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. Jackiecouldn t tell if Angela was shocked by that or was wondering whyJackie had been upset. I would have been able to swallow thesituation and finish my training except I.made another mistakein judgment. Jackie stopped for breath and Angela cut in. You let them know that it upset you.Jackie nodded. Well.You were absolutely right about making a mistake inaccepting training at L&B.We have four L&B refugees on staff60 already. She lifted one shoulder dismissively. They re a bigfirm.If you play the game their way you ll be prominent in thefield.They do a lot of work.We move in different circles.Jackie nodded again. Anyway, it seemed that if I wanted totake back some control over my career, I should look for a firmthat.suited my ideals more closely. Why us? Angela was dispassionate again, regarding Jackiewith a black marble gaze. The name of the firm intrigued me.When I called last night,I was going to get some information  To look us over  Basically.I don t want to leap before I look again. Let me see your resume. Angela held out an imperioushand.Jackie handed it over and then occupied herself by studyingthe project photographs on Angela s walls while she read.HerTaliesin-trained eyes liked what they saw smaller, residentialbuildings.A lot of in-fill housing.Renovations of small apartmentbuildings and residential inns.NDA s projects appeared to rangeall over the greater Bay Area in a variety of neighborhoods.Jackiemade a mental note of the locations of several of them so shecould look up the specs. How s Dr.Joe keeping up with life?Jackie started, then smiled. He s doing great. Her smilebroadened as she recalled Taliesin West s oldest resident instructorand greatest story-teller. He s simply amazing.There was a glimmer of an answering smile from Angela. It s been about fifteen years since I ve seen him.I was doingresearch on-site. Angela returned her attention to the resume.After a moment she extended her hand again. Your portfolio.Jackie crossed her fingers as Angela leafed through thepages.The Boston firm had let her take copies of the work she dcontributed to, and in her humble opinion, there were some fineconceptual designs included.Her graduate projects had beenconsidered quite good.The last page was a handwritten notefrom Dr.Joe himself, telling her one of her graduate designs had61 received an honorable mention from a Japanese design schoolawards program.Somehow L&B had made her feel ashamedof having gone to  impractical Taliesin when in fact it wassomething she was very proud of.Angela grunted as she read the note and then closed theportfolio.For the next twenty minutes she rapid-fired questionsat Jackie about several of the projects, testing her recall andunderstanding of high conservation and earthquake designs.Jackie felt her poise return as she answered.She was on solidground in those areas.She might not have the imagination todesign a butterfly bridge or Falling Water, but her ideas aboutthe basics of building design had a creative flair and a solidgrasp of practical engineering.She had never made the mistakeof designing something without load-bearing walls, somethingKelly had done twice.When she finished her questioning, Angela drummed herfingers briefly on her desk.She studied Jackie for a moment, thensaid,  I know L&B doesn t pay associates in training much morethan bus fare.We d pay you a little better than that, but if yousurvive here, pass your exams and are asked to stay on as a fullassociate, your pay won t go up very much.The kind of work wedo is not that lucrative and no one here, including me, lives inanything like a usual architect s style.Jackie s heart was pounding. Having seen the usual architect sstyle up close and personal, I can safely say it s a style I have nointention of adopting.And after living in a tent for three summersat Taliesin West, I ve gotten used to the idea of living simply.Angela smiled. Can you spend another half-hour here?Jackie nodded.So she d be late to work.She didn t care. Wait here a moment.Angela walked briskly out to the main office, returning ina few minutes to lead Jackie to another office. Diane, this isJackie Frakes.Jackie Diane Donahue.She s the preceptor witha vacancy.I ll leave you to talk.Jackie shook hands with the red-haired Diane and they sharedpleasantries.Diane reviewed her portfolio and her resume but62 didn t probe as hard as Angela had.The gaze from deep hazeleyes, however, was as penetrating as Angela s had been.Shecommented wryly that Jackie had probably been grilled enoughfor one day. You passed Angela s inquisition, so I won t do it toyou again.When can you start?Jackie gulped. You mean.um, well, how soon would youlike me to? Yesterday, but I know you ll have to give L&B notice. Dianemade the same dismissive gesture with her shoulders that Angelahad.She had probably picked it up from Angela.Plainly, Dianewouldn t give two cents about giving L&B notice. Can I have a day to decide? Is that okay? All her instinctstold her to say yes right away, but nonetheless, she knew that sheshould look into NDA s background. If I decide to accept it ll beat the most two weeks until I could start.Diane grinned. That would be fabulous, but if you haveto stay on another week, I ll understand.And I do hope youaccept. I ll let you know first thing tomorrow morning, Jackie said. Oh.I suppose we should talk about money before I make up mymind. What a novel concept, Diane said wryly. I m sorry.I shouldhave brought it up I thought Angela would have covered it. She said it would most likely be more than what L&B sgiving me, but she wasn t more specific.Diane named a figure that left Jackie with a pleased smile.Diane arched an eyebrow and said,  Get used to it.If you hangaround this place it won t be going up any time soon [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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