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.If he wants to come in, all he has to do is come in.But he's not bringing any hundred boys in here with him, and that's all there is to that.""Well I dunno," Spanno replied quietly."I don't think Jake will take it right, being treated like a poor cousin or something.You call around and invite everybody out.So Jake, bein' a good loyal brother, rounds up all the boys and makes sure they accept the invitation.Then when he gets out here, you're saying send all those boys back home.I don't think that's right, and I don't think Jake will take it right.""I guess he'll have to take it or leave it, Pops," Rocco declared."Just who th' hell do you think you're talkin' about, punk?" Spanno said angrily."That's Jake Vecci sittin' out there inna cold, waitin' to hear that he's welcome to come in with his party.He was a big man in this town when you was nothin' but a gleam in your poppa's eyes."Larry Turk came in from the outside at just that moment, stamping the snow from his shoes.He growled, "Listen, Spanno.You go tell Jake that if he's scared to come in here by himself, then he must sure know something that we don't.He can come in any time he likes, but he comes with no more than four cars.That's all.And that's all we're going to say about it."Turk walked on through the foyer and disappeared around a corner."That sounds like the Christ himself has spoke," Spanno observed drily."That's about it, Pops," Drago assured him."Okay, I'll go tell Jake.But I can't guarantee how he'll take it.""I guess we'll just have to run that risk," Drago replied solemnly.Spanno wheeled angrily about, caught Hamilton's eye, jerked his head toward the door, and went out.The Captain stepped quietly toward the others and said, "Look, I don't know what's going on, but let's understand something.I'm not part of it.""We're happy to hear that, Ham," Drago told him."I'm out here simply because Jake demanded an escort through town.He was afraid the traffic would be a mess, on account of the storm."Benny Rocco said, "Well that is a head party he's got out there, isn't it?""I guess you could call it that," Hamilton replied."But I don't know what it's all about.Tell Don Gio, eh?""We'll tell 'im," Rocco said."I'm going back to town," Hamilton pointedly informed them."Good idea," Drago declared softly."Yeah, uh, thanks.See you boys around."The Captain took his leave and the two "youngbloods" grinned at each other and went off to find Larry Turk.Turk would get one hell of a big kick out of this.Bolan laid in his plastics in a tight coil around the big cable carrying power into Giovanni's, then he emplaced the detonators and returned quickly to the ground.A minute later his war-wagon was plowing along the neglected and largely non-existent river access road which ran through the stand of timber to the north of Giovanni's.The place had probably been used in years gone by to launch fishing boats into the river.The road simply widened into a turnaround area at the river's edge and plunged right in.Running without lights, Bolan nearly plunged right in with it.The river was frozen-over now and covered with an accumulation of snow.He stepped out of the van and carefully tested the ice with his own weight, then he went back inside and put on the gray topcoat over his jumpsuit.The Homburg would never do—he passed it by and selected a dark snapbrim and pulled it on at a rakish angle.He checked the Beretta and added another stack of spare clips to the special belt at his waist, then shouldered a Thompson sub and quickly moved out.He sure as hell wanted to be there when the party started.Quietly Bolan made his way along the frozen surface of the river, hugging close to the shrubbery along the bank.His fingers caressed the little square box at his waist, the miniature radio transmitter which would trigger the detonators on that power line.Yes, he had to be there when the frolic started.In fact, he knew, he would probably have to be there to start that party.Bolan was ready.Both sides seemed to be ready.It was about time for the enemy to engage itself.14: GENTLE BUSINESSJake Vecci angrily declared, "Awright, dammit, I'm going in! What'd he say, four cars? Okay then, you listen.I want ten boys in every damn car, that'll give us forty.I want the best we got, the very best.That means first of all the crew chiefs, all of 'em.Mario, I want you and Pops right at my side.And, remember, the best forty boys we got.The rest waits out here.""How long do they wait, Jake?" Meninghetti tiredly wanted to know."They wait until we get word back to them.Soon as I've got things smoothed out, I'll send the word out here and they can go on back to town.But if they don't get no word in say, half an hour—they better come in theirselves and see what's what.On second thought… Pops, maybe you better stay with these outside boys.I don't want to take all the brains inside with me.""Okay," Spanno agreed, not at all disappointed."If you hear anything suspicious going on in there, you come a'running.""I will, Jake.""Awright.Mario, you go separate the men from the boys."Meninghetti took his troubled face away from there and trudged back along the line of vehicles, rousting everyone out into the cold and re-forming the head party into two sections.Captain Hamilton told Vecci, "Well, I'll be getting back to town.""What's your big hurry?" the Loop boss sneered."You afraid of—?""That's right, I'm afraid," Hamilton interrupted the tirade."I have no business out here, the cars from my precinct have no business out here—and in fact, Jake, no man in his right mind has got any business out here tonight [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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