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.What was Tinker?Page 125 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html" not herself.""An interesting choice of words," Jewel Tears murmured.Wolf ignored her.Earth Son arrived with Forest Moss in tow.They made their bows to True Flame.All parties gathered, they settled at the table to start the aumani, a formal meeting of clans.Windwolf was sure if they captured any oni and needed to torture informationout of them, an aumaniwould be perfect for it.He sat across from Earth Son, studiously ignoring theservants as they laid out the elaborate table settings.Between the SkinClan's love of elaborate power icons, and the thousands of years that theclans needed to conduct meetings in secrecy, elves had had the use ofsymbology beaten almost out of them.There had to be some deep buried needleft in them that seeped out at times like this.How else explain the pure white table runner, the scattering of blood redroses, the black ceramic place settings, and the glasses of sapphire blue? Thelit candle.The smoking incense.The polished pebble.All the colors and theelements of three Clans were subtlety present on the table.They sat in reflective silence until the servers withdrew from the table.TrueFlame sipped his tea, opening the meeting.They drank, waiting for him tospeak."So that we can all be of one mind," True Flame broke the silence."Wolf WhoRules Wind, tell us our past."Wolf recounted the last few weeks since the meeting of the three clans at AumReanu.Knowing that he would lose face with True Flame for holding backinformation, he tried to be as thorough as possible inTinker's kidnapping, Lord Tomtom's killing and the discovery of Sparrow'streachery."And what of the Ghostlands?" Earth Son asked when Wolf came to an end."Isyour domi's gate still functioning?""Perhaps," Wolf admitted."Something is keeping Turtle Creek unstable.""Stupidity upon stupidity,"file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/harry/Bureaublad/N.html.jpg,%20advance%20reader%20copy)/A416520554__15.htm (4 of 7)5-1-2007 1:07:13- Chapter 15Jewel Tears scoffed."She shouldn't have built them a gate.""I defy you," Windwolf said, "Unarmed and captive by a ruthless enemy to dobetter.""Defy, there's an interesting concept, indicating lack of cooperation." EarthSon said."Yes," Jewel Tears said."I wouldn't have cooperated.""She cooperated because it's now in her nature to be cooperative," Forest Mosssaid."Wolf Who Rules remade her and blessed her with our mothers' curse  tobe yielding.Why else would we need the sekasha to guard over us.We can notstand against anything, especially our own nature.How can you sitting therewith never a moment of stark helpless fear in your life understand? Ourmothers were bred to lie on their back, spread their legs and not whimper tooloudly  unless their master liked it when she screamed.If it wasn't for thesteel of our fathers' ambition, we would be cattle in the field.""You may count yourself one of the cattle, but I do not," Earth Son said."Yes, yes, let us not listen to the one that has been under the heated blade.No, he did not have his eyes forced open to the truth just before one wasseared out." Forest Moss spat."You can not hope to understand what it islike.To lie there unable to move as they ready the tools of your destruction.The first time, oh, you can be so very brave because you don't know what iscoming; everything in your imagination is just a pale shadow of the pain.It'sthe second and the third, when you've been so well taught, then the very smellPage 126 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlof hot metal makes your heart race.You see the torch only once, right beforethey strap you down, but the hiss of the gas flame haunts your nightmares foryears to come.You lay there, listening to the invisible dance of theirpreparations, the scrape of boots, the rattle of the cutting blades in a metaltray, the creak of tightening leather restraints and there's nothing, nothing,you can do.""She wasn't tortured," Earth Son pointed out."Clever female knew the truth " Forest Moss said." the truth you're refusingto see.""If she didn't do something the gate in orbit would remain functional."Windwolf reminded the others."The gate we couldn't shut down.Yes, the result poses a threat, but it is nowin our realm, where we can deal with it ourselves.""We will solve this problem you caused," Earth Son said."Damn these humansand their gate.""We can't blame this on them," Wolf said."We elves went to Onihida and leadthe oni to Earth.If we hadn't done that, none of this would have happened."He did not bother to point out that in truth, it was the Stone Clan that hadgone to Onihida.Earth Son countered it as if he made the statement aloud."The humans builtthe gate in orbit."Wolf shook his head."The oni stranded on Earth used the humans to build thegate  and manipulated them to keep it functioning.""Why are you defending them?" Earth Son snapped."It's unlikely that they'reall innocent in this.""Yes, some might be guilty," Wolf allowed."But not all of them."Earth Son waved the truth away."Bah, they're just as bad as the oni breeding like mice.""Fie, fie," Forest Moss whispered."We were all blind beings even before theoni burned out our eyes.Why should such arrogant fools as we listen to the warnings of the humannatives? Of course the caves were a mystical place with mysterious goings andmonstrous comings.What importance to us that humans were forever losing theirway to other worlds and rarely coming back? What did it matter that werecognize nothing of ourselves in the stories?""Oh, please, shut him up," Jewel Tears hissed.file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/harry/Bureaublad/N.html.jpg,%20advance%20reader%20copy)/A416520554__15.htm (5 of 7)5-1-2007 1:07:13- Chapter 15"Oh! Oh!" Forest Moss leapt to his feet and wailed, waving his hands over hishead."It's all so ugly! No, no, who cares if perchance we might learnsomething important? We must close our ears to this wailing of a madman!""Forest Moss!" True Flame snapped."Sit!"The male sat so abruptly that Wolf wondered if the outburst had been yetanother example of ForestMoss using his reputation of being mad."Does anything he has to say have any relevance to what we need to do here?"Jewel Tears asked."It seems to me that our task is simple.Do findings totrack down the oni nests and burn them out.Instead we are sitting hereconstantly being distracted by the mad one's ramblings.By his own account, hewas shortsighted in his venture [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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