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.Greg followed, because he simplycouldn't think.All he could do was feel.The room was large and bright, sun shining inthrough the many frosted windows.There was a bed,padded benches at several heights, and a huge armoire,door closed at the moment.It was warm, soothing, ahuge contrast from Tim's stark, industrial dungeon."You like what you see?" Ap's voice was like that,too, surrounding him in warmth where so many Mastershad been cold."It's warm.Comfortable." Could a place like thisbring comfort?Ap nodded."Yes.Good.We'll start with you on thethigh high bench.""What do you want me to do?""I want you to lie on the bench on your stomach.We're going to play.Hard." He stroked Greg's cheek --Greg's smooth cheek.He moaned, rubbed into the touch."Yeah.Okay.Ican do that.""Yes, you can." The swat to his ass made him jump,move."That was for the 'okay'.You know what a ridingcrop is, boy?""I do." He had felt one before.Once he'd climbed on the table, Ap helped him lie onhis stomach, hands warm on his skin."Did you like it?""It was a punishment for fucking up.""This isn't going to be a punishment.This is to fly, tosee if we can't find your subspace." Ap's hands movedover him, touching his back, his neck, his ass and legs,touching him everywhere.His skin was incredibly sensitive, burning, tingling,and he fought the urge to move."You're stunning like this, boy."He whimpered softly."Thank you."Solitary 89 A soft kiss landed on his ass, Ap's lips hot.He almostsobbed, that tiny touch so loving, so gentle.Then Ap patted his other ass cheek and movedtoward the wardrobe."I'm just getting the crop.I'll beright back with you in a second."It was so quiet.So still.He could hear every moveAp made.The man didn't leave him hanging there in thequiet, either."One of the reasons why I love the crop is becauseit's leather.I do love the way it smells." Ap's voicepoured over him, helped him relax.Then the man was back by the bench he lay on, bodywarm as Ap stood near him.Ap's fingers settled on thesmall of his back, hard, warm, solid."Take a few deep breaths.Relax and find yourcenter.""Okay.Yeah." He stopped, winced at himself."Imean, yes, sir."A soft smack hit his bottom, hardly enough to feel."Nice catch, boy.""I'm trying.I want to be good." He wanted to beworthy."I know.And that makes me so proud."The words made Greg's heart hurt, deep inside."Now breathe for me, boy.Calm and peaceful whileyou wait for the crop." Ap's hand began to move, up anddown his back, guiding his breath."That's right, boy.Inand out, find a good place."He wasn't sure he would be able to find a good place,but he did.The world got quiet and simple for amoment.He had no clue how long they stayed like that,Ap's hand along his spine, everything else just gone."Ready to start?" Ap's voice was soft, and it felt likeit was coming from far away."I don't know.This is so good." It was the mosthonest answer he had."Then let's just stay right here for a bit longer."Ap's hand slid over his skin, then slowly, he felthimself begin to get restless, to need more.Solitary 90 "I'm going to start now." It was like Ap had knownexactly when the good place had disappeared.The first blow stung, but it wasn't surprising, more.interesting.The next blow came crosswise to the first,the spot where it met the first blow noticeable.His asstensed, relaxed, tensed again as he processed the sting.Ap made a noise, a soft humming.The sound slidalong his spine, almost like it was another touch.Hemoaned in response, shivered.The next hit was across his shoulders, the one afterthat across his ass.The crop left hard, sure lines in itswake.He tensed, shifting, body wanting to move."Stay still, please, but I would like to hear you -- letyour sounds be free.""Okay.Okay.I'll try."Two sharp slaps of Ap's hand landed on his ass."No.Not 'okay' at all.""Sorry! Sorry." He jerked up, embarrassed, angry athimself."You'll eventually stop.I'm sure." Ap rubbed his ass."We're beginning again." The crop came down acrosshis ass a moment later.Greg bit at his lips, trying hard to relax again."Let everything else go and concentrate on the crop,on the pain, on each breath.""I'm trying.This is hard.""I know.I don't expect perfection, just effort.""O-- Right.I can do effort.""Good for you -- you caught yourself." Ap kissed hisright ass cheek."You're learning.""I'm trying.I swear." He wanted to be right, to bedesirable."You are.I can tell." His other ass cheek received akiss.Then Ap brought the crop down again, this timeacross his shoulders once again.He grunted, biting out a soft curse."Yes, let me hear your reactions." The crop camedown, crossing the previous stripe."I want to get up." Greg didn't, he didn't, but hewanted to.Solitary 91 "You can't." Two more hits landed, Ap beginning tofind a rhythm."I know." But he needed to tell."Good boy.So good.I'm proud of you." Ap spokeslowly, matching the words to hits.Greg hid inside himself for a second, not capable ofprocessing Ap's words.The crop kept dropping, though,demanding his attention.The sting grew, the heatbuilding inside him.The rhythm kept pushing himharder, higher.His legs shifted, body needing to move."Concentrate on the strikes."He nodded, legs tensing and relaxing.The burnincreased, and he swore he could feel each and everyline where it lay on his back, like a bizarre grid.Moreand more sounds poured out of him, raw and rough andhungry."That's right.Such a good boy.Lovely sounds.Youmake me so hard."His legs jerked, and he curled his toes, bouncinghimself restlessly on the bench."Five more, boy.Count them down.""F.five." The next one fell against the crack of hisass, and he yelped."Fuck!"The next one fell on exactly the same spot."No!" He tried to stand up, the burn not as huge asthe fear.Ap's hand landed in the small of his back and heldhim in place."Talk to me, boy.""I.That.That's so big." That wasn't right.That was.private."Specifically here?" Ap's fingers slid along his crack."Yeah.Yeah." He clenched."Why? We've made love.I've been here before." Ap'sfingers kept sliding."You shaved there, too." He didn't know why, it wasjust so intimate."So why is it harder in a scene?""Hitting there, that's." He started to shake."That'smy hole!"Solitary 92 Ap leaned over him, warm and solid, and spoke intohis ear."But it and all of you are mine." Two fingersslapped against his hole, making him cry out."All ofyou is mine.Every inch." Ap hit his hole again.His body pushed against the bench, another wild cryleaving him."All mine [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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