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.Would someone please answer that?Then I realized that the buzzing was my cell phone and it wasn’t going to stop.I slid the green arrow thing.“Huh?”“Trixie! Thank goodness!”“What’s wrong, Antoinette Chloe?” She must have had me on speed dial.“Chad Dodson is in town! He’s riding around in that classic red Thunderbird of his.I saw him pull up to the Crossroads and go in.”“Hmm.he’s probably in town for Nick’s calling hours.Maybe we could talk to him tonight and find out what the bad blood was between him and Nick.”“Should I tell Ty that I saw him?”“You should.Yes.”“But, Trixie, I’m just so tired.It was a long day with Ty, and although he’s positively a piece of eye candy and I just adore the way he speaks—you know, like a Houston cowboy—I am simply tired of thinking.I think I’ll just point Chad out to Ty tonight.”“That’ll probably be okay.” I yawned.“Antoinette Chloe, what time is it?”“Five o’clock.”“No way!” Where had the time gone? I had a million things to do.Plus I had to get ready for the calling hours.“I’ll see you in a bit.Are you coming back here?”“Yes.I have to get ready for tonight.”“Just what I was thinking.See you in a while.”I jumped in the shower.Every now and then, I scored on the perfect water temperature.Today was that day, and I didn’t want to get out.Finally I forced myself to turn off the water, and I blow-dried my hair with lots of product in it so I could have some version of a hairdo for a while, until it drooped.I slipped on my only black dress, bought purposely for wakes and funerals.Then I went down to the kitchen to get something to eat and to let Blondie out.After emptying the dishwasher, I put everything away, made a tuna-fish sandwich on rye, poured myself an iced tea, and went out to the porch.The fishermen were gathered around the cleaning stations and filleting their catches.Large white coolers were scattered around the lawn, and the gulls were squawking overhead.It looked like they had had a successful catch.A group of men were eating at the picnic table next to Cottage Two.A family was playing badminton.Cottage Nine’s residents were grilling something and it smelled divine, like burgers or steak.A couple was going out in a canoe.I loved the fact that my cottages were full and that people were enjoying themselves.Looking to the right, I saw Ty walking my way.He looked like he had on a pair of black khakis and a black blazer.As he got closer, I noticed that his hat was black, his shirt was white, his alligator boots were polished, and he didn’t wear a tie.He looked marvelous, actually, not that I was looking or anything.“Howdy, Trixie.” He tipped his black cowboy hat.“You’re looking mighty fine.”“Thanks.” His compliment made me feel warm and fuzzy inside, and it’d been a long time since I’d felt warm and fuzzy.“Have a seat, Ty.”He sat down in his usual chair.“I thought I’d find you sitting here, enjoying the nice day.”“It’s a beautiful one for fall, isn’t it? It’s really warm.Would you like a tuna-fish sandwich or something to drink?”“I’m good.I had an open steak at the Silver Bullet.Dee-licious.”“Was it crowded?”“Packed.”“Good.Ty ate most of his meals there.I really should give him a meal plan or a flat fee for the month.“Ty, why don’t you figure out how much you spend per month on meals at the Silver Bullet? Then I’ll work out a flat fee for you.”“That’s not necessary.”“Just do it,” I said.“Yes, ma’am.”“How did your day go with ACB?”He groaned.“I think ACB has ADD.Attention deficit disorder.It’s very hard to get her to focus.”“She has a lot on her mind, Ty, and she was probably nervous.”“She spews whatever’s on her mind—that’s for sure—and it’s hard to corral her when she’s loose like that.”I laughed.“I think she’s upstairs, getting ready.”“She’s right here.Sorry I’m late.I was looking for my motorcycle earring and I couldn’t find it,” Antoinette Chloe said.“And I do have a slight case of.oh, look, a bunny!” She pointed at the lawn and laughed.Nothing was there.Ty got a kick out of that and he laughed loudly, but his laughter was drowned out by the roar of engines.Motorcycle engines.A lot of them.We went to the side porch to look.A procession of motorcycles, two by two, roared down Route 3 and turned into the parking lot of the diner.There had to be thirty of them.The noise was deafening, and I couldn’t hear myself think.The two at the head of the line took off their helmets and looked up at us on the porch.“That’s Toxic Waste, Trixie,” Antoinette Chloe whispered in my ear.“The other guy is Mad Dog Morgan.”Toxic Waste shouted over the noise of the engines.“Antoinette Chloe, we’re all sad to hear that Nick took his final ride.”“Thanks, Mr.Waste.”“Please accept our final tribute to him.We’ll go into your parking lot so we don’t tear up the lawn.”“I’d appreciate that,” I said, thinking that Toxic Waste looked a little like Billy Joel in his younger days.Because Toxic was considerate of my lawn, I was prone to like him.But my internal juror was still pondering whether he was a murderer.They revved up their engines and headed for the parking lot, where they did a series of maneuvers that would have earned them a spot at some type of marching-band competition.From corners they zigzagged, did a promenade from a circle, and zoomed in and out of from between one other.When they were done, we clapped, and Toxic and Mad Dog returned to where we were standing.“That was amazing!” ACB said, clapping.“Thank you.We practiced a long time so we wouldn’t crash into one other.” He grinned.“Antoinette Chloe, we’d love to provide you with an escort to Manning’s Happy Repose.”Any suspicions she had about him were soon forgotten as ACB just about vaulted over the railing.“I’d need my sidecar, though.”ACB’s mode of travel was to attach her sidecar to the side of Nick’s motorcycle like a barnacle.“Um.no sidecar.You’ll be in your automobile, and the Rubbers will escort you to Manning’s.”“Sweet!” ACB said.“Can you give us five minutes, guys? I have to get a couple of things,” I said.“Of course,” said Mad Dog.He reminded me of James Earl Jones, only taller and bigger.I turned to Ty.“You’re coming with us, too.Right?”“I wouldn’t miss being escorted by the Rubbers,” he said.“Go ahead and get ready to go, Trixie.I’ll tell these gentlemen the appropriate route to take.We wouldn’t want the homes of Sandy Harbor vibrating right off their foundations, would we?”Toxic laughed.As I walked away, I heard Ty introduce himself as one of three deputies in Sandy Harbor.I was hoping that Ty wouldn’t start interrogating Toxic right then and there.However, there would be only a brief period of time when Toxic and now Chad Dodson would be in town [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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