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. Why not? Josh asked. I don t know.My personal theory is that it has something to dowith the unconditional love Philip and his parents rain down on him.Ina lot of ways he s been sheltered maybe even a little spoiled.He snever really needed anybody else to make him feel loved.Lots of guyshave tried to land him, but nobody has ever succeeded. UNTIL THANKSGIVING 129 He s never even dated? Oh, yeah.He s gone out with lots of guys and probably evenslept with a few of them.But he s never been seriously involved withanyone.They d have to get by Philip first, and so far, that hasn thappened.Josh thought back to the party and Thad s excitement about Philipliking him. What do you mean? Philip is very protective of Thad.He s not manipulative orcontrolling.He just tells it the way it is.He never misses a chance toride me about sleeping with Michael.He s not obnoxious about it, buthe definitely lets me know how he feels.Thad trusts him withoutquestion.Everyone does, but few follow his advice the way Thaddoes.Josh had finished eating but couldn t remember what anythingtasted like.He saw his interactions with Thad through new eyes andrealized that from the start, Thad had seemed more than a littleinterested in him.Why hadn t he asked about the relationship withPhilip? Had he blown it? 130 Michael Rupured" 30 "AFTER Josh paid the check, they left the restaurant and headed back toEd s car.Ed looked at his watch. It s almost eleven o clock.Ready forthe Eagle?Josh thought about saying no and asking Ed to take him home.Hewanted to call Thad.He imagined how the two of them would laughabout Josh thinking he was Philip s lover and that Thad would wanthim to come over right away.Then he imagined Philip picking up thephone and chastising him for calling at such a late hour.He decided tostick with the plan. Sure.I have no idea what to expect and am morethan a little curious.Ed laughed as he started the car. Fags are fags.They come in abunch of different sizes, flavors, and colors, but in the end, they areregular guys like you and me.The drive to the Eagle was less traumatic than the trip to therestaurant had been, but only because of less traffic.They passed anumber of streetwalkers, shouting come-ons to cars as they drove by.Most were African-American men in outlandish hooker drag.He wasglad they drove instead of walking.They finally arrived at the Eagle.Dozens of motorcycles wereparked in a line out front.Ed drove around the block until he found awell-lit spot on a side street to park the car.Except for a scruffy-looking bartender with a long beard and abandana around his head, the downstairs bar was deserted.Ed led theway to steps leading up to the main bar.Josh could feel the throbbingbass before he heard the music.The first thing Josh saw was a long bar with television screensmounted above an island of liquor bottles in the center of the cavernous UNTIL THANKSGIVING 131room.The glow of the porn playing on the televisions shed little lighton the scene below.Along the edges of the room, he could make outdark masculine shapes, but not what they were wearing or looked like. What do you want to drink? Ed asked. I better go with a beer something in a bottle. Josh couldbarely hear Ed placing their order above the booming techno blastingfrom several five-foot-tall speakers placed around the room.As his eyes adjusted to the dimness, he noticed a big man in adark T-shirt with  Security in white letters on the back interrupting aguy in a nearby corner, who was masturbating as a small group stoodaround him and watched.Further down the bar, a shirtless man in aharness wore leather chaps, a black trooper hat with a visor, and darksunglasses.Two guys on leashes in skimpy leather shorts sat at his feet.Ed handed him a beer. Want to walk around?Josh couldn t imagine what else he might see. Yeah, let s.Ed strode confidently across the room to an area on the other sideof the bar that was better lit than the rest of the room. The freaks hangout in the darkest corners.Josh followed behind, taking in all the sights.He had to admit,some of the guys in leather looked hot especially the guys whoobviously spent a lot of time at the gym.Ed pointed to a group Josh hadbeen admiring. They re all hairdressers at an upscale shop in ChevyChase where the clientele are all little blue-haired ladies.Josh laughed. How do you know? See the big guy on the left, with the hairy chest and big nipplerings?Josh looked. Yeah.He s really hot. He s done my mother s hair for years.He can suck his own dick.Want to see? Are you kidding? Nope.His name is Don, but everyone calls him Donkey.You llsee why in a minute. This I ve got to see.Josh and Ed walked up to the group. Hey, guys.I d like you tomeet my friend, Josh.He just moved here from Kentucky. 132 Michael RupuredAn enormous man standing next to Donkey walked over.Josh putout his hand, but instead of shaking it, the guy grabbed him by theshoulders, picked him up, and licked his cheek. You ve got the cutestdamn dimples I ve ever seen.They call me Bull.After Bull returned him to the ground, Josh wiped his face withhis hand. Hi, Bull.Nice to meet you. Hey, Donkey, Ed said. Show Josh your little trick.Donkey whipped out the biggest dick Josh had ever seen, leanedover, and put the head in his mouth. Damn. Josh was impressed. Grab hold of it for him, Bull said. Stroke it a couple of timesand it ll get hard enough to where he can take more than just the headin his mouth. Uh.That s okay.I believe you.Ed reached over, grasped the giant cock at the base and proceededto move his hand slowly up and down.Sure enough, the cock started tothicken and grow longer.Donkey continued sucking himself.The guy in the security T-shirt, an even bigger man than Bull,walked over. Donkey, I ve told you to keep that thing in your pants.IfI see it again tonight, I m going to throw you out.If the undercovervice cops in here every weekend see you, they ll shut us down.Donkey stuffed the partially engorged dick back into his pants. Sorry, Mike.I was just showing Ed s guest my parlor trick.Josh felt his cheeks turn hot.Mike looked at him. If you want tosee Donkey perform, take him home with you.This is a bar, not somekind of carnival freak show. Yes, sir.I m sorry.I had no idea& , Josh stammered.As Mike walked away, Ed gave him the finger. Prick.We werejust having a little fun.Mike kept walking but yelled back,  I saw that, Pierson.In yourdreams. Pay no attention to him, Ed said. It s his job to keep the rest ofus from having any fun. UNTIL THANKSGIVING 133Josh took a drink from his beer and looked around the room.Notable to believe his eyes, he poked Ed in the ribs. Is that who I think itis? Where?Josh pointed. Over by that door.Ed looked where Josh had pointed and whistled. Yep.Sure is.Adam in full leather drag.Damn, he looks hot.Adam wore a black leather baseball cap, leather shorts thatshowed off his muscular thighs, a chain-link harness that barelycontained his massive chest, and heavy, metal-toed boots.Leathergauntlets covered each arm from wrist to elbow.Both nipples sportedthick rings.The way his muscles were pumped up, Josh thought hemust have worked out for hours before hitting the Eagle.Josh and everyone else in the place watched as Adam paradedacross the room.He was an impressive and intimidating sight [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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