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.And despite the rime thatcovered the tiny face, Mary knew at once, and with agonized despair, justwhose child Harriet carried so triumphantly in her arms.She woke, terror pounding in her heart.There was a gunshot from outside.Shefelt Bysshe stiffen.Another shot.And then the sound of pounding feet.Page 51 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html They re here, damn it! George called. And my shot missed!file:///K|/eMule/Incoming/Walter%20Jon%20Williams%20.20%20Wall,%20Stone,%20Craft%20(1993)(v1.0)[htm].html (103 of 121)22-12-2006 1:37:38Williams, Walter Jon - Wall, Stone, Craft.htmGunfire and the sound of hammering swirled through Mary s perceptions.Furniture was shifted, doors barricaded, weapons laid ready.The shutters hadalready been closed against the vaudaire, so no one had to risk himselfsecuring the windows.Claire and Alba came into Mary s room, the both of themscreaming; and Mary, not giving a damn any longer, sent them both out.Georgeput them in the cellar with the Austrian princess Mary was amused that theyseemed doomed to share quarters together.Bysshe, throughout, only sat on thebed and held Mary in his arms.He seemed calm, but his heart pounded againsther ear.M.Fleury appeared, loading an oldCharleville musket as he offhandedly explained that he had served in one ofLouis XVI s mercenary Swiss regiments.His wife put down her knitting needles,poured buckshot into her apron pockets, and went off with him to serve as hisloader.Afterwards Mary wondered if that particular episode, that vision ofthe old man with his gun and powder horn, had been a dream but no, MadameFleury was gone, her pockets filled with lead.Eventually the noise died away.George came in with his Mantons stuffed in hisbelt, looking pleased with himself. I think we stand well, he said. Thisplace is fine as a fort.At Waterloo we heldHougoumont and La Haye Sainte against worse and Neipperg will have noartillery.The odds aren t bad I counted only eight of them. He looked atBysshe. Unless you are willing to join us, Mr.Shelley, in defense of her highness s liberty.Bysshe sat up. I wish no man s blood on my hands. Mary rejoiced at thefirmness in his voice. I will not argue against your conscience, but if you won t fight,file:///K|/eMule/Incoming/Walter%20Jon%20Williams%20.20%20Wall,%20Stone,%20Craft%20(1993)(v1.0)[htm].html (104 of 121)22-12-2006 1:37:38Williams, Walter Jon - Wall, Stone, Craft.htm then perhaps you can load forme? What of Mary? Bysshe asked.Indeed, Mary thought.What of me? Can we arrange for her, and for Claire and Alba, to leave this house?George shook his head. They don t dare risk letting you go you d just informthe Swiss authorities.I could negotiate a cease-fire to allow you to becometheir prisoners, but then you d be living in the barn or the outdoors insteadof more comfortably in here. He looked down at Mary. I do not think weshould move your lady in any case.Here in the house it is safe enough. But what if there s a battle? My God there s already been shooting! No one was hurt, you ll note though if I d had a Baker or a jager rifleinstead of my puisny little carbine, I daresay I d have dropped one of them.No what will happen now is that they ll either try an assault, which will takea while to organize, because they re all scattered out watching the house, andwhich will cost them dearly in the end& or they ll wait.They don t know howmany people we have in here, and they ll be cautious on that account.We reinside, with plenty of food and fuel and ammunition, and they re in theoutdoors facing unseasonably cold weather.And the longer they wait, the morelikely it will be that our local Swiss yeomen will discover them, and then& Page 52 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlHe gave a low laugh. Austrian soldiers have never fared well in Switzerland,not since the days of WilliamTell.Our Austrian friends will be arrested and imprisoned.file:///K|/eMule/Incoming/Walter%20Jon%20Williams%20.20%20Wall,%20Stone,%20Craft%20(1993)(v1.0)[htm].html (105 of 121)22-12-2006 1:37:38Williams, Walter Jon - Wall, Stone, Craft.htm But the surgeon? Will they not let the surgeon pass? I can t say.Bysshe stared. My God! Can t you speak to them? I will ask if you like.But I don t know what a surgeon can do that wecannot.Bysshe looked desperate. There must be something that will stop thebleeding!Yes, Mary thought.Death [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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