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. All this talk of your rights, Asuli, andnone of the rights of Dion? She s accepted me as intern.She must teach me.He straightened. Teach you what, woman? Whatever there is to learn.Gamon looked her up and down. And that is what you want? Tolearn? That s what I m here for, she returned tersely. No. He shook his head. You want to do.You don t really care to learn at all.Asuli s voice was strangely low when she answered. And so whatif that s true? If I m smart if I can do what others can t, who s tocomplain?Gamon studied her for a long moment  You must hate yourpatients like the second hell, he murmured. You must hate useven more.Her voice was flat. Don t you feel the same about me? You ve left room for little else.Abruptly, Asuli turned and stared out at the marshy scrub. She sout there, isn t she? No one crosses the marshes, Tehena said shortly, shoulderingpast the younger woman.Asuli snorted. Not even the great Wolfwalker Dione?The lean, hard-faced woman bit back her words, but the look inher eyes was lethal.Asuli stayed her ground only out of a suddenfear to move. Get your saddle off your dnu, Gamon told the intern flatly. You might as well let your mount wait in the shade.We could behere for a few hours.Already a kay away, Dion jogged steadily across the mossy ground, letting her leg muscles get the hang of running again afterriding for so many hours.The insects were as loud as an orchestra,and they clouded her hearing so that she was startled when theGray Ones suddenly surrounded her.Abruptly, she halted.Wolfwalker, they sent.Wild as hawks, they sniffed her warily.The threads of theirmental packsong were suddenly loud in her mind.Like a weaver,she pulled those threads around her until they blended into a cloakof gray.Somewhere behind that shroud of gray, a pair of yellow,slitted eyes watched.Dion shivered.There was something in thatgaze that did not belong in the packsong, yet the Gray Ones did notseem disturbed.Instead, two of the yearlings mock-growled at her,and the older wolves trotted back to the shade.The gray cloak inher mind seemed to loosen; the image disappeared, but the sense ofurgency stayed with her.It was two hours before she returned to the group, and when shedid she was sweating like a rast in an oven.The cool breeze blowingoff the coast did nothing to dissipate the humidity that clung to themarsh, and Dion s clothes were gritty with sweat and salt.Shedropped back to a walk as she approached the rise, but Gamon stillheard her coming.He got to his feet. Ready to ride?She wiped her forehead on her shoulder. I d rather swim, if Icould find some cold water. East or west it s your choice to the rivers. West, she returned. The Phye? Tehena frowned. You sure you want to go toSidisport?Dion dropped her healer s pack on her saddle. I want to see theocean where it hits the rocks. And then? Gamon said softly.The wolfwalker stared down at her hands.They were strongerthan they had been a ninan ago her fingers no longer trembled.She looked up into Gamon s gray eyes. And then, she said,  we gohome. XIIThere is no difference between need and lovewhen they meet beneath the moons. Yegros Chu, Randonnen philosopherWhen they started along the marsh road, Asuli trotted her dnuuntil she reined in beside Dion. What were you doing out there?Dion glanced at the other woman s face. I m a wolfwalker, notjust a healer, Asuli. And I m not to be part of that. No. Wolfwalker or not, I need to know what you did before inPrandton.Dion shrugged. You know what I mean, Healer Dione.My fa Wains s nerveswere severed; yet after you were with him, he could feel and movehis fingers again.And Jorg had been bleeding internally there wasnothing I could do to stop it.He would have been dead by nightfall.After you saw him, he stabilized.Dion didn t answer. You aren t one of those faith healers, are you?Dion gave her a sharp look. Of all things that I am, that is theone thing I am not. I found no marks on Jorg s body that the raiders had not madefor him or that I had not made in crimping his wounds together.But he stabilized only after you were with him, doing nothing,according to Cheria, but sitting by his side.Sounds like faithhealing to me.Dion snorted. Faith healing is nothing more than a stealing oflife for adulation or power or gold. And you get none of those things not even adulation, theintern retorted.Dion s eyes narrowed. If you think so little of me, why are youhere?  You did something to Jorg, to my father.I want to know whatthat something was.I pick things up quickly.Show me once, andI ll be able to practice whatever it is on my own.But if the greatHealer Dione is nothing more than a faith healer, I ll expose you tothe very moons.Dion stared at her.Suddenly, she laughed.It was a chokedsound, but it was a laugh.Asuli eyed her warily. Why are you laughing? Why aren t youangry? Why should I be angry? Dion asked the sky. Because you havethe tongue of a bilgebeast and the temperament of a shrew, andyou force both of them on me? Because you re as arrogant as araider with twenty men on his side? Because you play with people slives as if they have no value? Because you add to the weight on myshoulders as if it is a game to you to stack the blocks as high asyou can to see when they will crush me? She looked at Asuli, andthe intern realized suddenly that the wolfwalker was not at allcalm. Why, Dion asked softly,  do you think I should be angry withyou?This time, it was Asuli who was silent.They reached an inn on the banks of the River Phye by earlyevening, before the sixth moon had risen.The sky was still heavywith heat.They didn t ride into the courtyard at the inn; theydragged themselves and their dnu.The heat had sapped both ridersand beasts so that the commons, with its cool, green, ground cover,invited them to bed down there rather than in the house.It waswith difficulty that Dion turned her dnu loose in the commons andwent to the sweltering inn.Inside, the evening was long as asermon and stifling as anger.By the time they bedded down, evenKiyun was irritable.Dion came awake suddenly.The moons hung at an angle, shiningalmost blindingly into the room, and there was nothing moving.She slid out of bed, her hand on her sword [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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