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.William Congreve, playwright (1670-1729), The Way of the World,170016Kup książkę Przeczytaj więcej o książce InsultsA man who looks like a sexually confused,ageing hairdresser: the Teasy Weasy of FleetStreet.Richard Littlejohn, journalist on Peregrine WorsthorneThou eunuch of language& thou pimp ofgender& murderous accoucheur of infantlearning& thou pickle-herring in the puppetshow of nonsense.Robert Burns on a criticHe owes his celebrity merely to his antiquity.Lord Byron, poet (1788-1824) on Geoffrey Chaucer17Kup książkę Przeczytaj więcej o książce Brit WitSir, you are like a pin, but without either itshead or its point.Douglas Jerrold, dramatist and writer (1803-1857)You look wise.Pray correct that error.Charles Lamb, essayist and poet (1864-1945)He can t see a belt without hitting below it.Margot Asquith, author (1864-1945) on David Lloyd George18Kup książkę Przeczytaj więcej o książce InsultsSo boring you fall asleep halfway through hername.Alan Bennett, dramatist, on Arianna StassinopoulosIs it always his desire to give his imitation of asemi-house-trained polecat?Michael Foot, politician and journalist on Norman TebbitWhen they circumcised Herbert Samuel theythrew away the wrong bit.David Lloyd George, statesman (1863-1945)19Kup książkę Przeczytaj więcej o książce [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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