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. Now I like that idea.NO LUCK THERE HES FAST LOST HIM LATER What did you see?HE KILLED A GUY IN THE PARK VAGRANT Shit.YEAH WE HAV TO GET HIM You think Talon s great-grandfather can help with that?GUY KNOWS A LOT KNOWS VAMPIRES What about my Uncle Kurt?WAS THERE BAD NEWS TWO OTHERSBen frowned. Two other vampires?MAN AND WOMAN I haven t seen any others, Talon said. Not that I recognized,anyway.Are you sure?PASSED THE VAGRANT AROUND BFOR HE DIED Merde. Talon slammed his hand on the bar. So now there sa pack or a mob or whatever you call a bunch of vampires.THEY WERE FAST EAT KILL SPLIT UP So there could be more.DONT KNOW Or they may be able to make more, Ben said slowly. Maybethe other two are new.Obviously, if Saul and Kurt were humanjust a year ago, then it can be done.Talon sighed. So, what were you guys doing here originally,before I made you the targets for a bunch of vampires? God, Ican t believe I said that. Travelling, Ben said, and then more honestly,  Running GHOSTS AND FLAMES 51away.I had a girlfriend, and she had a vicious ex who tried to killher.By the time we were done, her ex was dead and I spent timedealing with the fallout.And then Miranda wanted her happy-ever-after.And I just couldn t give her that.AND HE WAS RUNNING AWAY FRM ME Not really.Well, sort of. He remembered he deliberatelyhadn t brought the Scrabble tiles. Yeah, I was.But partly just tosee if I could.YR STUCK WITH ME I TRIED TO LET U GO THENEXT I KNEW THERE I WAS WITH U AGAIN Really?YEAH NO CONTROL I don t know if that s flattering or scary.ME ETHERTalon cocked his head. How long has Grant been a ghost? Almost a year.He was killed overseas. Ben was surprised.For the first time, thinking about that hurt but it didn t threatento overwhelm him. And he still ended up here with you? How?DONT KNOW I WAS DYING AND I HEARD BENCALLING ME AND THEN HERE I WAS Wow.That s what I call a good friend. It s fucked, Ben said. I mean, yeah, he s saved my life.But Iwouldn t have done that to him.I wouldn t have pulled him awayfrom wherever he s supposed to be just to hang around me likesome sort of bodyguard slave.HUSH NOT SO BAD BETTER THAN U DEAD I don t know.I DO ANYWAY MAYBE MY REAL JOB WAS TO GET YRHEAD OUT OF YR ASS AND SOMETHNG ELSE IN THREMY JOB IS ALMOST DONEBen bit his lip, between amusement and sudden panic at the 52 Kaje Harperthought of losing Grant.He wanted the man to move on, to gointo the light or whatever his spirit was supposed to do, but God,Ben would be lonely.Grant s ghost had saved more than just Ben slife this past year. Bastard.DONT SAY THAT TO MY MOTHRBen choked. She hates me.She sent me an announcementabout your death and the funeral by slow parcel post.So I wouldn tbe there.SHES A BITCH BUT SHES NOT STUPIDTalon was looking sad. Were you two& Was Grant gay too?Did I mess up something?NO I LIKE GRRLS BUT BEN WAS A BIT OBVIOUSWHEN WE WERE KIDS I was? Ben knew he was blushing again.I DIDNT MIND HARDR FOR UTalon reached for Ben s hand and kissed his wrist. Okay.Then I won t feel like I m poaching from a dead guy.So, Ben, wehave like two hours before noon.Want to find a way to occupythe time? Christ. His body sprang to full attention, just like that.GO FOR IT IM GONNA LOOK AROUND OUTSIDEAGAIN I don t know. Sex had always been something Ben couldtake or leave.He wasn t sure he liked this feeling, like he woulddrop to his knees in front of the whole world if Talon just gavehim the word. Come on. Talon lifted his hand again, and this time hesucked the tip of one of Ben s fingers into his mouth. You knowyou want to.Your skill set isn t complete yet.You made me anoffer.Ben glanced at the letters, sitting flat and motionless on thebar.No way to tell where Grant was.Could be outside, couldbe watching and snickering at his patheticness, could be upstairs GHOSTS AND FLAMES 53playing voyeur.No, not that, that wasn t Grant s style.Ben let Talonpull him off his barstool and up the stairs.An hour later, he was sweaty, happy, and totally in awe of allthe women who had ever managed to deep-throat him.And ofTalon, whose oral skills belonged in some kind of hall of fame.Ben had tried, and Talon had patiently given him directions andencouragement.But it was going to take a shitload of practicebefore he could give back in full measure what Talon did to him.Not that he d thought he did badly.He d heard it said therewas no such thing as a bad blowjob.And his amateur efforts hadbrought Talon to a noisy, ecstatic and thoroughly messy climax.But he figured he had some work to do.Maybe time to go backand look at some of that porn from the other side, thinking aboutwhat it would be like to be the guy on the bottom rather than theguy on the top.Talon kissed his eyebrow. Thinking too much, cher.I venever met a guy that thinks about sex the way you do. It s just that it s new.And I want to do it right. There is no wrong way to have sex.Just fun and even morefun. He rolled out of bed and smacked Ben s bare flank. Comeon.Time to clean up and get dressed and go see what Great-Grandfather has to say.By noon, they were both seated at the bar, pretending not tobe watching all sides of the room at once.They knew Grant wasthere, because he was apparently challenging himself to see howmany swearwords he could make out of the set of letter tiles theyhad given him.The clock over the bar ticked past noon.There wasno change, no icy draft.But eventually the paper letters stoppedtrying to make three repeats of MOTHERFUCKER with onetoo few R s and quieted.Ben stared at the mirror but saw nothing.He sighed and set himself to expanding the letter set some more.It at least kept his hands busy.As he watched, the scraps ofpaper began moving idly as if stirred by an invisible finger.Thensuddenly their motion became purposeful. 54 Kaje HarperSORRY SIRBen leaned forward eagerly. He s here.HE SAYS I HAVE A FOUL MOUTH He s right, but I don t see where it matters.Talon said,  Great-Grandfather, can you hear me?HE SAYS ADDRESS HIM AS MR VIKTOR Um, sure.Mr.Viktor.He is my great-great-grandfather,though?TWO MORE GREATS YES Mr.Viktor.Can you help us? Can you tell us how to get ridof Saul and Uncle Kurt and the other vampires? Or how to helpyou?ME Well, yeah, I mean, you ve been stuck in this bar for twohundred years.Isn t there somewhere else you d rather be?IF I MOVE ON I FEAR IT WILL NOT BE TO HEAVEN Really? I mean, you ve been doing good deeds for like twohundred years now.Doesn t that count for anything? Or did yousell your soul to the devil?NO IT WAS A SPELL I PERFORMED BUT I AM AWITCH AND WILL BURN IN HELL I don t believe it, Talon said stoutly. I don t think Godwould do that [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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