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.Um, what the hell did thatmean? I seriously looked down at mychest to see if the Goddamn knife that Ijust felt had actually been real and pierced right through my heart.Herrejection literally hurt me.It hurt mychest and made me want to tear off myskin and bleed out all over the purewhite snow.This isn t real.Yet, Grace still clung to me, eyeswide with tears.I held on to her as if itwas the last time I d ever get to touchher.A burning scorched at the back ofmy throat and I felt the need to gag.Ilooked away from those beautiful silvereyes that I loved and my heart brokeeven further when I heard the distinctsounds of the motor of a snowmobile.I stepped away from her andraked my hands through my wet, snow-covered hair.Two snowmobilesappeared out of the blinding whiteness and skidded to a halt in front of us.No.God, please no.I can t do thispunishment.I can t be here and nothave her.I can t be this close to herand not love her.Sitting on top of one of thesnowmobiles was Tucker who lifted thestupid visor to his flaming red helmetand yelled,  Hey, baby! There s nothingto fear.Your superman is here. Thenthe fucknut winked at her.The visor to the secondsnowmobiler was lifted and Blake sdrug addict blue eyes peaked out.Herolled his eyes, jumped off thesnowmobile and reached his hand out toGrace.My insides almost explodedwhen she took his hand and let him help her straddle the snowmobile, then got onbehind her.Wasn t she just fuckingstraddling me? AND why is she smilingat him like THAT?Rage surged through my veinsmaking me break out into a cold sweatand ball my hands into tight fists.I growled and waded through thedeep snow back to the Jeep and yankedthe passenger side door open.I pulledour packs and jackets out, and slung bothour guitar cases over my shoulders.ThenI climbed back over the snowdrifts toBlake s pansy-ass colored snowmobile.I angrily glared into her eyes, andshoved her jacket into her arms,  Hereyou go, wouldn t want you to get anycolder than you already are. Grace s eyes widened at mywords and tears filled them again.Whywas she crying if this was her choice?Why was it hurting her NOT being withme? She looked down at the ground,pulled on her coat and zipped it up.Blake wrapped one arm around herwaist and the other on one end of thehandlebars.He took off without evenwaiting for her to hold on.Majorfucknut.I stood there, with everything inmy arms and talked myself into notwalking in another direction, completelyaway from Grace. Dude, did my cousin just jumpon my shit? Tucker asked. Grace isn t your shit, Tuck. And it sure as hell doesn t look like shewants to be your shit anytime soon. Hey, dillweed.It doesn t looklike she wants to be your shit either.That I can fucking see loud and clear.Without having any other option,I was forced to ride bitch behindTucker.On a snowmobile painted withbright red flames.While he wore themost feminine pink-flamed helmet ever,as I got to watch the love my life speedaway with a piece of crap drug addictwho she seemed to be smitten with.Damn it. Chapter 13Seems that Tucker wanted to getGrace away from Blake as much as Idid, because he drove his snowmobileso fast, we almost slammed into the backof Blake s snowmobile before I saw herjump off and run to Lea who was waitingon the porch for her.I caught up to her, shiveringviolently in the foyer, while Lea tried tohug her.I dropped all of our belongingson the floor in front of me, closed myeyes, leaned back and rested my headagainst the wall.Without looking atGrace or Lea, I just whispered  Lea, gether out of those wet clothes.  I m fine, Grace stammered.Even with my eyes closed, I could tellhow cold she was by the sound of herteeth chattering.I snapped my eyes open andglared at her. You re impossible! Istalked towards her, picked her up withone hand, and flung her over myshoulder, ass to the ceiling, again. Bring the bags for me, will you? Myhands seem a bit full, I said, lockingeyes with Lea.I carried Grace through thehouse, down a long hallway and into adark room.Lea switched on the lightsand I threw Grace down on a beautifulking-size four-poster bed. Get out ofyour clothes, I seethed.Rage washed over me in thick heavy waves.She satthere with a defiant look across her cold,pale, shivering face. Do you know whathypothermia is? Get out of yourclothes! I yelled.She clamped down on herchattering teeth and began taking off hersneakers and socks.My eyes never lefther, as I peeled off my own wet shirt andpants and stood in my ice-cold boxers infront of her. I meant every word I said,Grace.And you cannot sit there and tellme that you don t feel the same. Ilooked away from her stoic expressionand leaned over my bag, searchingthrough it for dry clothes.Before I could stand up straight,she picked up her bag, and walked into the bathroom, clicking the lock on thedoor.I rushed up to the door and triedthe knob, but I knew before I even putmy hand to it that it wouldn t turn.Ithumped my head against the wood andmy stomach clenched with the thought ofher not being with me. Come on, God.How can this be wrong? It feels tooright.Please, I don t want to do this shitanymore, I whispered.I kicked at her door softly andcontinued dressing.I packed up my bagwhen I was done, threw my crap in thenext empty room and went to find Lea.I didn t have to look too far,because she was waiting at the end ofthe hallway for me.Her face was covered in concern,  What the hell, Shane? No.You tell me what the hell,Lea? Why the hell does she want Blakeall of a sudden? I don t know.I thought you andher would& I stalked past her and into theliving area where everyone was waiting, Yeah, well you thought wrong [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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