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.Eventually Ifelt a bit better, and Darian told us we could turn around again.I then spenta few minutes trimming Darian's hair with the razor-sharp blade of my knife,trying to make him somewhat presentable.After that, I restored my silver bandto my hair, and spoke."Darian, I'm afraid that's the best we can do for you,unfortunately.Both Arella and I care for you deeply as our friend andcompanion, and we respect you immensely.Unfortunately, I'm still a man in awoman's body - I'm sorry, but I'm just not even slightly interested in you.Please don't be offended.I'm sure that a woman would find you quitehandsome," I said lamely."He is a very handsome man, especially now that he's clean and shaved and hishair is short again.Even so, I find I have to agree with you, Raven.I'm verysorry, Darian, but I'm just not interested in you either.You're a goodfriend, I owe you a lot, and with your actions today, I probably owe you mylife.Even so, I simply cannot lie with you," Arella said, trying to be nice."That's alright.Raven, you should know that the pain of concupiscence isn'tfatal for a male," Darian replied with a wry grin."No, but sometimes you damn well think you're going to die!" I replied, andDarian and I burst out laughing while Arella giggled.Once we calmed down, Darian stood and tossed the rope out the one-cubit widehole in the center of the floor."Well, I'll sleep outside.Good night, andthank you, my friends.I really appreciate your concern," he said, and slippedout the hole, climbing down the rope to the ground.I sighed as I pulled the rope back up."Damn," I said, for lack of anythingbetter to say."What is it, Raven?" Arella asked."Well, I felt like I was telling him he was a sodomite or something, as thoughI was saying there was something wrong with him.There's nothing wrong withDarian or his desires, but I simply have no interest in him sexually.""I understand.Unfortunately, neither of us can really help him.I'm asapphite, and as long as you have this body, you are too," Arella said,Page 105 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlputting the chairs aside and sitting on the mattress Darian had lain on thefloor."Not really.I know you want me to fully accept being a woman, but I'm reallynot.I've looked at and felt my astral body when I was using the Spell ofAstral Projection, and my soul still looks as it did when I was alive - atall, muscular Hyperborean male with a shaven pate, a full beard and amoustache.It can't be detected when I'm in this body, but when I project, mytrue self is revealed.Such is the power of the Spell of Hidden Life - my soulis housed in this body as though it was my own, yet it is not.If it is slain,I'll return to my animuary.The next time, I may encounter someone who has aweak enough will so that the spell will allow me to re-shape their body as Ipossess it, making it into a duplicate of my own body as it was at the time Ifirst made my animuary.I might have done it with this body, were it not forthe head injury forcing me to lose consciousness as I commanded the body tolive instead of die."Arella nodded, and I joined her on the mattress.I'd explained to her about myanimuary, and the difference between a mage who is good and sets theiranimuary so they'll only strike at their grave-robbers, and those who are evilwho strike at the innocent and the unwary.I looked at her, and could tell shewas thinking.I waited silently until she finally spoke."Well, I understandall that, but I still think you should try to think of yourself as being awoman now.You should accept the change as best you can, or you'll spend therest of your life unhappy and uncomfortable.I've been a woman all my life,and I enjoy who and what I am.You may be far older and wiser than I am, butit's like you said - you accept that I know more in some areas than you do,and you bow to my skill and knowledge in these areas.As such, I have this tosay; I've been a woman far longer than you have, and if you want to be happyinstead of miserable, you'll follow my advice."I sighed again."Well, I'll try.I think the best I'll be able to do is simplyaccept this half-elf woman's body as my own and be happy with it, though.Idon't think I'll ever be able to truly think of myself as a woman, and thinkwomanly thoughts.""Oh, really? And just what is it that constitutes womanly thoughts?" sheasked, raising an eyebrow."You know - woman things.Clothes, hair, perfumes, gossip, things like that,"I replied, shrugging."Oh, really? And when you were alive back in Hyperborea, you never worriedabout your appearance? You let your clothes get dirty and ragged and let yourbeard grow unkempt down to your knees, I suppose.""No, of course not.Image is very important when you're a member of theDyclonic Circle.My robes were of the blackest cloth I could find, and I keptmy beard neatly trimmed to about here," I said, holding my hand at the top ofmy breasts."I also kept my head shaved, and wore the polished steel skull-capof the order.I thought I made a rather dashing figure, actually."Page 106 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Ah, I see.And I suppose you never chatted with your friends over a mug ofale or wine or whatever Hyperboreans drank, talking about the women in yourlives and the latest goings-on within the lives of the other members of theDyclonic Circle?""Well, yes, actually.Before I met Dyarzi, I often went out for a cup or twoof byallar with my friends, and we'd chat about women and the latest intrigueswithin the order.All harmless, of course - mostly who disliked whom, and whowas bucking for the next position of Master that might come open.Why Iremember one time-" I replied, and Arella interrupted."What? Gossip among the ranks of the proud and noble Dyclonic Circle? Whyyou'd have me believe they were merely a flock of cackling hens instead of thebrave and noble men they were!" she said, pretending to be shocked.I laughed, then nodded."I guess you're right, we did gossip.""Precisely.My point is that men and women aren't really so different in theirthoughts and actions as most people think.The only real difference I can seeis that men tend to be more aggressive and occasionally domineering.Oftentimes the best friendships between men are established after a good, longfist-fight.You say you can't accept yourself as a woman, that the best you'llbe able to do is accept this body as your own.Well, that's what I'm trying toget you to do.In the end, you'll realize that you are a woman, though yourattraction to other women makes you a sapphite, as I am.Now come; we've gotto change your cloth and get you a fresh one, then clean the previous onebefore we go to bed."The process of tugging on the string to draw out the old cloth and putting thenew one in place was very uncomfortable, and also brought a sting of pain frommy half-healed injuries.I sat there quietly as she showed me how to clean theused and bloody cloth, thinking about what Arella had said.I was stillconsidering her words as we undressed and carefully folded our clothes.As wesnuggled together in the bed, I spoke quietly to her."No.There's onedifference.A great one.""What's that?" she asked, stroking my ears with a smile."Women don't commit rape," I replied quietly.She reached across and hugged me gently."Neither do men like Darian.I thinkthat when you were alive in Hyperborea, you were also a man like him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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