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."But since it is located in Sinus's asteroid belt, it can onlybe counted as one of the larger of those asteroids."Whitey frowned."No atmosphere.""No trees or grass," mused Sam."Only rocks and dust," murmured Dar."Only eight point seven light-years from Terra!" caroled Lona.Dar stared."You like the sound of the place?""It's practically heaven!" Lona squealed."Nothing to do but designand build computers, laze around luxury, and hop around the comerto the fleshpots of Terra for the weekend! Where do I sign up?""Immigration is completely open," Fess said slowly, "but very fewpeople choose to go there.It would be miserable for anyone who waspoor-and only excellent cybemeticists can make money.""I'll take it!" Lona crowed."How do I get there?""That," Fess agreed, "is the rub.They will accept you-if you can getthere.""Grandpa!" Lona whirled around to Whitey."Got a few royalty checkscoming in?"Whitey shrugged."You can have the burro-boat when we're done withit, sweetheart-but first there's a little matter of saving democracy.""Well, let's get it over with!" Lona whirled back to the console."I wantto get on with the really important things! Found a big liner yet,electro-eyes?""I have been tracking the SASE San Martin while we have beenconversing," Fess answered."It approaches above the plane of theecliptic, inbound from Ganymede, and will pass us only one hundredthirty-seven kilometers away."aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r r"Then let's go!" Lona grabbed her webbing and stretched it acrossher."Web in, everybody!"A chorus of clicks answered her.She grinned down at her console,then frowned at a blinking red light and looked back over hershoulder at Father Marco."Look, Father, I know you trust in St.Christopher, and all that-but would you please buckle in?"The monolith of a liner hurtled into eternal morning, its aft hull lostin the total black shadow of its bulging bridge.A tiny speck danced upto it from the asteroid belt, glinting in the sunlight.It swooped up todisappear in shadow under the monster's belly, where it clung like apilot fish to a shark by the bulldog magnetic fields of the solenoids inits nose.Inside, Dar asked, "Couldn't they spot us by the magnetic fields ontheir hull?""They could." Lona shrugged."But why would they look for them?"She switched off the engines."It doesn't quite seem ethical," Father Marco mused, "hitching a freeride this way.""Don't let it worry you, Father," Whitey assured him."I own stock inthis shipline."Chapter TenThe SASE San Martin drifted down toward its berth in the MareSerenitatis.As it passed over Darkside, a mite dropped off its belly,falling toward the surface at no higher acceleration than lunar gravitycould account for.No glint of light reflected from it to any watchingeye in the shadows; and if anyone thought to glance at it on a sensorscreen, they would surely think it nothing but another meteoritecaught by the moon's gravity, coming to add one more crater to theancient, pockmarked satellite.It fell almost to the surface, so low that it was beneath the sensor-nets, and barreled over the jagged landscape.Inside the cabin, Lona asked, "Is this what you'd call a 'stresssituation'?""Not at all," Fess assured her."It is simply a matter of adjusting ourtrajectory with the attitude jets, according to the irregularities in thelandscape indicated by the sensors.At this low a speed, I always haveaaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r rseveral milliseconds to react.""Piece of cake, huh? I think you'd better keep the con for this one.""As mademoiselle wishes," Fess murmured.He finally brought them to rest when the glittering lights of aspaceport appeared over the horizon.The burro-boat sank to the dustin the shadow of a huge crag, with the weary, thankful groan ofengines idling down."I detected an airlock hatch in this outcrop," Fess informed them."There is an electronics kit in the cabinet below the console; can anyof you bypass the telltale on the hatchway, so that Spaceport Securitywill not know the lock has been opened?""Duck soup," Lona affirmed, "the instant kind.Where'11 you be whilewe're gone?""In the shadow of a ring-wall, in a remote crater," Fess answered."Iwill move as the shadows move.Next to the electronics kit, you willfind a small transmitter of convenient size for a pocket.Press thebutton on it, and it will send a coded pulse to me [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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