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.Alf peered down the trail and then turned back to Jon. How do you know Klei is following us? I don t see him.Can I tell him?Yes.He is Alf the one you rescued from the Brotherhood.I recognized his red hair.He s the only New Man I ever saw with red hair.Are there others like him? It s a strange thing,the color of his hair.Do you consider it beautiful or ugly?He s the only one of us who has such hair, Jon replied.Whether it s beautiful or uglyyou ll have to decide for yourself.And so Jon explained to Alf what he d explained earlier to Zoë that he had a way ofcommunicating with the Rand and that there was one nearby a friend named Saash, who d toldhim about Klei. Where is he? Alf asked, looking around in all directions. I d like to see him.And Saash appeared from behind a rock, as if by magic. Here, put your hand on my chest, Alf, Jon told him. That way you ll be able to hearSaash speak.He ll sound like me, because his words will come through me in some way Idon t understand how it works but it ll be his words and not mine.Alf laid his hand solemnly on Jon s chest, and Saash greeted him with equal solemnity.  This is incredible, Alf said. I ve never experienced anything like this.Was he one ofthe Rand who helped you up the hill?No, but I ve talked to those of my kin who came to Jon s aid that night.They d beenwatching the men on the road and they saw a group of Foresters watching along with them, andthen a woman come from the camp, helping a man who was very weak.And to their surprisethey could hear some of the thoughts of the man not clearly but it seemed to them that he wascalling for help.That was why they followed you.I learned this yesterday when I went back intothe valley to our north. Ask him if he saw the Chosen.I can hear you, Alf.Yes, I saw the Chosen.They re camped along both sides of the road,but it s easy to escape their eyes in the forest.I think they re afraid of going where there are somany trees.And then Alf asked a question it had never occurred to Jon to ask. I just called you a Rand but what is the name you use for yourself?We call ourselves the People. The People.Then that s what I ll call you, too.Thank you.I would like that.But let us be quiet.I hear your friend below us.Jon and Alf stopped speaking, although Jon wondered why Saash had asked them to bequiet.Did he think Klei didn t want them to know he was following them?Moments passed before they heard the sound of Klei s footsteps on the rocks below.Saash s hearing was evidently more acute than theirs. Klei, Jon called out when he saw his face appear around a bend below them.Klei looked startled, but managed an awkward smile.Jon knew at once that he hadn texpected to see them. I m glad you ve come, he told him. I looked for you last night to say goodbye.Idon t mean to sound dramatic but what Alf and I have to do will be dangerous.One or both ofus may not come back.It was only then that Klei, who d had his eyes on Jon the whole time, noticed Saash. Who s that man? he asked, almost in a whisper. He s my friend Saash.He s one of the People the ones who helped you get me up thehillside last year only he wasn t there then. Klei didn t appear to be listening to him.He walked slowly up to Saash; then he reachedout and took his hand. My name is Klei, he told him. He doesn t speak, Alf told him. But go and put your hand on Jon on his chest, underhis shirt.Then you can hear Saash.With a bewildered look, Klei did as he was told, hesitating just an instant before layinghis hand on Jon s bare skin.I am honored to meet you, Klei, Saash told him.Jon felt strangely foolish.He moved away, breaking Klei s link with the Rand.Why wasKlei here? Like them, Klei wasn t wearing the garb of the Foresters and was dressed instead inthe gray clothing allotted boys in the Valley of Women.He must have decided to join theirmission, and now Jon would have to persuade him to return to Bent Lake. Walk with us a while, Jon said to Klei, moving away from Alf and Saash, who watchedthem go without following them. We have a long way to go today, but we can talk together.You ll like the view from the top of the mountain and then we can say goodbye and you canreturn to the valley. I m not going back to the valley, Jon. What do you mean? I m not going back to the valley. But you can t come with us.We need to be as inconspicuous as possible; another personwill simply add to the risk.I know you offered to come with Alf.It was wrong of the Emperor toignore you.He doesn t know you the way I do. Did I say I was coming with you? Klei asked. Then where are you going? Somewhere away from this place. No, Klei, tell me where are you going? I don t know but it doesn t matter.And most of all it shouldn t matter to you.You vebeen avoiding me since the day we left West House. Avoiding you? You were the one who was avoiding me? Sometimes you are really stupid, Jon.A lot stupider than I once believed possible.  Why are you talking this way? Jon asked. If you re leaving Bent Lake, you must begoing somewhere. Somewhere [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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