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.li Këbra NagastSouth), and her people worshipped a dragon or serpent, towhich each man in turn had to present as an offering his eldestdaughter, and large quantities of sweet beer and milk.Whenthe turn of her parents came they tied her to a tree where thedragon used to come for his food, and soon after this sevensaints came and seated themselves under the tree for the sake ofthe shade it gave.As they sat a tear dropped from the maidenabove them, and when they looked up and saw her bound tothe tree they asked her if she was a human being or a spirit, andshe told them that she was a human being and, in answer to afurther question, she told them that she was bound to the treeso that she might become food for the dragon.When the sevensaints saw the dragon, one of them, Abbâ TchêÙamâ, plucked athis own beard, another, Abbâ Garîmâ exclaimed  He hathfrightened me, and a third, Abbâ Men elît, cried out,  Let usseize him ; and he forthwith attacked the monster, and aidedby his companions they killed him by smiting him with a cross.As they were killing him some blood spurted out from him andfell on the heel of Ëtëyê Azêb, and from that moment her heelbecame like the heel of an ass.The saints untied her fetters andsent her to her village, but the people drove her away, thinkingthat she had escaped from the dragon, and she climbed up intoa tree and passed the night there.On the following day shefetched some people from the village and showed them thedead dragon, and they straightway made her their chieftainess,and she chose for her chief officer a maiden like herself.Soonafter this Ëtëyê Azêb heard a report of the medical skill of KingSolomon, and she determined to go to him so that he mightrestore her deformed heel to its original shape.She and herchief officer dressed their hair after the manner of men, andgirded on swords, and departed to the Court of Solomon atJerusalem.Her arrival was announced to Solomon, whoordered his servants to bring the King of Abyssinia into hispresence, and as soon as her deformed foot touched thelii Introductionthreshold it recovered its natural form.Solomon had bread,meat, and beer brought in and set before the two women whowere disguised as men, but they ate and drank so little thatSolomon suspected that his guests were women.When nightfell he caused two beds to be made for his guests in his ownbedroom, and he hung up in the room a skin with honey[comb]in it, and he pierced the skin and the honey dropped down intoa bowl set there to catch it, and Solomon and his guests betookthemselves to their beds.At night the king was accustomed tokeep vigil with his eyes closed, and to sleep with them half-open, and thus when the two women, who were longing to getoff their beds and to go and drink honey from the bowl, sawhim with his eyes half-open they thought that the king wasawake, and they curbed their desire for the honey and lay still.After a time the king woke up and closed his eyes, but thewomen, thinking he was asleep, rose from their beds and wentto the bowl of honey and began to eat.By this Solomon knewthat his two guests were women, and he got up and went withthem to their beds and lay with both of them.When he leftthem he gave to each woman a silver staff and a ring, and hesaid,  If the child be a girl let her take this staff and come to me,and if it be a boy let him take the ring and come to me ; andeach woman being with child returned to her own country.Indue course each woman gave birth to a son, and each told herchild that Solomon was his father.When the boys grew up theirmothers sent them to Jerusalem, and the Queen of Sheba gaveher son, who resembled Solomon in every way, a mirror whichshe had brought when she visited Solomon, and told him to gowith it to the king, who would hide from him, and not to speakto any other man who might be sitting on his throne.When thetwo youths arrived in Jerusalem and Solomon knew that theyclaimed to be his sons, he gave orders for them to wait for aninterview, and kept them waiting for three years.At the close ofthe third year he arrayed a friend in his royal robes, and seatedliii Këbra Nagasthim upon his throne, whilst he dressed himself in rags andwent and sat in a stable, and then ordered the two young mento be admitted to the presence.When the young men enteredthe throne room the son of the Queen of Sheba s ministergrasped the hand of the man on the throne, who personifiedSolomon, thinking that he was the king, but the son of theQueen of Sheba, who was called  Menyelek, stood uprightand made no obeisance, and when he looked in the mirrorwhich his mother had given him, and saw that the features ofthe occupant of the throne were entirely different from his own,he knew that he was not standing in the presence of Solomon.Then he turned about in all directions and looked at all thefaces that were round about him, and found none resemblinghis own; after a time he looked up and saw Solomon gazing athim from the stable, and he knew him at once, and went to thestable and did homage to him as king.And Solomon said,  Mytrue son! The other is also my son, but he is a fool. Menyelekthen took up his abode in Jerusalem and assisted Solomon inruling the kingdom, but after a time the people found thatfather and son did not always agree in their judicial decisions,and they became dissatisfied [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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