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.total-e-bound.com WINTER CHALLENGE Serena Yates 201through his body.Noah was in the same situation, and the sticky mess between them provedhow much they d both liked the first course. Wow.Not bad. Noah looked up at him with those sky blue eyes of his, all the lovethey were beginning to feel for each other brimming over. I love your talent for understatement. He laughed and rolled to the side, grabbing atowel to wipe them off before pulling Noah into his arms. That was fantastic. So, do you want to give me the news while we recuperate and plan for round two?Noah was dying from curiosity, Ataro could feel it. I guess you re not going to give me a choice. He grinned, grateful for the agreementthey d made about keeping surprises shielded from each other. Nope, that was not my intention. Noah moved closer, making sure their legs wereentwined and their groins aligned just so.A slight stiffening of both their cocks confirmed that he was doing it right. Okay, I know you ve been waiting for this for a while, and I appreciate how patientyou ve been.But it took the experts a long time to track everything correctly. He took a deepbreath. Today I received the official go ahead. You found my birth family! Noah had tears in his eyes. Thank you so much. It s the least I could do.I dragged you off into another dimension and expected you tojust fit into my life. Ataro smiled. It s not such a hardship.And I didn t exactly leave the perfect life behind. Noahsmiled through his tears. Not to mention the fact that I should have lived here in the firstplace.So, in a way, you brought me home. Still, I ll always be grateful you took that step. Ataro tightened his embrace. And I llnever forgive Chimo.His idiotic kidnapping hurting both of us.Not to mention hisattempted coup using that helper of his because he doesn t even have enough psychic abilityto pull something like that off on his own. He has to live with the consequences of his actions, though. Noah shrugged. All hisgreed has gotten him is a life in prison, and I think that is enough of a punishment.Ataro nodded.Noah was clearly far more forgiving than he would ever be. So, who is my family and do they want to meet me? Noah looked almost scared.www.total-e-bound.com WINTER CHALLENGE Serena Yates 202 Your parents are Enitana and Tendai Fithian, and they very much want to meet you.You have no siblings, so they took your kidnapping really badly.They never recovered fromthe effects, but can t wait to see you. Ataro liked the happy little smile on Noah s face muchbetter than the brief show of insecurity earlier. We can go tomorrow? Noah looked so hopeful. Sure. He wasn t going to tell his lover no.The so-called experts had suggestedwaiting for a few days so all concerned could calm down.What did they know? Things likethis couldn t be postponed. Thank you. Noah lifted his head for a kiss.Ataro complied willingly, and before he knew it, Noah rolled him over onto his backand started humping his thigh. I want you. Noah s thoughts were already jumbled from the arousal flooding hissystem. So much. You have me, you know that, right? Ataro managed to move enough so he couldgrab the lube and hand it to Noah. But I ve been wanting you inside me for a while now,and I think it s time we physically confirm what we both know in our hearts. Yeah? Noah opened the lube, coated his fingers and slid his hand behind Ataro sback and down into his crease. Yeah. Ataro spread his legs shamelessly to give Noah better access.When the firstfinger breached him he moaned.The second made him whimper and the third soon had himpanting for more. Oh, yeah! How do you want to do this? Noah kept up the finger fucking with the cutest smileon his face.His lover had a preference for doggy style when Ataro did him, but Ataro hadn t donethis often enough to know what he really liked.He did know that he wanted to see Noah ashe took him for the first time. Okay. Noah manoeuvred them into place, putting his swollen cock at Ataro s waitingopening. Are you ready?Ataro nodded and pushed out for all he was worth as Noah slid inside him.It was thebest feeling in the world, but seeing Noah s face and the concentration and care he took notto hurt him was almost better.When Noah bottomed out, they both sighed in relief.Atarowww.total-e-bound.com WINTER CHALLENGE Serena Yates 203did his best to relax, but Noah wasn t exactly small and he hadn t let anyone fuck him sinceone time almost a decade ago. Really? Noah s eyes widened [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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