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.Is business so bad that you'rewilling to make house calls to Connecticut? Besides, there are perfectly goodheating contractors in New Haven ""The boys in New Haven are a bunch of crooks, " Fred interrupted, as she bit herlip to keep from laughing anymore."They wouldn't tell you if you had atransdimensional portal to hell in your humidifier."Why would I want a transdimensional portal to hell in my humidifier?" sheasked."It's easier to take the Greyhound down to Newark.Listen, I've got aserious question.I'm on a personal case.Is there anybody operating in the Tulsaarea that I should know about?""There's nobody operating in the Tulsa area at all worth talking about, " Fredreplied."At least, not according to my sources.Never has been, likely never willbe.Even the Indians won't work there.Can't tell you why, it's out of my territory.Let sleeping dogs lie, I always say.No news is good news.Curiosity killed thecat-""Okay, okay, I get the idea, " she said hastily."But I'm the one that's down here.I could sure use some local information."Sorry, " Fred said, sounding sincere."Wish I had some.But you know how thinfile:///F|/eMule/Incoming/Lackey,%20Mercedes%20-%.%20Tregarde%2003%20-%20Jinx%20High.%20(v1.1).html (110 of 434)3/16/2004 9:27:00 PM file:///F|/eMule/Incoming/Lackey,%20Mercedes%20-%20Diana%20Tregarde%2003%20-%20Jinx%20High.%20(v1.1).htmlwe're spread.Hell, we didn't have anybody down in these parts till I moved hereafter that Dallas mess you got yourself into.Good thing you were able to handleit alone.Now about that furnace of yours "If I'd had anybody available, I wouldn't have tried."Fred, you're incorrigible.But thanks."No problem, " he said."Call me if you need a hand."I'll try to stick to smaller guns, " she told him."I don't intend to pull you out ofyour territory unless it's a screaming emergency."I don't know what you'd call a screaming emergency, Di, but I do gotta admit Igot a tricky little problem of my own up here.I'd kind of prefer taking things inorder, if you know what I mean."Is this the disappearing kids?" she asked."That sounded pretty mundane in thepapers."Yeah.I think it was supposed to.Not sure I'd have picked up on it if I hadn'tbeen doing a furnace installation in the neighborhood.Bad feel, Di.Bad feel.Think I got a handle on it, though.Just gonna take a little more time.Just what I need.Working two juggling acts a state apart.Still "Are you goingto need me?""No; just think it's a job for a professional.I can handle it.She closed her eyes and tried to invoke her own limited pre-cog.The little shefile:///F|/eMule/Incoming/Lackey,%20Mercedes%20-%.%20Tregarde%2003%20-%20Jinx%20High.%20(v1.1).html (111 of 434)3/16/2004 9:27:00 PM file:///F|/eMule/Incoming/Lackey,%20Mercedes%20-%20Diana%20Tregarde%2003%20-%20Jinx%20High.%20(v1.1).htmlgot said he'd be all right.And after all, he was, indeed, a professional."All right, Fred.Good luck.Thanksagain."Same to you, Di." She started to hang up, and thought she heard him saysomething else.But by the time she'd gotten the receiver back to her ear, he wasalready gone, and all she got was a dial tone.Had she heard him say, "You'll need it"?CHAPTER FIVEFay Harper clutched the steering wheel of her brand-new Dodge Shelby andlifted her lip in a delicate snarl.Even as she did so, Deke leaned across theconcrete bench and oh-so-casually brushed the black girl's cheek with his hand.If she'd had the energy to spare, Fay would have called down a lightning bolt tofry them both then and there.And it would take a purely physical attack to get through those damned shieldsDeke had on him at least given the energy level Fay was at right now.Miserable bitch! Double-timing twit!In complete disregard of school rules that stated no student was to leave theschool grounds until classes were over, Fay pulled her car out of the parking lotin a gravel-scattering, tire-smoking show of anger.How could she have so misjudged that new girl? After the little bitch had failedfile:///F|/eMule/Incoming/Lackey,%20Mercedes%20-%.%20Tregarde%2003%20-%20Jinx%20High.%20(v1.1).html (112 of 434)3/16/2004 9:27:00 PM file:///F|/eMule/Incoming/Lackey,%20Mercedes%20-%20Diana%20Tregarde%2003%20-%20Jinx%20High.%20(v1.1).htmlto get a single date in the first month since she'd moved from Colorado, itseemed as if, despite the undoubted fact that she was disgustingly cute, shewasn't going to.be any kind of threat.Fay's ascendancy at Jenks High was goingto remain unchallenged.So Fay had turned her attention elsewhere, to taking care of other competition, tobeginning the tiniest moves toward ensnaring Sandy and parting him from Jilland as soon as she turned her back, disaster had struck.A stray dog started across the street in front of her, and Fay hit the accelerator,hoping to ease some of her anger by killing something.Unfortunately, the cursaw her coming, and managed to dive out of the way before she could run himdown.It hid between two parked vans, completely protected.This was not her day.And it was all Derek Raymond Kestrel's fault.He was letting that sugar-sweet little bit of fluff haul him in like a hooked fish;he was falling for her just as quickly as he'd fallen under Fay's carefullycontrolled fascination.It just wasn't fair.She pulled the Shelby into one of the local Sonic drive-ins; this one wasfranchised and run by a bunch of born-again bigots, and it always gave her alittle thrill to eat there [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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