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.26.27.4;}}interfaces {ge-0/0/1 {unit 0 {family inet {address;}}}me0 {unit 0 {family inet {address;}}}lo0 {unit 0 {family inet {address 192.26.110 { Appendix 79preferred;}address 127.1/32;}}}}snmp {description "Juniper EX4200";location "London Corporate Office";contact "For help, please email support@enterprise.com";view ping-mib-view {oid include;oid jnxPingMIB include;}community ping-mib {view ping-mib-view;authorization read-write;}community managers;rmon;health-monitor {interval 900;rising-threshold 70;falling-threshold 60;}} 80 Day One: Configuring JUNOS BasicsCommand Reference(Summary of commands from Day One: Using the JUNOS CLI.)Configuration Mode Commands Operational Mode Commandsactivate Activate a portion of the configuration.clear Remove system information.annotate Leave comments about a configurationconfigure Enter configuration mode.statement.configure exclusive Get an exclusive lock on thecommit Commit candidate set of changes.candidate so others can t edit it.commit at Commit candidate at a set time.configure private Give the user their own copy of thecandidate configuration.commit check Validate the candidate configurationwithout activating any changes.exit Exit operational mode.commit confirmed Automates rollback if the user doesfile copy Create and archive files.not follow the command with a confirmation.file list Lists files and directories on the device.compare Display the differences between the twofile show View the file contents.configurations.help Get onboard help.copy Copy a statement.monitor Show real-time debugging info.deactivate Mark portions of the configuration asinactive.ping Send a message to another host to verifyconnectivity.delete Remove a configuration statement(s) oridentifier.pipe Take output from one command and use it asinput to another command or redirect the output to aedit Move to the designated hierarchy level.file.exit Exit this level of the configuration hierarchy.Atrequest Install new software versions, reboot, shutthe top level, exit configuration mode.down.exit configuration-mode Exit configuration mode.restart Restart individual operating system daemons.help Get onboard help.set Establish system properties.pipe Take output from one command and use it asshow Show system information.input to another command or redirect the output to afile.ssh Start secure shell on another host.rename Assign a new name to a configuration orstart shell Log in to the C shell interface.identifier.telnet Opens a terminal connection to another devicerollback Restore the candidate file to a previousor host on the network.committed configuration.traceroute Record and display every IP packet hoprun Run an operational mode command.from one location to another.set Create a statement hierarchy and set identifiervalues.show Display the candidate configuration.top Move to the first hierarchy level.up Move up one level in the hierarchy. Appendix 81Command Reference(Summary of commands from this Day One booklet.)Configuration Mode Commandscommit Commit candidate set of changes.save Save configuration to ASCII file.commit synchronize Commit candidate set of changes set Create a statement hierarchy and set identifierto both routing engines of a single device.values.commit comment Add a comment that describes the set apply-groups Apply a configuration group to acommitted configuration.specific hierarchy level in a configuration.commit confirmed Automates rollback if the user does set groups Create a configuration group.not follow the command with a confirmation.set interfaces Interfaces on this device.commit and-quit Save software configuration changes,set snmp SNMP configurations on this deviceactivate the configuration, and exit configurationmode.set system Create a statement hierarchy and setidentifier values in the system branch of thecompare Display the differences between the twoconfiguration.configurations.> authentication-order Order in which authenticationcopy Copy a statement.methods are invoked.edit Move to the designated hierarchy level.exit Exit this level of the configuration hierarchy.Atthe top level, exit configuration mode.help Get onboard help.insert Insert a new ordered data element Operational Mode Commandsload merge Combine the current configuration and theclear Remove system information.loaded configuration.configure Enter configuration mode.load override Replace the current configuration withconfigure exclusive Get an exclusive lock on thethe loaded configuration.candidate so others can t edit it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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