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.The FTC uses "news organizations" and TV shows such as ABC'sGood Morning America to spread their anti-Kevin Trudeau propa-ganda.ABC's Good Morning America show is heavily sponsored byboth the drug companies and the major food industry.Therefore, ABCdoes not want me selling my book either.They have a major conflictof interest.Here is what I believe has happened.The Federal Trade Commission sent out false and misleading pressreleases to news organizations all around the country trying to getpeople to run negative stories on me and my Natural Cures bookbecause it became the fastest-selling book in American history.Tensof millions of people were exposed to the shocking truth and dirty littlesecrets about the drug industry and the food industry.Both of theseindustries started using the millions of dollars that they have availableto spread misleading and false information about my book and me.Themajor television networks that get hundreds of millions of dollars insponsorship money from both the food industry and the drug industryhave pressure put on them by those industries to run negative storiesabout my book and me.The individual reporters doing these storiesand the producers of these stories, probably own stock in fast-food com-panies, major food industry companies and pharmaceutical companies.My book is probably having an adverse affect on their own stock port-folios, so they have a major incentive to run negative stories about mybook and me.It appears that the FTC covertly worked with ABC's Good MorningAmerica, giving them false and misleading information about my bookand me.ABC's Good Morning America called me, asking for me to do ataped interview.We all know that when a news organization does a tapedinterview they have the ability to edit that interview and make you looklike a complete idiot.Their selective editing also twists and misleadsthe facts and truth.Therefore, most prominent people do not do tapedinterviews, they will only do live interviews.This way, there can be noediting and you can hear the complete information in an unedited form.I told ABC News that I would be more than happy to go to New York atmy own expense and do a live interview.They categorically denied my Free Bonus Material: Newsletter Articles 445request.They only wanted to do a taped interview, so that they couldbutcher my comments and produce a piece that was one-sided, biased,false and misleading.Even though they knew that I declined doing a taped interviewed,they arrived at my home unannounced at 7:15 a.m.with TV camerasand reporters.I was still in bed sleeping.At 7:15 a.m., totally unan-nounced, the ABC News film crew started banging on my door andringing the doorbell nonstop for thirty minutes! How unprofessional,rude, and what an invasion of privacy.Why did they show up at 7:15a.m.? So that they could make it appear that I was unwilling to answerthe door and answer their questions.This is false and misleading.I would like to send a film crew of my own to the individual report-ers' and producers' houses, as well as to the president of the ABC GoodMorning America show, and bang on their doors at 7:15 a.m.demand-ing a personal interview.I would like them to see how it feels!The reporter started yelling through the door that my book didnot contain natural cures.This is false and misleading.In Chapter 6of my book it specifically says that the cure for every disease is doingthe things in Chapter 6.The book does give you the natural cure forevery disease.Any statement otherwise is false and misleading.Thereporter also started yelling through the door that many people wereunhappy with the book because they felt that the book did not containnatural cures.This is false and misleading also.I get over 500 emailsa day.The vast majority of these people absolutely love the book andfor those people who are smart enough to do the things in Chapter6, those individuals report that they are seeing their diseases and ill-nesses diminish or be totally cured.The fact is, if ABC portrays any of these false and misleading situ-ations, I will take massive and immediate action against this organiza-tion.For example, if ABC's Good Morning America show tries to makeyou believe that I denied doing an interview or would not come to thedoor when they came to do an interview, this is false and misleading.I absolutely accepted doing a live interview.If ABC News does notclearly state that they came to my door at 7:15 a.m.and banged onit for thirty minutes, and they try to suggest that I was unwilling toanswer the door, this is false and misleading.They woke me out of bedand, of course, I would not answer the door.These reporters were sobelligerent and rude, they would not leave when requested to do so.I had to call the police and the police escorted them off the property 446 Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You to Know Aboutfor trespassing.If ABC's Good Morning America segment suggests thatthe book does not contain natural cures, this is flagrantly untrue, asthe book does contain the natural cure for every disease and clearlysays so.If ABC News suggests that huge percentages of people areunhappy with the book, this is flagrantly untrue as the vast majorityof people I hear from who buy the book, who read the book cover-to-cover, absolutely love the information that is in it and are benefitinggreatly from it.You need to know that news organizations do not provide you withaccurate, truthful "news." You have to know that organizations likeABC's Good Morning America are not news organizations giving youfacts.They are propaganda machines that are in effect owned by thesponsors.ABC's Good Morning America show is nothing more thana propaganda machine for the drug companies and the food industry.The drug companies and the food industry hate my book and hate meblowing the whistle on their deceptions and lies.They use these orga-nizations to stifle people's First Amendment rights.You can be assuredthat I am taking the leading role in this country at fighting these newsorganizations from false and misleading portrayals of information.A good example of this is the boxing promoter Don King.The TVnetwork ESPN produced a segment about Don King.This segment gavethe impression that it was giving the viewer "facts" about Don King.Itgave the viewer the impression that it was reporting "news" about DonKing.This was not true.This segment was merely giving the opinionsof the producers.It portrayed information that may have been untrueand false, and was at least misleading.It did not give you the entire true,honest, clear, balanced picture of Don King.This happens all the timein the news media.It happens in newspapers, magazines, television andradio.These news organizations are no longer presenting factual news.They are nothing more than propaganda machines for the publicly trad-ed companies that own them.Don King was so furious that he surprisedthe world by filing a $2.5 billion lawsuit against ESPN.I support DonKing's action 100 percent.We have to stop the television stations, theradio stations, the newspapers and magazines from having the ability totwist facts and present information that is false, misleading and deceiv-ing.People need to know the conflicts of interests with these stations inrelation to the stories and viewpoints that they express.People need toknow that when a TV station says something is bad, that there may befinancial incentives for that station to say that something is bad.People Free Bonus Material: Newsletter Articles 447need to have full disclosure.Honesty, truth, and fairness in the mediashould be something that this country demands [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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