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.Talkback Quick Test 1AGrammar1 Complete the questions with the correct auxiliary verb where necessary.1 What      did        he tell you just now?2 Who     --        stole my bag?3                 she speak English well?4 When                 they leaving?5                 you had lunch yet?6 Who                 comes from Scotland?7                 they arrive on time last night?8 What                 happened to your car?9 Who                 you usually depend on?10                 he drunk his tea?11 Who                 drank my coffee?12 What                 she talking about? I don't understand.102 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.1 Sorry I didn't answer the phone earlier.I was sleeping.(not answer / sleep)2 He                 with his parents at the moment because he                 much money.(live / not earn)3            you            that strange noise a few minutes ago? It                 like a baby crying.(hear / sound)4 Their children all                 tennis very well.They                 after their mother.(play / take)5 We                 dinner at a friend's house when they                 last night.(have / call)6 I                 much about my grandparents.They                 when I was very young.(not remember / die)10Vocabulary3 Complete the sentences with six words from the box.There is one extra word you do not need.side great relatives ancestorsroots extended inherited related1 I don't know much about my father's      side     of the family.2 She                 her mother's brains and her father's blue eyes.3 Most of his                 family live in Manchester.4 They found out that their                 were mostly artists and musicians.5 My                -grandparents emigrated to Australia in the 1920s.6 We only see our                 at Christmas.54 Make three more collocations for each verb.Use the words in the box.a course here grey angry five minutesfor a meal the housework marriedme a favour after on a diet up golf1 do exercise, your best  a course                                  2 take photos, a holiday                                               3 get a degree, a job    here                                    4 go mad, off coffee                                               10Pronunciation5 Underline the stressed syllable in each word.1 pupil 7 fiancé2 partner 8 ancestor3 employee 9 family4 mentor 10 history5 classmates 11 relatives6 godfather 12 member5Functions6 Match questions 1-6 with responses a)-f).1 Do you have any questions?   c  2 What aspect of your job do you mostenjoy?      3 What about holidays?      4 Could I ask you about that?      5 There are a couple of things I'd like toask about.First, can you drive?      6 What do you think about working in ateam?      a) Employees get three weeks a year.But one thing I'd like to say is that we also offer excellent health care.b) Yes, I got my licence five years ago.c) Yes, actually.I have one query.d) For me, the most important thing is for team members to be honest with each other.e) I suppose I'd have to say I like the travelling best.f) Yes, of course.Go ahead.10Total:50Intermediate Quick Check Test 1APHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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