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.I'm in this business for the money and power, not to play Quixote for the nobility of it all.""What about the power that'll be available when the Ryqril are thrown off Earth?" Lathe said."You'll be in a clear position to grab some of that when it happens.""If it happens," the other countered."You don't have to go through all the arguments again Iremember them well enough.It's just that I don't see a hell of a lot of indication the roaches are busypacking their bags.""Wait a second," Silcox said."If you're talking about me linking up with Reger's streetliceoperation, you can forget it.I've got higher standards than that.""You can't afford to be choosy," Lathe told her bluntly."What, you think you and Kanai can start things up all by yourselves?""Kanai? Who said I was going to take him on, either?""Listen to her." Reger snorted."This is the patriot who's going to lead all of us to freedom? Youhave to submit a full pedigree to even get in on the revolution."Silcox glared at him."I can find more trustworthy teammates than you under the rocks in youryard," she growled."I may be young and inexperienced, but I'm capable of managing without you,thanks."Lathe sighed."Anne, don't be ridiculous.Maybe Reger's current organization won't work, buthe's got the contacts and information net to both find the people you need and to pull in all the otherdata a successful resistance group has to have.You, on the other hand, know more about the basictechniques of undercover operations than he does and you've got access to the Torch safe houses,where I'd bet heavily there are some duplicate records and material hidden.Kanai, along with hisobvious blackcollar training, knows where the back door to Aegis Mountain is if and when you everfind a real use for the place.""In other words," Reger said heavily, "you're saying that together we're a reasonable team, butsingly we're just spinning our wheels.I suppose I agree but only if all of us have the same goal.Youstill have to convince me there's something in all of this for me.Spectacular political assassinations arefine in their place, but as a means of throwing the Ryqril off the planet I doubt they're all thateffective.""Who's talking assassinations?" Lathe frowned."I'm talking operations against Security forcesand government installations.""Yes, and you've proved your point," Reger said."But remember that you had a whole flock ofblackcollars on hand to help you infiltrate Trendor's house ""To infiltrate what? Trendor who?""He's the former Security prefect you assassinated this evening," Silcox said."Didn't you evenknow his name?"Lathe stared at her, shifted his gaze to Reger."What are you two talking about? We didn't killanyone this "aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r rAnd suddenly it all clicked."My God," he whispered."My God. Reger give me the details.What exactly happened to this Trendor?""He was shot down in his home in the mountains." Reger's face had an odd expression on it, as ifhe were wondering about Lathe's sanity."There was a massive laser fire fight in his defense three ofhis Security guards were killed in that but the intruders apparently escaped without anyone elseseeing them.Are you saying it wasn't you out there?"Lathe took a deep breath."Have your people find out which Security men died in the battle," hetold the other."I'll guarantee you Miro Marcovich will be one of the names.""You know him?" Silcox asked.Lathe turned to her.Her face, like Reger's, was wary.but behind the confusion the first hint ofunderstanding was beginning to appear."Yes," he told her."We kidnapped him this afternoon to testyour friends' Whiplash drug on.and he's Trendor's assassin.""That's impossible," Reger said."Security men are loyalty-conditioned to be incapable."He trailed off."My God," he said, very softly.Lathe let the silence hang in the room for a half-dozen heartbeats.Then, picking up his backpack,he got to his feet."If you'll excuse me," he said, "I need to go and discuss this development with mymen.You two might want to do the same, perhaps concentrating on the best ways to get Torchrevitalized."Silcox took a deep breath and looked across at Reger."Not Torch," she said quietly."Phoenix.Aliving torch, revived from its own ashes."Reger nodded thoughtfully."Silly, really.But I suppose that kind of symbolism is important tosuch a group's morale." He hesitated, looked up at Lathe."On your way out, Comsquare, would youmind asking Commando Kanai to join us?"Lathe smiled faintly."I'd be glad to."aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r rEpilogueIt was Colonel Poirot, not General Quinn, who eventually came to release him from detentionor rather, General Poirot, Galway noted, eying the other's new insignia with some surprise."Promotedjust in time for the trial?" he said sourly as Poirot led the way down the hall.Poirot grunted."Not funny.The whole damn unit is in turmoil since Trendor got burned.Youheard about that, I suppose?"Galway nodded."One of my guards filled me in.""Yeah, well, I don't suppose he mentioned the Ryqril reaction to it all.There's a Ryq in charge inthe main Security office right now a khassq-class warrior, no less [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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