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.The sweeping touches continued, and it was awhile before he realized that a part ofRoland s body was growing quite firm, the man s cock pressing hard and hot along his ass. And yet the sweet, gentle touches and nibbles continued as they had before.Angel decided to ignore Roland s erection.He wasn t ready to think about sex, yet.Hesimply wanted to feel for a moment.Roland seemed happy to ignore it as well, and they stood together, Roland warming him,soothing him, touching him everywhere the man could reach.All of the tension flowed from him and, when Roland began to move him back towardthe bed, he followed, simply too melted to resist.Roland settled him on his side on the bed, and stayed behind him, supporting him evenlying down.Once again a cracker with cream cheese was held out for him.He leaned forward, took it with his teeth and ate it, the cool creaminess of the cheesecontrasting nicely with the crunch and salt of the cracker.Roland continued to feed him, alternating crackers and cheese with the frozen fruit.Thefruit was slowly thawing, the taste changing slightly as it warmed. That s it.You need to regain your strength.He nodded, surprising himself by agreeing.Perhaps he should relax for one more day.Rest.He could work tomorrow. Mmm & good.Roland placed a kiss on his shoulder, and slipped another piece of fruit into his mouth.Angel took it, lips wrapping around the thick fingers for a minute.Humming, Roland placed another kiss against his skin, fingers lingering, rubbing his lips.He sighed contentedly, feeling like something treasured, like a real person and not acelluloid image on a screen.When he d had his fill, Roland finished up what was on the tray and set it on the floorbefore lying back and drawing him once again along the strong body.Really, he should shower.Make some plans.Talk to Jaxie.He snuggled in, moaning softly. We fit well together, murmured Roland, hands wandering over his skin again like theyhad before.Who was this man? He forced himself to whisper. Did Jax hire you? In a way, yes.A finger slid beneath his chin, tilted his head up, Roland finding his gaze and holding it. I m here for you and no one else. Why? You don t remember discussing this last night? I ve read your file.We re a match.I mlooking for someone to be my own instead of one of the club subs.Their mouths met in a soft kiss. You intrigue me, Angel-love.And I know I can helpyou.He tilted his head, fingers moving on Roland s skin. What does it say about me?His throat burned. It says you shouldn t talk.He shook his head, laughing.Roland s soft chuckles were a great sound, even if there was a rough edge to them, as ifrusty.  It says that you work too hard.That you re exhausted.It says that you need someone totop you in the bedroom, possibly beyond.It was odd, having someone know personal things about him. Your file? He whispered.It was only fair.Roland s laughter stopped, his face growing serious again.Then he nodded. Yes.I llarrange it.Angel nodded.Yes.That was fair. Tha &  His voice gave out again, the whisperdisappearing. You see? No talking.I ll arrange for a handpad for you to type into.Jax will have myhide if I let you ruin your voice.Yes, Jax would hate to lose him, his income.Although that wasn t fair, Jax had told himagain and again that he could retire.The hand moving on his back slid down to his ass, curling around it as Roland tuggedhim closer.He could feel the soft hairs on Roland s body rub against his own smooth skin.It felt good.He snuggled in, refusing to think about anything too deeply. You feel good, murmured Roland, hand squeezing his ass. This is going to workwell.He looked up, mouthed. How long?How long could he stay and rest? How long will it work well? For a very long time, I hope.Roland brought their mouths together and gave him another long, drugging kiss. For avery, very long time.Angel wasn t sure what to think about that, so he didn t.Not yet.Later.He d think later. Chapter Seven: Roland Watches Angel, Among Other ThingsAs Angel slept, yet again, Roland wondered how much of it was Angel needing sleep,and how much was Angel hiding from him.He also had a commpad delivered, complete with a copy of his file on it.There was alittle fridge in their room now with juices, water, frozen fruit, fresh fruit, and a few other littledelicacies.And on the wall over the bed was a huge canvas with brilliant reds and blues, thecolor electric and shocking in the cream and white room.He d wait for Angel s input for more changes, but he just couldn t take the lack of color,the lack of personality a moment longer.By the time the sun was setting in the sky, he was back in bed  he wanted Angel to wakeup in his arms.Angel shifted, frowned, dreaming again [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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