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.14 Given the Lobby supremos' efforts to stifle dissent fromgenocide, special importance should be given to the fact that the Rome votetook place less than 24 hours after Israel deliberately murdered (decapitated) 4UN peace keepers through direct targeting of their camp even after havingreceived over a dozen frantic phone calls from the beleaguered internationalpeace keepers before, during and after the Israeli missile and tank shellingattack,15 advising that they were being shelled, and pleading for cessation.Even UN Secretary General Kofi Annan couldn't stomach the Israeli claims oferror.His statement that the Israelis deliberately attacked the unarmed UNobservers in their clearly marked outpost provoked fits of indignation in Israeland among Israel Firsters in the US.Needless to say, the US Jewish Lobbyautomatically backed Israel's slaughter of the UN peacekeepers andpublished the demand of Dan Avalon, Israeli Ambassador to the US, thatSecretary General Annan 'apologize' for his 'baseless' charges.16 In theII7 The Power of Israel in the United States / James Petrasmeantime, the respectable press, led by the ultra-Zionist Washington Post,continued to provide exclusive editorial and news space for the apologists ofIsraeli genocide in Lebanon.David Rivkin, Jr.and Lee A.Casey argued thatthe mass terror bombing of Lebanon (and by the same logic, of Gaza) are"within (Israel's) right" and went on to provide convoluted pseudo-legalarguments that would have made Goebbels blush.17 Needless to say, we are toldthat both authors served in the Reagan Justice Department, apparentlycutting their teeth sanitizing the Central American killing fields.Israel and the compliant press immediately presented the 'Romemeeting' as having given Israel "permission" to commit every outrageous crimeforbidden in the UN Charter under the rubric of "Crimes against Humanity".However, the succeedingAfter widely publicizing Israel's assertionit had world permission for its actions,coverage given to the denialsthe media muted coverage of denials by that this had been the case notthe EU and even the US State Department, only from the Finnish Foreignwhich termed that notion "outrageous".Minister whose country holds theEU presidency, but even from a senior spokesperson from the US StateDepartment, who called the assertion "outrageous" has been muted in theextreme.As the world's attention turned to the genocide in Lebanon, the Israelimilitary machine continued to slaughter Palestinian children and civilians.Reuters reported that 19 Palestinians, over half civilians, including 3 childrenunder 4, were killed and 60 people wounded.18 The toll of Palestinian deadand wounded in the Jewish state's month-long assault rose to over athousand a matter barely covered in the press, as if the longtime victimizedPalestinians had somehow been implicated in their fate, whereas theLebanese, still newly targeted, for the time being, at least, enjoy the aura ofinnocence, and hence merit greater coverage.The official Israeli peaceniks have joined the war party, as have most oftheir followers, though not the astute and steadfast Uri Avnery.A pollpublished by Israel's Maariv daily newspaper states that 82 percent back thecontinued offensive and 95 percent say Israel's action is justified.19 SinceIsrael is generally considered a democracy limited to its Jewish citizens, wecan safely state that the overwhelming majority of Israeli Jews are knowingand willing accomplices to Israeli crimes against humanity.(Did Goldhagenever find a consensus of 95 percent of Germans in favor of Nazi ethniccleansing?) Likewise, in the United States and Europe, the great majority ofZionist organizations and their activists are extremely mobilized towardsecuring US support for Israeli genocide.The hidden horror and the voices ofdissent of many US citizens are stifled by the overbearing dominance of theJewish Lobby's monopoly of the mass media.It is as if the Lobby-promotedinvasion of Iraq was a dry run for US backing for Israeli invasions in the Middle118 "Mad Dog" Ravages Lebanon East,aimed at provoking major wars with Iran and Syria.PostscriptTrue to form, two days after Israel agreed to the UN-brokered ceasefire backed by the US and France, Israel launched a commando attack deepinto northern Lebanon, attempting to assassinate a Hezbollah leaderOnce again the Israelis were driven back, suffering one dead and twowounded, while killing three resistance fightersThe Jewish Lobby, predictably, immediately endorsed this gross vio-lation of the ceasefire agreement, which appears on the verge of an earlycollapse, given Israel's explicit threats to continue to attack the resistancecommunities throughout Lebanon.ENDNOTES1Financial Times, July 25, 2006 p.3.2Ibid.3Forward, July 14, 2006.4BBC News July 23, 2006.5See , July 23, 2006.6Financial Times, July 18, 2006 p 3.7Ibid.8Ibid.9Financial Times, July 25, 2006.10New York Times, July 24, 2006.11 Cited in Christian Henderson, "Hezbollah proves its mettle," Al Jazeera, July 25,2006.12Saad-Ghoreyeb cited in Al Jazeera, July 25, 2006.13Al Jazeera, July 25, 2006.14Daily Alert, July 27, 2006.15BBC News, July 25, 2006.16Daily Alert, July 26, 2006.17Washington Post, July 25, 2006.18Reuters, July 26, 2006.19BBC News, July 27, 2006.119 PART IIISRAEL AND MIDDLE EASTWARFARE CHAPTER 9ISRAEL'S WAR WITH IRANTHE COMING MIDEAST CONFLAGRATIONIntroductionIsrael's political and military leadership have repeatedly and openlydeclared their preparation to militarily attack Iran in the immediate future [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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