is the ladder.Are you sure about this? Not a hundred percent no. Trouble started up the ladder.Wonderful.Aiden rolled his eyes. Do you think maybe we should goback and check again? No time.I sort of told the ship to self-destruct. You what?-219- J.L.Langley Come on. Trouble reached the top and glanced down at him. Okay,we are going to just do it.I m going to push it open and hurry out andyou have to be right behind me.One, two, three, go!Aiden didn t have time to panic.He followed Trouble up and out.There was a hatch to their left, one to their right and one directly in frontof them.Trouble hit a button on the wall to their left as the hatch in front ofthem opened.An officer stepped out of the communications room, his eyeswidening when he came face-to-face with Aiden. Shit. Without thinking, Aiden doubled up his fist and hit the mansquare in the nose.Everything went in slow motion, blood splattered, theman wobbled.Another man came out of the hatch behind the first one,fragger drawn. Oh shit. Aiden!He dove for the shuttle as a searing pain flared in his thigh.Fallinginto the shuttle, he caught himself on his hands. Go! Trouble, get us outof here now. Another fragger bolt caught his arm and made it buckle.His head hit the deck as a loud popping sound rang out. Fuck. Trouble started hitting buttons.The door closed. Aiden? Unh [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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