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.祖師忍俊不禁、一場漏逗。The patriarch could not withhold his compassion and courted disgrace.Mumon's Verse 頌曰風幡心動      Wind, flag, mind, moving,一状領過      All equally to blame.只知開口      Only knowing how to open his mouth,不覺話墮      Unaware of his fault in talking.Case 30 Baso's "This Very Mind Is the Buddha"                      三十 即心即佛馬祖、因大梅問、如何是佛。Daibai asked Baso, "What is the Buddha?"祖云、即心是佛。Baso answered, "This very mind is the Buddha."Mumon's Comment無門曰、若能直下領略得去、著佛衣、喫佛飯、説佛話、行佛行、即是佛也。If you directly grasp Baso's meaning, you wear the Buddha's clothes, eat the Buddha's food, speak the Buddha's words, do the Buddha's deeds—that is, you are a Buddha himself.然雖如是、大梅引多少人、錯認定盤星。However, alas! Daibai misled not a few people into taking the mark on the balance for the weight itself.爭知道説箇佛字、三日漱口。How could he realize that even mentioning the word "Buddha" should make us rinse out our mouths for three days?若是箇漢、見説即心是佛、掩耳便走。If a man of understanding hears anyone say, "This very mind is the Buddha," he will cover his ears and rush away.Mumon's Verse 頌曰青天白日      The blue sky and bright day,切忌尋覓      No more searching around!更問如何      "What is the Buddha?" you ask:抱贓叫屈      With loot in your pocket, you declare yourself innocent.Case 31 Jõshû Investigates an Old Woman                   三十一 趙州勘婆趙州、因僧問婆子、臺山路向甚處去。A monk asked an old woman, "What is the way to Taisan?"婆云、驀直去。The old woman said, "Go straight on."僧纔行三五歩。 婆云、好箇師僧、又恁麼去。When the monk had proceeded a few steps, she said, "A good, respectable monk, but he too goes that way."後有僧擧似州。Afterward someone told Jõshû about this.州云、待我去與你勘過這婆子。Jõshû said, "Wait a bit, I will go and investigate the old woman for you."明日便去亦如是問。 婆亦如是答。The next day he went and asked the same question, and the old woman gave the same answer.州歸謂衆曰、臺山婆子、我與□勘破了也。On returning, Jõshû said to his disciples, "I have investigated the old woman of Taisan for you."Mumon's Comment無門曰、婆子只解坐籌帷幄、要且著賊不知。The old woman only knew how to sit still in her tent and plan the campaign; she did not know when she was shadowed by a spy.趙州老人、善用偸營劫塞乃機、又且無大人相。Though old Jõshû showed himself clever enough to take a camp and overwhelm a fortress, he displayed no trace of being a great commander.撿點將來、二倶有過。If we look at them, they both have their faults.且道、那裏是趙州、勘破婆子處。But tell me, what did Jõshû see in the old woman?Mumon's Verse 頌曰問既一般      The question was like the others,答亦相似      The answer was the same.飯裏有砂      Sand in the rice,泥中有刺      Thorns in the mud.Case 32 A Non-Buddhist Philosopher Questions the Buddha                       三十二 外道問佛世尊、因外道問、不問有言、不問無言。A non-Buddhist philosopher said to the Buddha, "I do not ask for words; I don not ask for non-words."世尊據座。The Buddha just sat there.外道贊歎云、世尊大慈大悲、開我迷雲令我得入。The philosopher said admiringly, "The World-honored One, with his great mercy, has blown away the clouds of my illusion and enabled me to enter the Way."乃具禮而去。And after making bows, he took his leave.阿難尋問佛、外道有何所證贊歎而去。Then Ananda asked the Buddha, "What did he realize, to admire you so much?"世尊云、如世良馬見鞭影而行。The World-honored One replied, "A fine horse runs even at the shadow of the whip."Mumon's Comment無門曰、阿難乃佛弟子、宛不如外道見解、且道、外道與佛弟子相去多少。Ananda was the Buddha's disciple, but his understanding was not equal to that of the non-Buddhist [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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