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.1892, JD Family Coll., MC; VHDto Mahala Roach, 28 June 1901, JD Papers, DU.24.VHD to Mrs.Cohen, 22 Jan.1893, Cohen-Phillips Papers, GHS; Mrs.Jeffer-son Davis,  The Widow of Stonewall Jackson, Ladies Home Journal, Sept.1893, p.5; General U.D.C.Convention, Confederate Veteran 17 (Dec.1909): 590; Jessie DrewBeale,  New York State Division, Confederate Veteran 24 (Mar.1916): 108 109; Chapter at Galveston Texas, Confederate Veteran 10 (Oct.1898): 460; CMLS MinuteBooks, 18 Apr.1898, MC; White House of the Confederacy: An Illustrated History (Rich-mond: Cadmus Marketing, n.d.), 24 25.25. A Confederate Dinner, Biloxi Herald, 28 Jan.1893, p.1; VHD to AnneGrant, 21 Oct.n.d.[1896], JD Family Coll., MC; VHD to Stephen D.Lee, 23 Oct.1896, Stephen Dill Lee Papers, UNC; VHD to Mr.Ellyson, 13 May 1893, JD FamilyColl., MC; Programme of Ceremonies, Jefferson Davis Re-interment, 30 31 May1893, Noxubee County Historical Society; VHD to Anne Grant, 26 May 1893,JD Family Coll., MC; VHD to Anne E.Snyder, 9 May 1897, Autograph File D,Houghton Library, Harvard Univ.; Catalogue of the Confederate Museum of the Confeder-ate Memorial Literary Society (Richmond: Ware and Duke, Printers, 1905), 55, 169;Pierce Butler, Judah P.Benjamin (Philadelphia: George W.Jacobs and Co., 1906), 290n.1; VHD to William Dodd, 8 Mar., 10 Mar., 16 June 1905, William E.Dodd Pa-pers, LC; William E.Dodd, Jefferson Davis (Philadelphia: George W.Jacobs and Co.,1907), 50, 67; VHD to John Reagan, 2 Aug.1897, Jefferson Davis Reagan Coll.,Dallas Historical Society.26.VHD to Mrs.Oglesby, 19 June 1892, copy in Paul C.Richards Autographs; Certain Parties, Biloxi Herald, 17 June 1893, p.1; VHD to Major Morgan, n.d.[spring], 1891, BR; VHD to John T.Browne, 2 Apr.1895, copy at Confederate Mu-seum, Austin; VHD to Mrs.A.H.Thomas, 13 Apr.1895, John Herndon Coll.,UVA; VHD to Hebert R.Robertson, 11 Dec.1892, MC; VHD to Anne Grant, 21Oct.n.d.[1896], JD Family Coll., MC.27.VHD to J.U.Payne, 26 July 1895, Charles Erasmus Fenner Papers, UNC;VHD to Mary E.P.Anderson, 17 Apr.1895, Pegram-Johnson-McIntosh Papers,381 notes to pages 278 282VHS; VHD to Richard Reed, 3 June 1898, copy at JD Assoc., RU; VHD to Mrs.Co-hen, 22 Jan.1893, Cohen-Phillips Papers, GHS; VHD to Elizabeth Goddard, n.d.[1890 1898], Lewis Cass Papers, William L.Clements Library, University of Michi-gan; Francis E.Willard and Mary A.Livermore, eds., A Woman of the Century: FourteenHundred-Seventy Biographical Sketches Accompanied by Portraits of Leading American Women,with a new introduction by Leslie Shepard (1893; repr., Buffalo: Charles WellsMoulton, 1967), 235; Certificate of the General Society of the United States Daugh-ters, 1776 1812, 8 June 1892, JD Family Coll., MC; Web site of U.S.Daughters of1812, www.iaw.on.ca/ jsek/usd1812.htm., accessed 15 July 2001; Mary WrightWoolton to VHD, 22 June 1898, JD Family Coll., MC; VHD to  Dear Ladies, 1May 1899, Mount Vernon Ladies Assoc.; VHD to Mrs.Townsend, 5 Aug.1899,Varina Davis Miscellaneous Mss., New-York Historical Society.28.Diary of Mary Ker, 11 Dec.1889, Mary Susan Ker Papers, UNC; Sutherland,Confederate Carpetbaggers, 130; William Garrett Piston, Lee s Tarnished Lieutenant: JamesLongstreet and His Place in Southern History (Athens: University of Georgia Press,1987), 104 170; Kevin Siepel, Rebel: The Life and Times of John Singleton Mosby (NewYork: St.Martin s Press, 1983), 159 277;  The Selection of Richmond, Biloxi Her-ald, 1 Aug.1891, p.2;  To Be in Hollywood, New York Times, 6 Nov.1891, p.1;  Per-sonals, New York Times, 8 Sept.1897, p.6.29.VHD to  My dear Friend, 7 Jan.1892, Cohen-Phillips Papers, GHS; VHDto Mrs.Dial, 21 Nov.1897, JD Family Coll., MC; VHD to Charles Aldrich, 6May 1896, copy at Burlington Public Library, Burlington, Iowa; VHD to Mrs.Kimbrough, 12 Nov.1894, JD Papers, LC;  A Home for Mrs.Jefferson Davis, NewYork Times, 9 Dec.1891, p.5.30. Celebrated Women Meet, New York Times, 25 June 1893, p.1;  Widows ofRenowned Leaders Meet, Chicago Tribune, 25 June 1893, p.6;  Their Widows Metin Peace, New York Herald, 25 June 1893, p.19;  She Will Drive with Mrs.Grant,New York Herald, 26 June 1893, p.5.31.O.W.Bennett to VHD, 1 July 1893, JD Papers, AL;  Celebrated WomenMeet, New York Times, 25 June 1893, p.1;  Mrs.Grant and Mrs [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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